Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1209 Brother Takes You to Eat Delicious Food

Chapter 1209 Brother Takes You to Eat Delicious Food

She was very nervous and said no, but he didn't allow her to refuse, he pushed her against the door panel, and stroked her face with his fingers teasingly: "You are my wife, so generous, is it for art, or for that?" It's called Gu Fei, huh?"

Zhao Moran's face was pale.

Chu Ci still gently shaved her face slowly, and said softly, "You don't want to give up painting, do you want to give up your dream with that person?"

"No." She turned her head, her voice weak: "I just want to find something to do."

Her voice was pleading: "This has nothing to do with personal matters."

He still teased her lightly, and found it interesting to see whether she was about to cry or not.

When he felt that it was almost done, he said softly: "If you want to continue painting, please ask me."

She met his eyes suddenly, not understanding what he meant.

Chu Ci grabbed her hand and taught her: "You are [-] years old, you are going to get married soon, shouldn't you learn more things to make your husband happy?"

She was extremely embarrassed, and felt that she was just a plaything to be enjoyed by him... But she couldn't choose her own life, she had to make her husband happy in order to get a little freedom.

She was extremely humiliated.

Around eight o'clock in the evening.

Chu Ci changed her clothes, stood by the bed and looked at her in a calm voice: "Get up for dinner, I have something to do."

Zhao Moran nodded: "I'll get up in a while."

He glanced at her, adjusted his clothes and went out, but stopped after walking a few steps, his voice was slightly cold: "Don't let me know that you are taking medicine again, if you can't conceive in three months, I will take you for a check... should know the consequences."

She choked for a moment before saying, "I understand."

Only then did Chu Ci leave satisfied.

Zhao Moran was lying on the cold bed alone, and it took a long time to get up and tidy up the bedroom. She had no face to let the servant clean it up. Today, the servants looked at her with strange eyes, she is not blind.

When she finished cleaning, she went downstairs, and the servant immediately stepped forward: "Madam, dinner is ready."

She nodded and sat down, and found that the dishes prepared were mainly food supplements. She couldn't help asking: "Is that what you mean, sir?"

The servant didn't dare to say it at first, and then said cautiously after a while: "Mr. said that we need tonic in autumn."

Zhao Moran smiled very lightly, brushing aside one side of her hair to eat.

How could she not know that this was just an excuse, he was just asking her to get pregnant.

Zhao Moran didn't know why Chu Ci wanted a child so much, she couldn't understand, he didn't love her but wanted her to have a child... At this time, the servant said happily: "Mr. There will be a baby soon, sir likes girls very much."

Zhao Moran was taken aback.

Immediately she understood that what he wanted for a child was just to find a substitute, this child was Chu Yan's substitute, he would love this child very much, and treat her as Chu Yan's pet.

And she, Zhao Moran, is just a tool for him to have children.

When she thought of this, she couldn't eat any more. She managed to eat a few mouthfuls before going upstairs.She sat in front of the dressing table, looked at herself in the mirror, and couldn't help reaching out to caress that face.

She unexpectedly found that her face was five points similar to Chu Yan's, but Chu Yan would have cute little canine teeth when she smiled, but she didn't... She thought, it was because of the resemblance that Chu Ci wanted a child from her.

At this moment, she didn't know how she felt. She finally knew why she was picked, and she was worth [-] million, but she was just Chu Yan's substitute.

Zhao Moran has been quietly looking at herself in the mirror, she didn't want to cry, because she doesn't like Chu Ci either.

She only fears a man who torments her like that, but doesn't like him.


That night, Chu Ci came back very late, about one o'clock at night.

He must have been drinking, he smelled of alcohol.

Zhao Moran couldn't pretend to be asleep, so she got up and helped him take off his coat, but a scent of perfume inadvertently wafted from her nose, she thought to herself, he is really energetic.

Chu Ci didn't know her mental activity, so she unbuttoned her shirt and said softly, "Sleep first, I'll take a shower."

She breathed a sigh of relief and lay down.

