Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1206 Trying on a Wedding Dress, Meeting Chu Yan2800 words

Chapter 1206 Trying on a Wedding Dress, Meeting Chu Yan2800 words

Chu Ci was only wearing a bathrobe, watching her quietly.

She hastily pulled up the quilt to cover herself, with a look of embarrassment on her face.

She knew very well why he came out of nowhere, he just wanted to make sure that the wife he bought for three hundred million was clean.

Looking at the expression on her face, Chu Ci guessed what she was thinking now, sat down on the side of the bed with a chuckle, reached out and touched her face lightly as if enjoying it, "Can I go?"

He is satisfied, a wife who has been in love for three years is still pure and pure.

He likes her purity, it should be said that all men would like it.

And when he touched her like this, Zhao Moran subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but how could she avoid it, he grabbed her effortlessly and held her in his arms...

The faces were very close, and she deliberately avoided them, but how could she avoid them?

Chu Ci's voice was low: "Go try on the wedding dress tomorrow?"

She raised her eyes sharply, looking at him.

In his eyes, she read his intentions, so she struggled instinctively: "I think... I still want to try it, we have made an appointment."

Chu Ci held her slender waist, reluctantly let go and said regretfully, "That's fine."

He patted her: "Go take a bath."

Zhao Moran immediately went to the bathroom wrapped in a bed sheet, the door was closed quickly, and when the door was closed, Chu Ci smiled softly, casually took the cigarette case from the bedside table, took out a cigarette and lit it.

The sound of her taking a bath came from the bathroom, and he waited patiently. After about two cigarettes, Chu Ci went to the dressing room to change a set of clothes for going out. He originally wanted to wait for her in the bedroom, but think about it. I went downstairs first.

In his absence, Zhao Moran felt much more at ease. She changed her clothes and put on light makeup and went downstairs.

In the autumn season, she wore a dark blue loose sweater with a floral skirt of the same color. Her long, wavy hair was scattered over her shoulders, which looked very feminine, especially after just now, her whole body was soaked in water. gas.Even though Chu Ci didn't like her much, she couldn't help but look at her a few more times.

Suddenly, he noticed something.

The current Yanyan looks a bit like Zhao Moran... He tightened his eyes, unable to tell if this was the reason why he insisted on choosing her as his wife.

Zhao Moran didn't notice what he was thinking, she looked at him and said softly, "I'm fine."

Chu Ci was originally sitting on the sofa, but at this moment she got up and held her hand and walked towards the parking lot outside.The two went out, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw the servant walking upstairs, and she quickly grabbed him.

Chu Ci understood what she meant, and said calmly: "I asked her to go up and tidy up the sheets, and change them by the way."

After finishing speaking, he smiled: "Are you going to wash it yourself? Or keep it as a souvenir?"

Zhao Moran lowered her eyes and didn't make another sound. Chu Ci held her hand, seeming to be a little fond of her.But she was clear in her heart that this love was just exchanged with her body.

When they got to the car, Chu Ci started the car and said softly, "After trying on the wedding dress, let's have a meal."

She nodded.

When Chu Ci glanced at her, she always felt that she was beautiful, and his body was also his favorite, but she was always a bit wooden.

He laughed at himself, or maybe it was because he didn't love him.

Later, neither of them spoke, because of what happened in the afternoon, the atmosphere was delicate, Zhao Moran was also a little uncomfortable, if she wasn't afraid of him messing around, she would rather rest at home.

She turned her head and looked outside, the sky had already darkened, and the lights on the side of the road were slowly turning on.

She just watched quietly.

"What are you thinking?" Chu Ci suddenly held her hand.

She shook her head quickly: "No."

He said lightly, "You can think about anything, but it's best not to think about people you shouldn't think about." '

He said possessively: "You will be my Chu Ci's wife from now on."

Embarrassed, she lowered her head and said softly, "I understand."

"It's better to understand." After he finished speaking, he let go of her hand.

Zhao Moran looked at him sideways, at the man she was going to marry——

Young, handsome and rich, she really has no reason to be picky about him...

After about half an hour, Chu Ci parked the car in the parking lot of the wedding salon, turned off the engine and turned his head: "Get out of the car."

Zhao Moran got off the car silently, and he got off from the other side. He wanted to smoke a cigarette but gave up after thinking about it, and went in with her.

Because the appointment was made a long time ago, and Chu Ci's status is special, the service staff was very attentive: "Mr. Chu, Ms. Zhao, we have already changed the wedding dress. Let's see if Ms. Zhao's dress suits me this time."

She said to Chu Ci again: "We have prepared the dress for your wedding day, do you want to try it now?"

Chu Ci was noncommittal, got up and went in with the service staff.

