Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1207 What did you and Chu Ci say 4000 words

Chapter 1207 What did you and Chu Ci say 4000 words

Obviously, both Chu Ci and Zhao Moran are like this, and they can still provoke Yan Yan, really... She has some sympathy for that Miss Zhao, she must have seen it, but she pretended not to notice it, and pretended not to care .

Gu Anxi looked at Chu Ci.

Chu Ci said softly, "Of course I won't treat her badly."

Chu Yan tilted her head, and said in a soft voice, "Anxi, let me change the wedding dress."

Gu Anxi nodded: "Alright, I think it's pretty good. But are you really going to get married?"

"We haven't talked about it yet." Chu Yan smiled, then nodded with Chu Ci, and left with her skirt dragging.

Chu Ci also heard clearly that she didn't talk well, it's not that she didn't think well.

His eyes were straightened slightly, and Gu Anxi's cool voice came from next to his ears: "People who are about to get married, why haven't they figured it out yet?"

Chu Ci withdrew her gaze and lowered her eyes: "You don't understand such a feeling."

Gu Anxi glanced at him, then sat down on the sofa, and Chu Ci followed suit.

Gu Anxi said: "I don't understand why. I liked Qin Siyuan very much back then, but you see, I'm fine. People have to hold on to what they have."

After all, she had some friendship with Chu Ci, so she patted his arm and said in a soft voice, "Let it go, Chu Ci."

He stared at her.

She smiled wryly: "She was abroad all these years, and you were in China. At that time, I didn't even blame you for that incident. Do you know why, because I know that you feel worse than her, and I also thought that one day you would be able to wait for her to come back. , but I didn't expect Yanyan to meet another person, even if you don't admit it, I have to say that Bai Xun is very suitable for her."

Chu Ci's expression was a little numb.

Gu Anxi let out a long sigh: "Maybe the truth doesn't sound good, but it's my truth."

Chu Ci said in a hoarse voice: "I won't do anything to her, no matter what, the Bai family and the Chu family are also distant relatives."

"It's not the best, let alone Chu Yan." Gu Anxi sighed softly.

Chu Ci didn't speak any more, he reached out and touched his pocket as if he wanted to smoke, but after touching it, he found that he was wearing a dress, so he got up: "I'm going to change my clothes."

Gu Anxi said coolly: "It's easy to change clothes, but my wife can't."

Chu Ci paused, and then smiled very lightly.

No, so far he is very satisfied with Zhao Moran. Apart from her obedience, he likes her appearance and body. It is not an exaggeration to say that he can't put it down. He also has no plans to change his wife. The main reason is trouble.

Chu Ci went upstairs to change clothes, just in time Zhao Moran went downstairs and changed into her original skirt.

She nodded when she saw Gu Anxi.

Gu Anxi also smiled slightly, and at this moment, Chu Yan also came down.

After the two women looked at each other, the atmosphere was a bit delicate... It was Gu Anxi who said, "Yanyan and I are going to have dinner later, do you and Chu Ci want to go together?"

Zhao Moran was a little surprised, she thought for a while and said softly: "I'll ask Chu Ci later."

Gu Anxi smiled lightly: This Ms. Zhao is actually quite smart, she neither agrees nor disagrees, and leaves it to Chu Ci.

After a while when Chu Ci came out, Zhao Moran said softly, "Miss Gu and Yan Yan asked if we want to have dinner together."

She voluntarily called Chu Yan Yan Yan, which invisibly eliminated the subtlety. Although she didn't call herself sister-in-law, the atmosphere was much better. Chu Ci gave her an extra look, and then looked at Gu Anxi and Chu Yan : "Let's go together."

In the end, I chose a western restaurant as the place to eat. Gu Anxi didn't like food too much, so he fiddled with the steak on the plate in every possible way, and then looked at Chu Yan.

Chu Yan's meal was the one she ate recently, ordered by Chu Ci.

Looking at Zhao Moran again, he obviously doesn't like western food very much, as boring as her.

Gu Anxi rested her chin and looked at Chu Yan.

Chu Yan was very calm, eating her own food quietly, talking to the couple one after another, of course, most of them were Chu Ci talking, Zhao Moran's temperament seemed very quiet, and Very docile.

She thought, Zhao Moran would probably be eaten to death by Chu Ci after marriage!

Thinking of this, his eyes fell on Zhao Moran, and the four eyes met inadvertently, and the atmosphere was delicate.

Later, after finishing the meal, when returning home, Gu Anxi sent Chu Yan back. In the car, she smiled and said to Chu Yan: "Yan Yan, I see that Zhao Moran is giving way to you."

