Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1204 Sorry Yanyan 2

Chapter 1204 Sorry Yanyan 2

She stayed there for a long time, just like this Chu Yan watched Chu Ci leave, after watching for a while, she lowered her eyes.

Very lightly, very lightly smiled.

Right or wrong, or even saying I'm sorry won't change anything!

Between her Chu and Ci, it is not suitable to be friends, nor is it suitable to be brothers and sisters.Only suitable for strangers.

Chu Yan was alone, and sat quietly for a while before taking her own things and leaving.

From the beginning to the end, neither she nor Chu Ci found a dignified woman sitting in the corner, looking like 26 Qi.

Sitting quietly, she accidentally saw the man she was going to marry... Begging other girls, begging her to look at him again, begging her to accept her gift.

Zhao Moran remembered that she asked Chu Ci's secretary if he had time to try on the wedding dress today, and he said he had no time, but he had time to pester others here early in the morning. bloodshot, but he looked at Chu Yan persistently and heartbroken.

A man who breaks hearts for others, Zhao Moran knows that he can't give her happiness, and she also wants to reject this marriage stubbornly, but her situation makes it impossible for her to refuse.

The reason why she married Chu Ci in a flash was also because of an accident in her parents' company, and she lost three to four hundred million. Such a big hole that no one could fill. At this time, Chu Ci approached his father and said that he wanted to marry her.

At that time, she knew that he had someone else in his heart. Almost everyone in Beicheng knew about him and Chu Yan. She thought he wanted to marry her to appease his mother. Another reason is for Chu Yan.

It has been several years, but Chu Ci still has her in his heart, or it is impossible for him to let go of her in his whole life.In the future, no matter who marries him, he will not get real affection.

But in the same way, anyone can reject this unhappy future, but she, Zhao Moran, cannot.

She sat down, took out her mobile phone and dialed Chu Ci's number.

After ringing for half a minute, the other side finally picked up, the voice was tired and hoarse: "What's the matter?"

Zhao Moran lowered her eyes: "Chu Ci, do you have time? I still want you to accompany me."

Chu Ci paused for a moment: "There is an important meeting in the morning."

He added: "Buy whatever you like, and I will ask Secretary Yin to pay the bill."

She pursed her lower lip, "But we got married, half a month before the wedding."

"I know." He was unmoved at all, "Hey, I have something to do."

After speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

Chu Ci didn't think about what Bai Xun said at all. If he made up his mind to marry Zhao Moran, he would definitely get married. It's not that he has any feelings for her, but it's the best choice. I have to say that Bai Xun looks very good. Transparent.

But at the same time, Bai Xun knew that Yan Yan was not that kind of person.

Chu Ci was thinking while driving, feeling really bored in his heart, he patted the horn of the car with his hand, and then the car rang suddenly, he was startled, but at this moment, a car in front of him was rushing In front of his car, Chu Ci ran into him before he had time to brake...

There was a loud bang and he fell into a coma.


When he woke up, he was in the hospital, and before he opened his eyes, he smelled the smell of disinfectant. Chu Ci lay quietly for a while, and heard his mother calling him softly: "Chu Ci, are you awake?" '

At this time, he had to wake up even if he didn't want to. He opened his eyes and said hoarsely, "Mom."

In the ward, there were not only the Chu family couple, but also Zhao Moran. Chu Ci guessed that his mother had called her, so he looked at Zhao Moran and said softly, "Aren't you trying on the wedding dress? Why are you here?" gone?"

Before Zhao Moran could speak, Mrs. Chu said: "You hit like this, how could Moran have the heart to try on the wedding dress?" '

Chu Ci looked at Zhao Moran, she smiled lightly, but didn't make a sound.

He could see that she didn't have any feelings for him either, they were just asking for each other.But he also knows that his attitude determines how she will live in the Chu family in the future. Although he doesn't love her, he still intends to spend the rest of his life with her, so he is gentle to her in front of his parents: "I'm thirsty. , get me a glass of water."

Zhao Moran hummed and went to pour water for him.