When he came out after the trial, Zhao Moran was still not healed, so he sat on the sofa and read magazines for a while.About 10 minutes later, a voice sounded: "Miss Chu, this wedding dress is very suitable for you. You are very beautiful in it, especially your shoulder and neck line is very beautiful."

Chu Ci's heart moved, she put down the magazine in her hand and looked over.

It's Chu Yan.

She was wearing a white off-the-shoulder wedding dress, the apricot color made her skin as tender as milk, her long black hair was pulled up, revealing her tender back...

Chu Ci clenched her fingers suddenly, staring at her fixedly.

He had fantasized about her appearance in a wedding dress countless times, but when it really appeared in front of him, he still couldn't help holding his breath...

Chu Yan knew nothing about his existence, so she turned her head to Gu Anxi and said, "What do you think, Anxi?"

Gu An pretended to walk around her in a suit, then held his chin, "Well, it looks pretty good."

Chu Yan thumped her, and then looked at herself in the mirror: "I think it's pretty good too, so let's book it."

At this time, the waiter on the side smiled and said, "This is specially ordered by Mr. Bai, and it was airlifted from Italy."

Chu Yan wrinkled her little nose, and said to Gu Anxi who was on the side: "Look at it, it's obvious that he wanted to get married, and secretly engaged in a wedding dress, but he said that I was sticking to him." '

At this time, Chu Yan was alive, like the little girl back in the past, but all her freshness was for others, and Chu Ci only felt pain.

He was staring at her almost greedily, and forgot where he was, and he came here with Zhao Moran.

At this moment, the waiter led Zhao Moran over, and smiled at Chu Ci and said, "Mr. Chu, Ms. Zhao, try it out, and see if there is anything you need to modify." '

What she said shocked Chu Yan and Gu Anxi.

Chu Yan looked at Chu Ci unexpectedly, and then her eyes fell on Zhao Moran's beautiful wedding dress.

Chu Yan smiled lightly, as a greeting, and there was nothing else.

It's impossible to say that she doesn't feel a little bit, after all, it was her lifelong ambition to marry Chu Ci when she was in her [-]s, but now it's quite dramatic, she wears a wedding dress for others, and someone else wears it for Chu Ci, just when she before.

Chu Yan's reaction was cold, but Chu Ci stared at her.

Zhao Moran stood there quietly, watching her future husband and ex-girlfriend's sadomasochistic love, she knew in her heart that Chu Ci would not like her... But as a woman wearing a wedding dress, in her husband's eyes But there are only other people, who always feel embarrassed in their hearts, as if this Mrs. Chu's title was stolen by her.

After the waiter spoke, it took Chu Cihao a long time to look away. The waiter also knew that she had caused trouble, and she didn't expect to encounter such a famous scene, so she was a little at a loss.

At this time, Zhao Moran said softly: "Chu Ci, what do you think?"

She broke the calm, but Chu Ci didn't seem happy, but the person came.

He stretched out his hand to support her waist, and said in a particularly hoarse voice, "It's pretty."

Zhao Moran suspected that he hardly saw her clearly, but as a qualified wife, she must give him face outside, she said softly: "Then make sure."

She was very considerate to save her husband's face, leaving a space for him to catch up on the past, and she knew that she should disappear at this time.

So Zhao Moran put on her wedding dress and dangled in front of Chu Ci for less than 10 minutes before leaving. She was smart, but she didn't like Chu Ci, because her thoughtfulness was a kind of ignoring and indifference...but he couldn't be busy with her now, He waited for her to leave and walked towards Chu Yan: "Are you going to get married so soon?"

Chu Yan gave him a smirk, and her posture was not as good as that of a lady just now. She looked in the direction upstairs: "Your wife, don't worry about it?"

Chu Ci stared at her without making a sound.

Chu Yan lowered her head and caressed her skirt, her voice became weaker and weaker: "I have to make it clear, if there is any problem in the relationship between your husband and wife in the future, don't rely on me."

Gu Anxi on the side wanted to laugh.

This was quite a sad thing, how could it be funny when Yan Yan made it up?

She looked like she was watching a play: It seems that Bai Xun is quite cured.

No matter whether Bai Xunzhi is cured or not, Zhao Moran has not cured Chu Ci anyway, he just looks like a bad expression, Chu Yan thinks he owes a lot,

Gu Anxi couldn't help laughing: "Yan Yan is quite right."

Chu Ci stared at her.

Gu Anxi looked at him: "I think Miss Zhao is pretty good, you really shouldn't treat her like this."

Gu Anxi is not a fool, even a blind person can see Chu Ci's indifference to Zhao Moran.

However, she clearly saw some traces on Zhao Moran's body, probably left by Chu Ci...

(End of this chapter)

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