"It's not necessary." Chu Yan leaned on the seat, and said in a soft voice, "From now on, she will be Chu Ci's wife, and her status will not be inferior to anyone."

Gu Anxi was driving the car, smiling: "She was accommodating for Chu Ci's sake, but for survival."

After finishing speaking, she sighed a little.

I don't know what role that girl with a good temperament will play in Chu Ci's life in the future, but she hopes that she can live well, and so does Chu Yan. She seems to have let go now, just as Anxi said, It is right to hold on to what you have now.

Both of them had a tacit understanding and didn't say much. After a while, Gu Anxi changed the subject: "By the way, when will Bai Xun come back?" '

"About ten days later, when Chu Ci gets married, he will come back." Chu Yan wrinkled her nose as she spoke, "He said he would quit the entertainment circle after filming this movie."

Gu Anxi just laughed: "Let's play with Song Duoduo, there is a ten-year age difference, it looks like a CP feeling."

Now she calls Song Jiaren Song Duoduo, every time she calls Song Jiaren she gets very angry, but there is nothing she can do about it.

My brother is not completely against her, he is all kind and muddy, coaxing her that the palms and backs of his hands are full of flesh, her husband Chen Ming is afraid of Gu Anxi, and hides outside whenever he mentions this matter, Song Duoduo has nothing to do with Gu Anxi.

As Gu Anxi said that, Chu Yan laughed: "What dare he do when filming, Chen Ming probably pointed a gun at him directly, which is quite reassuring."

Gu Anxi also thought it was quite funny, but she felt that Bai Xun probably didn't have much interest in others. How could a person like others if he could spend several years planning carefully?

She was driving, and Chu Yan couldn't help but think of Bai Xun by listening to him.

In the past, she didn't have that kind of mood. She felt that he was outside when he was outside, and she was very relieved and rarely missed him, but now she really misses him a little.

Gu Anxi, a master at reading people's hearts, saw her silent for a long time, but chuckled lightly: "I'm thinking about Bai Xun."

"No." Chu Yan naturally denied.

But how could she escape Gu Anxi's eyes, Gu Anxi smiled meaningfully.

After sending Chu Yan to the apartment, she drove home by herself. Chu Yan stood in the hallway and waved to her.

Gu Anxi lowered the car window and smiled: "Go back quickly, it's weird that you don't wear much."

Chu Yan waved her hand again, then turned and entered the elevator.

But as soon as she entered, her body froze.

Chu Ci is in the elevator.

She instinctively wanted to open the elevator, but he stopped her.

His hand was on the back of her hand, and his voice was short and hasty: "Just say a few words."

Chu Yan withdrew her hand, then leaned against the elevator wall, and said softly, "I don't think we have anything to talk about."

She paused and called out: 'Brother. '

Chu Ci's body vibrated, and her face was almost distorted.

Chu Yan was still calm, she blinked, and her voice became softer: "Brother, be nicer to yourself, and be nicer to Zhao Moran, I can see that she is a good woman."

Chu Ci stared at her, and she said again: "It's... a long time ago, I don't want to go back to the past, everyone has the right to pursue happiness, right?"

Chu Ci put his hands on her shoulders, and asked awkwardly: "Aren't you happy with me?"

She shook her head, and kept her head down. It took a while for her to continue: "I don't want to think about that memory, because it hurts to think about it."

She finally raised her head, pleading in her eyes: "Brother, if you let me go, you're also letting yourself go, okay?"

Chu Ci was shocked.

He took a step back.

Because Chu Yan wanted him to let her go, she never said such a thing.

He closed his eyes slightly, and after a while he smiled wryly: "Okay, I'll let you go."

But he didn't know if he could let himself go.

He was about to leave, but she grabbed his sleeve and said quickly, "Be nice to her."

She has tasted that kind of feeling and knows how hard it is to be in the Chu family, so she sincerely hopes that Zhao Moran can live better, otherwise she will feel sorry for that girl.

Chu Ci lowered his head and looked at the little hand that was pulling him. She asked him to let him go but wanted him to treat Zhao Moran better. He thought, she really doesn't love or hate her, she is so generous. It was like a needle pricked his heart.

Chu Ci smiled bitterly, didn't say anything, but gently withdrew her hand.

Entangled for the last time.

He couldn't find nostalgia in her eyes, and he couldn't even see the pain...

He completely let go, and Chu Yan stood alone in the elevator for a long time before recovering. When she regained consciousness, she had reached the floor where she lived, and when she was about to open the door, her phone rang. She saw that it was Bai Xun calling. of.