When she was pouring water, she heard Mrs. Chu saying: "Would you like to ask Yanyan to come over and take a look? I'll call her. She knows you're hurt and must be worried."

Sitting there, Chu Ci smiled softly after a while, "Why did you ask her to come here?"

Mrs. Chu's voice was quite soft: "I saw the house you transferred to her."

"She didn't accept it." Chu Ci said flatly, "She is going to marry Bai Xun, so I'm just giving you a wedding present."Always siblings. '

He spoke very lightly, but in fact he couldn't tell what his mother was thinking, she was the one who opposed him, and now she was the one who was thinking about his reunion with Chu Yan, even now Zhao Moran is in the ward , she didn't hesitate.

At this moment, Chu Ci felt a little sympathetic to Zhao Moran.

When he said this, Mrs. Chu smiled dryly: "That's right, you loved her the most in the past, and it's only right for you to give her a house when she gets married."

At this moment, Chu Changhe spoke in a slightly lower voice: "Yanyan will not be under our control in the future. She has a husband's family, so don't bring her and Chu Ci together, otherwise she will be difficult to do in the Bai family. The Bai family After all, it is also a scholarly family. Besides, Mo Ran will be Chu Ci's wife in the future, so you should take it easy and stop thinking about his reconciliation with Yan Yan, otherwise what will this family be like?"

Mrs. Chu was not happy when she was reprimanded, but she didn't dare to say anything at this time.

Here, Zhao Moran poured the water and handed it to Chu Ci.

Chu Ci sat up, but didn't take the water, so she could only sit on the edge of the bed leaning against him, bringing the water to his lips.

Chu Ci glanced at her, but she didn't dare to look into his eyes, so she lowered her eyes, her long eyelashes trembling slightly.

Chu Ci suddenly said, "Did you see me today?"

She froze for a moment, then instinctively denied: "No, really not."

Chu Ci smiled lightly: "Really?"

He curled his lips slightly, and held her hand in one hand to drink half a glass of water.

His fingers were warm and covered the back of her hand. This was the first time they touched.

Zhao Moran's body trembled slightly.

For a moment, he said: 'All right. '

He looked up at his parents again: "Okay, it's not a big deal, you go back first, as long as there is Mo Ran here to take care of me."

Mrs. Chu hesitated to speak, but Chu Changhe said, "That's right, let the young couple get along well."

After speaking, he forcibly took his wife and left.

When the person left, the nurse came and pulled out the needle, and the ward was emptied all of a sudden. Chu Ci stared at Zhao Moran, and said softly, "You saw me talking to Chu Yan?"

Zhao Moran wanted to deny it, but after looking into his eyes, he couldn't deny it, he guessed it.

She had no choice but to nod: 'Yes, I saw it. '

Chu Ci smiled very lightly, "It's pretty good, it's good to see it. It will save me the trouble of explaining in the future."

Zhao Moran knew what he wanted to say, and she only thought he was an asshole in her heart, but she said lightly on her face: "I understand my identity, I will not ask about your affairs, and I will not have any thoughts about Chu Yan .”

Chu Ci stared at her with extremely sharp eyes.

After a while, he suddenly reached out to hold her hand and pulled her closer to him.

She was startled, and said instinctively, "This is a hospital."

Probably feeling that she refused too abruptly, she quickly said, "You're still sick."

Chu Ci laughed lightly: "What do you think I'm going to do, I'm not so impulsive yet."

After finishing speaking, he let her lean on his shoulder, and then he leaned close to her face.

If possible, Zhao Moran would really like to push him away at this time, she thinks he is extremely hateful, obviously he just showed her his feelings for another woman, but the next second he told her in a humiliating manner, he You can do anything to her.

Zhao Moran closed his eyes slightly, and said in a very soft voice, "We...have only met a few times."

"I know, so I won't do too much." His voice was hoarse, and he kissed her immediately.

Very strong, not allowing her to refuse.

She didn't refuse, but her hand was on his shoulder, and her whole body was full of resistance.

After about 5 minutes, Chu Ci finally let go of her, with a slight smile in his voice: "Have you ever been kissed?"

She didn't make a sound, just leaned on his shoulder to calm herself.