When Chu Ci came back from the shower, she was already asleep, and he didn't feel sleepy right now, so he simply went to the living room and poured himself a glass of red wine, drinking while watching the sleeping Zhao Moran.

Her face was very clean, as was her body, except that Yanyan was his ideal wife candidate, and she was very smart, knowing not to confront him or provoke him every time.

But he also knew that she didn't love him and was terribly afraid.

Thinking of this, he felt bad again, put down the cup in his hand and walked towards her...

Zhao Moran was woken up by him, she looked at him in the dark with a little fear, his voice was hoarse; "What are you afraid of! Don't you like it too?"

She was a little ashamed and angry, turned her face away, and let him do whatever he wanted...

The next day was Saturday, and Chu Ci didn't go to the company.

Zhao Moran got up early in the morning and went to the studio, carefully packed the paintings for Chu Yan, and called the courier company to come over.

Chu Ci had been reading magazines on the sofa in the living room, and felt a little unhappy when he saw the two couriers coming. He never liked having outsiders at home.But he thought he had bullied her enough last night, so he didn't say anything.

When the people left, Zhao Moran went downstairs, saw that he was still there, and asked nonchalantly, "Aren't you going to the company today?"

"Weekend." He put the magazine down: "You can't work every day, can you?"

She was silent.

He does know that she wishes he could work every day, so that she doesn't have to face him, how afraid she is of him, he tried it out last night, he likes to see her scared, and also likes to toss until she cries him so far.

Chu Ci doesn't know what other couples are like, but in his opinion, this is quite interesting, at least not too boring, and besides not allowing her to betray him, he doesn't care whether she loves him or not, he just wants to Get a baby out as soon as possible.

He looked at her and found that the dress she was wearing today was pretty, so he took another look.

Zhao Moran was a little afraid of him, so she sat with her head down.

He got up: "Go back to the mansion, you go with me."

She was a little surprised, "I'm going too?"

"Would you like to go alone?" he asked her.

She didn't say anything more, she could only get up: "I'll go upstairs and get the bag."

Chu Ci looked at her quietly, and sat down again after a while.

Of course, it would not be very pleasant to go to the Chu family's mansion, Chu Ci is, Zhao Moran is even more so, she knows that Madam Chu doesn't like Chu Yan, but she doesn't feel that she likes herself, she still has self-knowledge.

She was very uncomfortable sitting there, but Mrs. Chu looked gentle and gentle, and said to Chu Ci: "You are busy with work, I see that Moran's temperament is too quiet, or you will move back to the old house after marriage , I can take care of it when I have children.”

Before Chu Ci could speak, Chu Changhe said, "It's time for the couple to be in love, what are you doing when you come back!"

Mrs. Chu glanced at him, and then continued to be gentle and gentle: "Chu Ci and the others are not in a normal relationship and marriage, children are the most important thing."

She looked at Zhao Moran with a look of love in her eyes: "Moran, are you right?"

Just as Chu Changhe was about to explode, Zhao Moran said softly, "Mom is right, the child is the most important thing, I don't care."

Mrs. Chu smiled with satisfaction, but at this time Chu Ci's voice was calm: "Just live outside. In the future, if there are children in the family, a tutor and a professional childcare teacher will be hired. Mom, you should have a good rest."

When he said this, Zhao Moran was a little surprised, but she would not put gold on her face and think how kind he was to her, he just didn't like living here either.

When Chu Ci said this, Mrs. Chu was very upset, and wanted to insist on it, Chu Changhe said: "The children have their own lives, you can just take care of your illness." '

Mrs. Chu looked at her husband resentfully, pursed her lips, and naturally disliked Zhao Moran ever since.

For Mrs. Chu, her husband and son are her own family, but other women are not, even if it is a daughter who has been raised for many years or a daughter-in-law who is about to get married, especially now she feels that Chu Ci is just letting go It's all for a woman to get married, so she doesn't take Zhao Moran seriously.

It's not like Zhao Moran didn't feel her dislike, she was very clever and silent... Let Chu Ci deal with it.

