Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1208 The painting was bought by Chu Yan 4200 words

Chapter 1208 The painting was bought by Chu Yan 4200 words

When Chu Ci came in, she saw the medicine bottle in her hand.

He opened his tie and approached her slowly, the thick woolen carpet sucked up the sound of his footsteps, Zhao Moran didn't realize his existence for a moment, she didn't realize until he was sitting on the bed next to her.

Turning his head slowly, he looked at him with a little fear on his face.

She is still afraid of him.

Chu Ci's expression was calm, she reached out to take the medicine bottle in her hand, looked at it for a few moments, and then said very calmly: "You don't want to have a baby?"

Zhao Moran lowered her eyes: "No... I'm... We're not married yet."

"It will be over soon. Besides, when the pregnancy is found out, it is within marriage. What are you afraid of?" He said, and suddenly held her chin: "Either she is still thinking about him, or she simply doesn't want to give birth to me. child?"

When he was talking, he looked directly at her, Zhao Moran had nowhere to escape and was forced to look back at him.

Chu Ci threw the medicine bottle into the trash can, and the falling sound seemed to throw a huge stone in her heart.

He got up, threw the tie aside, then unbuttoned his shirt, and said softly, "I'm going to take a shower, you get ready."

Zhao Moran suddenly grabbed his sleeve, and said almost humblely: "No."

He turned his head, bent slightly and patted her face: "Don't say no to me, do you hear me? You are my wife."

After speaking, he walked straight into the bathroom.

Zhao Moran closed her eyes slightly, her fingers gripped the bed sheet tightly.

She couldn't refuse, not because he was about to be her husband, but because he bought her for [-] million.

Chu Ci may still have some respect for her outside, but when he returned to the private place, he didn't want to hide all the bad things. He told her personally how to treat the woman he bought and didn't love, and he seemed to take pleasure in tormenting her ...For her, although life is not like a year, it is indeed difficult.

Early in the morning, when she woke up, Chu Ci was no longer there. After she got up and washed, she went downstairs and asked the servants, "Where is Mr.?"

"Mister has already gone to the company." The servant said congratulatoryly.

Zhao Moran didn't say anything, and sat quietly at the dining table to eat breakfast. The servant knew that they had an argument last night because his wife cried a lot last night. Knowing that my wife looks young and beautiful, and I heard that her family background is also very good, why should I marry my husband.

They took care of them carefully, and Zhao Moran kept a distance from them all the time, and it was quite normal. After all, she didn't have the face to regard herself as the hostess.

After breakfast, she went back upstairs and changed into a suit of clothes. She came down with a bag in her hand, as if she was about to go out, and the servant quickly asked, "Where is Madam going?"

Zhao Moran probably guessed that they wanted to confess to Chu Ci, so he said, "Go to the gallery."

The servant smiled: "Then are you coming back for dinner?"

She shook her head: "No, come back this afternoon."

After she finished speaking, she drove out. Zhao Moran drove a white BMW, which Chu Ci matched for her. Now she has arranged everything from head to toe, and she can't refuse.

About an hour later, she arrived at the gallery. The boss was her senior sister. Zhao Moran didn't work, but she could paint and sell paintings here. She was not famous, so a painting cost only a few thousand yuan.

She got out of the car and walked into the gallery, where the senior was already waiting for her. As soon as she saw her coming, she said: "Someone took a fancy to your paintings, and ordered seven or eight of them at once. I don't have so many here, so I asked you to come and talk to me." Let's talk about it."

Zhao Moran sat down and nodded, "Okay, I've saved them all in my phone, I'll pick them out for her later."

The senior sister approached her and whispered, "I quoted a high price for you, about [-] yuan per picture."

Zhao Moran smiled lightly: "Thank you, senior."

The senior sister also knew that there was an accident at her family, and she wanted to help as much as she could, so she chatted at this moment: "By the way, has the company's turnover problem been resolved?"

"En." Zhao Moran took a sip of tea and said softly, "It's resolved."

The senior sister couldn't help asking a lot, Zhao Moran was silent for a while before saying: 'I'm getting married...he's very good, he helped to solve it. '

The senior sister opened her mouth so wide that she couldn't speak immediately.It took her a long time to say softly, "What about you and Gu Fei...?"

"We broke up." Zhao Moran smiled bitterly: "What else should I do? I have no choice but to watch my family go to jail."

The senior sister was speechless for a while, she just felt that it was a pity.

Gu Fei is a particularly promising one from the same Academy of Fine Arts as them. He was admitted to a famous foreign academy. At this critical moment... the senior is also a girl who can understand Zhao Moran's choice. Sometimes love can't be a life-saving straw, isn't it? ?