There was a faint smell of medicine on him, which smelled good mixed with tobacco, but she knew better that he didn't change his clothes all night because of another girl.

She will bear this kind of humiliation in the future.

However, she is also smart, she doesn't provoke him, she just obeys blindly.

When Chu Cixing came, she was quite submissive, so he didn't make things difficult for her any more, and soon let her go.

When Zhao Moran stood up, his legs were shaking.She whispered, "I'll go to the restaurant to prepare meals."

"No need, just let Secretary Yin do these things." He looked at her: "Just stay with me." '

Actually, where did he want her to accompany him, he was just in a bad mood, bad, or uncomfortable, and it was just uncomfortable to be alone with him.

When Chu Ci said this, she didn't dare to do anything, so she had to stay with him.

Half an hour later, Secretary Yin came over and brought them lunch, in addition to this there was a thick stack of documents.

Zhao Moran said softly: "The doctor said that you have a slight concussion, it's best not to use your brain."

But Chu Ci said calmly while looking at the document: "Bai Xun is leaving the company. The company is in great turmoil. I'm not busy right now, but I'll be busy later."

It doesn't matter if Bai Xun leaves, but his departure will bring about turmoil in the stock market, and Chu Ci has to guard against it.up

Zhao Moran doesn't quite understand this, but she knows that Bai Xun is Chu Yan's boyfriend and also a distant relative of the Chu family, she finds it inconceivable, why is she with a relative of the Chu family again after going around?

That Chu Ci watched from time to time, probably felt even more uncomfortable.

Thinking about it this way, she felt much more comfortable.

She was tired, Chu Ci was more tired than her, right?

Chu Ci didn't raise his eyes, but suddenly said: "You seem to be very happy?" '

As he spoke, he raised his eyes and looked at her steadily, and said softly: "What makes you so happy?" '

She naturally denied it, but he obviously didn't believe it, and then sneered: "Maybe you are very happy that my relationship failed?"

Zhao Moran shook his head: "No."

She's an idiot to admit it.

Chu Ci looked at her lightly, and her voice became even weaker: "It's best to put away these small thoughts, you will be my wife from now on, just be a good wife and mother, you don't need to sympathize or worry about my affairs, There is no need to be secretly happy."

Zhao Moran didn't make a sound, and played the role of a wife as he wished.

Chu Ci was stunned for a while.Feel tasteless.

A wife with such a character was chosen by himself, but at this moment he felt... boring.

Is he still hoping too much?

Just when he thought it was boring, the nurse came over and said that there was a document for Zhao Moran to get it.

Zhao Moran nodded: "I'll go get it."

Secretary Yin got up: "How about I go."

"No, he...maybe he needs you to do some things." Zhao Moran was very clear about her identity, when Chu Ci didn't speak, she was doing the errands.

Secretary Yin looked at her, and then at her boss. She always felt that her boss was deliberately embarrassing others, and she didn't know where Miss Zhao had offended her——

In fact, it's nothing more than a man's most embarrassing side being seen by his future wife. This kind of emotion is nothing more than that.

After Zhao Moran left, Secretary Yin couldn't help but said, "Boss, you don't like Miss Zhao?"

"No, it's pretty good." Chu Ci said in a low voice, "He looks pretty good and has a docile personality, which satisfies me more than 90.00% of women."

When Secretary Yin heard this, she felt that Ms. Zhao's life would not be easy in the future. Fortunately, the boss's place was cold and violent at most, and Mrs. Chu's trial was even more difficult.

Probably knowing what she was thinking, Chu Ci's voice became even weaker: "Don't worry, I will move out, so I won't let her suffer such grievances."

Secretary Yin's voice was soft: "Then why did you make Chu Yan feel so wronged before?" '

Chu Ci raised his eyes and stared at her.

Secretary Yin was too scared to say anything...

Outside, Zhao Moran came back with the film, and when she reached out to knock on the door of the ward, her hand was caught by another hand.

"Moran." An exasperated voice sounded.

Zhao Moran raised his eyes and saw a handsome and angry face.

She murmured: "Why are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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