Although she was a little scared when he tossed her, she would rather be tossed by Chu Ci than deal with Mrs. Chu.Chu Ci's indifference to her or tormenting her is just a man's bad nature. He didn't treat her badly in many things, but Mrs. Chu is different. She is sick. Zhao Moran dare not think that if she wants to miss the meeting What about yourself.

Mrs. Chu looked at her son, then at her daughter-in-law, and said quietly for a while: "Okay, Chu Ci has grown up too, and I can't control him anymore, as long as he decides what matters." '

Chu Changhe was not very happy: "It's rare for the child to come back."

He sighed in his heart: Yanyan's child has been forced to break with the family, and now she wants her son to do the same?He secretly thought that it was right or wrong to always pamper her and hurt the two children all these years?It's fine if Chu Ci is happy, but it's obvious that the son and his wife are in harmony.

Chu Changhe sighed softly, feeling uncomfortable.

Chu Ci didn't stay any longer, and took Zhao Moran back after lunch. After he went out, she stayed at home to draw pictures. When he came back at night, he was still smelling of perfume, and then he tormented her...


The days passed day by day, and there were two days until Chu Ci's wedding, and Bai Xun came back.

Chu Yan went to the parking lot after get off work, but just after she passed, she heard a whistle: "Beauty."

When she saw it, she couldn't help being angry and funny.

It wasn't someone else but Bai Xun, who drove a fancy sports car, wore sunglasses, and whistled at her with his hands on the car window.

Chu Yan walked over and smiled angrily: "Why are you back?"

"Your ex-boyfriend gets married the day after tomorrow, I have to come back early to support you." Bai Xun raised his eyebrows.

Chu Yan walked up to him and bent down: "Just for being so cheap as you, you deserve to be beaten to death."

Bai Xun smiled wantonly, stretched out his hand to pinch her nose: "Okay, get in the car, brother will take you to eat delicious food."

Chu Yan went around and sat down, and while fastening her seat belt, she asked, "What's delicious?" '

As soon as he finished speaking, his lips were blocked by him.

She opened her eyes wide, murmured twice, and then stared at him.

Bai Xun let her go when he felt enough was enough, his voice hoarse: "Did you miss me?"

"That's it?" She leaned on his shoulder and asked softly.

Bai Xun smiled again: "My brother has other things."

"Shameless." Chu Yan sat upright and cleared her throat: "Where should I eat?"

He held the steering wheel and thought for a while: "Go to the supermarket to buy vegetables and go back to cook."

He added: "I came back in less than half an hour."

She said in a low voice, "I'm very touched, it's hard to be a big star."

He drove, humming: "Where is the big star, you are the only paparazzi."

Chu Yan just laughed.

After a while, she said: "By the way, I have chosen the painting of the new house. I didn't expect the artist to be Zhao Moran."

"The one from Chu Ci?" Bai Xun was also surprised: "This is really fate."

Chu Yan just looked at him: "You don't care?"

"I don't care, there's no need to care about it." He smiled: "As long as you like it."

Chu Yan's heart skipped a beat, and she looked sideways at him.But he became serious again: "Have you never seen such a good-looking person as me? Well, let's not cook when we get back. I'll take a good look at it for you until you are satisfied."

Chu Yan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "How much..."

She couldn't speak.

However, Bai Xun immediately grabbed her hand and squeezed it, which was obviously suggestive.

For a moment, she didn't know what to say.

After driving for about half an hour, he arrived at a supermarket near the apartment. After getting out of the car, he put on his hat and went around to open the door for her.Chu Yan was still a little worried: "Are you really not going to be seen?"

"No." He squeezed her little hand: "No one would have thought that I would go to a supermarket."

Chu Yan rolled her eyes: He really didn't miss any chance to praise himself.

However, Bai Xun is indeed worthy of praise. Not only is he good at cooking, but he is also good at grocery shopping. He put the ingredients he wanted into the shopping cart in a few clicks. A big box of some kind of family planning supplies.

Chu Yan really wanted to cover her face, he bought it as soon as he bought it and was still picking and choosing, and even exchanged ideas with a man in his thirties, she shrank aside, unwilling to admit that it was her man.

Too shameful!

(End of this chapter)

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