She was about to ask Zhao Moran who his marriage partner was, when a voice rang out from the door: "Miss Zhao is here?"

Zhao Moran's body froze for a moment, because she recognized that it was Chu Yan's voice, which was very clean and clear.

The senior sister also heard it, looked at Zhao Moran very strangely, and then got up: "Here I am, I was just about to call you."

She introduced to Zhao Moran: "This is Ms. Chu, and she is also the one who likes your paintings. How about you talk about it."

She said again like a spring breeze: "I'll go get a glass of water."

Chu Yan also saw Zhao Moran at this time, and she was a little surprised, but she didn't show much surprise on her face, "Okay, I'll talk to her first."

The senior sister looked at Zhao Moran again, and then went to pour water.

Chu Yan was wearing a pair of jeans today and a brown loose sweater on top. Her hair was tied up casually and she looked much smaller. She sat down and smiled slightly: "I didn't expect it to be you."

Zhao Moran also said softly, "I didn't think of that either."

Chu Yan said straightforwardly: "I like your paintings, there is a sense of tranquility and far-reaching."

Zhao Moran smiled: "Thank you."

Chu Yan didn't mention anything else, just talked to her, Chu Yan is not a professional, but Gu Anxi understands, she mentioned Luo Lin, Zhao Moran was surprised: "Luo Lin? You know Luo Lin?"

That's a grand figure in the art world.

Chu Yan looked at her a little strangely, "Does your home use [-]G network? Anxi is Luo Lin. We had dinner together last night." '

Zhao Moran stayed for a long time before murmuring: "She is Luo Lin? But...wrong?"

Chu Yan knew what she wanted to say, so she said the unspeakable things for her: "She doesn't have the air of an artist, does she?"

Zhao Moran didn't have the nerve to say it.

Chu Yan added: "She is also a traffic jammer, a businessman, a hacker, a doctor...there are so many that I can't count, so it's normal that she doesn't have an artistic atmosphere."

In fact, Chu Yan felt that the biggest aura on Gu Anxi was Bo Xichen, it's no wonder that he didn't smell that way when he was together every day.It's that faint medicinal smell.

When Chu Yan said this, Zhao Moran relaxed a lot. After getting along with Chu Yan, she also felt that she was indeed a good girl, very considerate, and quite generous. In comparison, she really shouldn't treat Chu Ci's Things are taken too seriously.

Because of Luo Lin, the two of them had a conversation, so when the senior sister came back, she unexpectedly found that the atmosphere that was a bit subtle was quite good now. She couldn't figure it out for a while, but she was very good at talking in business, so naturally After recommending more works by Zhao Moran, Zhao Moran felt embarrassed later, and whispered: "Chu Yan, she knows Luo Lin."

Chu Yan laughed and said, "Don't praise her so highly. After she got married and had a baby, I probably only drew two or three paintings. They were all drawn to please her father Bo. I probably wouldn't be able to get them at ordinary times." Start writing."

Zhao Moran couldn't help laughing when she heard her say this, she was a little envious...

Chu Yan propped her chin and said casually: "It's another matter of how high you reach, as long as you really like painting, just paint and enjoy yourself." '

The senior sister looked at Zhao Moran and motioned for her to say something polite, but Zhao Moran just said softly: "That's right."

She seemed to figure it out all at once——

Chu Ci is Chu Ci, Chu Yan is Chu Yan, she likes Chu Yan... She is Chu Ci's wife and she sells paintings to Chu Yan are two different things, after thinking about it, she began to introduce herself to Chu Yan painting.

Chu Yan was planning to hang up a new house, so she carefully selected seven or eight pieces, which added up to [-] and paid the full amount.

Although it is not much for Zhao Moran, it is quite a sense of accomplishment.She accepted the check, and after thinking about it, she wanted to invite Chu Yan to dinner. Chu Yan smiled and said, "The company has something else to do. I'll treat you next time. I'll call you Anxi."

Zhao Moran was very happy, and said goodbye to her with a slightly hoarse voice.

When the people left, the senior sister watched Chu Yan's car drive away with her, and then said softly: "You are very generous in your actions, and you have a good eye. The paintings she picked up are all your best paintings."

Zhao Moran nodded: "She and Luo Lin are friends, and they are from the Chu family, so their eyes are naturally different."

The senior sister turned her head around: "You guys, you and her and I looked a little at odds at first?" '

Zhao Moran was silent for a long time before speaking softly: "She is Chu Ci's younger sister."

Chu Ci?

Chu Ci's younger sister?

Senior sister opened her mouth wide again... It took a long time before she could utter a word: 'You guys have such a fate? '

Zhao Moran smiled bitterly: "I didn't think of it either, but Chu Yan is quite cute, so it's no wonder that Chu Ci never forgets."