She answered his phone while opening the door, "The show is over?"

Bai Xun didn't have a straight face: "I'm just socializing, and there are several beautiful girls, hey, they are so enthusiastic."

Chu Yan closed the door, changed her high-heeled shoes, walked to the sofa and sat down: "Then, have you accepted other people's kindness?"

"How dare you! There is a tigress at home." Bai Xun deliberately angered her.

If Chu Yan knew him well, she wouldn't be so angry, "Boring."

"It's quite boring." Bai Xun's voice was quite drawn out: "I'm alone in the hotel now, thinking about it, it's still interesting to be at home, don't you think?"

Chu Yan's face became hot, and she hummed softly, "Shameless."

His voice softened, and he said solemnly all of a sudden: "I miss you a lot."

She groaned, although lightly, but her heart was soft.

Bai Xun was dissatisfied with her reaction, and urged again: "Quickly say that I miss my brother too."

Chu Yan was dissatisfied: "Obviously I am two years older than you."

Bai Xun disagreed: "In my eyes, you are the same as a little kid. Which thing do you think I am not taking care of you at home?"

Chu Yan yelled, "Have I washed the dishes too?"

"Oh, what else do you do besides washing the dishes?" Bai Xun lay on the sofa with long arms and legs, holding a crystal pear in his hand, and asked her while gnawing on it.

Chu Yan couldn't say it, and she became a little angry after a while, "It's not good for me to be alone at home."

Bai Xun chuckled: "But if I'm at home, I can take care of you better. Tell yourself whether you eat more when I'm at home, and it's also... I can also do many things with you, such as shopping , playing video games, exercising, etc..."

Chu Yan felt that it would be embarrassing for him to continue talking, so she quickly stopped: "You just asked this when you called?"

Bai Xun didn't say anything.

Chu Yan suddenly asked: "Did you find someone to follow me?"

"How come!" He coughed softly, "It's protection."

Chu Yan didn't ask any further, but revealed herself: "So, you know that Chu Ci came back with me just now?"

She said coolly, "Hey, if I knew you cared so much, I should have invited him to sit down and see if it would make you sour."

"Don't you dare." Bai Xun gritted his teeth: "Don't think you'll go to heaven just because I treat you well, I can tell you that I'm really jealous. After we agree, you'll be mine."

"I belong to myself." Chu Yan made a face towards the other side.

Bai Xun seemed to feel her emotions, and he didn't say anything for a while... His heart was soft, he finally found part of her, maybe not back to the 20-year-old Qing Cong, but she was obviously happy a lot.

Bai Xun wanted her to be happy, if he didn't have the ability to make her happy, he would rather not be together.

He had a lot of thoughts in his heart, so he didn't speak for a long time, Chu Yan asked him softly: "Why are you silent, are you angry?"

"No." He resumed his previous shamelessness: "Then I will belong to you too. Whatever the master tortures me."

Chu Yan rolled her eyes: "Bai Xun, you are so shameless, do your fans know that?" '

Bai Xun said proudly, "They think I'm an aloof male god."

At this moment, Chu Yan paused for a moment before asking softly, "Can they bear you getting married?"

"I can bear it." Bai Xun gnawed the crystal pears, and then smiled: "I told them to let them live their lives well, and I will get married and have a dozen children in the future."

Chu Yan heard him talking more and more outrageous, and then hung up the phone after saying a few casual words, but Bai Xun didn't let her go, "What did you and Chu Ci say?"

"I won't tell you." Chu Yan was in an unbelievably good mood, and said softly to him, "I'm going to take a shower."

After speaking, she hung up the phone.

Bai Xun over there held the phone, itching in his heart, and he gritted his teeth again.

This little girl is really disgusting.

Chu Yan was in a particularly good mood. She went to the bathroom to take a bath, and when she came out, her whole body was covered in pink steam. She was applying skin care products, and she would be very happy just thinking that Bai Xun was angry.

He's so bad, it's time to let him taste it.

Her side is pink, and the air pressure in Chu Ci's villa is a bit low on the other side.

Zhao Moran was picked up by the driver, she knew that Chu Ci had gone to find Chu Yan, even though he didn't say a word, she knew it.

When she left her fiancée on the street and went after someone else, she had already come to an end to this marriage in her heart.

Let's live together, keep your heart, and life will probably be easier that way.

She lowered her eyes, holding a bottle of contraceptive pills in her hand.

Perhaps, without children, it would be better.

(End of this chapter)

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