This, the senior sister also agrees: "That's right, you can see that she is about the same age as us, but she occasionally shows a look like a child, she must have been spoiled and grown up since she was a child."

After she said this, she also felt a little slip of the tongue, and wanted to make up for it again, but Zhao Moran didn't care too much, "Yes, now Bai Xun is doting on her even more."

She was afraid that her senior wouldn't know, so she explained again: "It's the one that is very popular right now."

The senior sister opened her mouth wide, and it took a long time before she said, "Bai Xun, her husband?"

Zhao Moran nodded.

The senior sister sat down immediately, howling: "That's my husband..."

Zhao Moran was speechless for a while, why is he chasing stars?

She had dinner with her senior, and heard her scold Bai Xun, a heartless man, in tears. She was helpless and funny. When she went back, she felt quite speechless.

When she went back, the servant immediately greeted her: "Madam is back?"

After last night, they began to call Ms. Zhao from Ms. Zhao. Zhao Moran didn't care. She nodded and was about to go upstairs, but the servant suddenly said embarrassingly, "Sir is back too, he's upstairs."

Zhao Moran froze, then checked the time, it was only four o'clock in the afternoon.

Chu Ci came back at four o'clock?

Her voice was sour: "Okay, I see."

She went upstairs slowly, and the servants downstairs whispered: "Mr. rarely comes back during the day, what's the matter, it's been two days in a row."

Another older servant said in a low voice: "Young couples are also having a good time. The husband has been single for more than 30 years, and the wife is young and beautiful, and she has a good figure..."

The following words become smaller and smaller...

Zhao Moran went upstairs and paused at the door of the bedroom, when a soft voice came from inside: "Why don't you come in? Are you afraid that I will eat you?"

"No." She walked in, put her bag on the sofa, and took off her coat.

Chu Ci leaned against the bed and smoked. When she saw her coming in, she stubbed out the cigarette, and then patted her leg.

She pursed her lips, walked over slowly, and lay her head on the carpet beside the bed by his lap.

Chu Ci stroked her hair for a while, and asked softly, "Where did you go?"

Zhao Moran lowered his eyes and said hoarsely, "I went to the gallery."

"You like to draw? Then I'll prescribe one for you." Chu Ci said indifferently.

She shook her head: "No, I don't like business, so I can just paint at home."

Chu Ci seems to be in a good mood today, and she is also in the mood to say a few words to her, "Is the painting sold today?"

She became nervous all of a sudden, hesitated for a moment and told the truth: "Eight pieces were sold, and a customer ordered them."

Chu Ci didn't care too much, "It's pretty good."

He thought it would be good for her to have something to do at home, and he didn't like his wife showing his face outside, and it would be better to teach children after she has a skill.

Zhao Moran felt that she had to make it clear to him once, otherwise she would not have a good life if he found out in the future, so she weighed it up and said, "Yan Yan bought the painting."

Chu Ci froze, looking at her quietly.

"I didn't know it was her. My senior sister told me that someone bought it and I went there. I didn't expect it to be Yan Yan." She said cautiously, for fear of touching his nipples.

Chu Ci frowned: "You sold it?" '

She hummed softly.

"How much?" Chu Ci's voice became cold.

Zhao Moran was a little startled, "One hundred thousand."

"I'll give you 20 and return the money to her." Chu Ci didn't allow her to refuse at all.

Zhao Moran said anxiously: "But I agree!"

Chu Ci made it very clear: "I don't want your paintings hanging in her house."

After finishing speaking, he got up, took the checkbook and wrote a check for 20 yuan to her, and handed her a gold card: "This is my secondary card, the password..."

He lost his mind while talking, and then reported a set of numbers. Zhao Moran said softly, "It's Yanyan's birthday, right?"

He glanced at her: "You know? Then change it yourself. "

Zhao Moran still insisted: "She and I are just an ordinary customer relationship, I have no... selfishness."

"I know," he said domineeringly, "I just simply don't like it."

After he finished speaking, he was about to take a bath. Zhao Moran knew that he was going to... what, so he hurriedly said after him: "She and I... are friends."

Chu Ci had already opened the door and went in, but at this moment she turned to look at her again.

He smiled: "Friend?"

She was a little nervous, and lightly licked her lower lip, "Yes, she knows art very well, and I can talk to her very well."

She grabbed him and said without hesitation: "You don't... don't you want to see her very much, after I become friends with her, I won't feel bad about it."

When she said this, Chu Ci smiled softly, "You will plan for me."

As soon as he reached out and pinched her chin, he pushed the door shut...

(End of this chapter)

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