Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1210 That Person Looks Like Bai Xun3600 words

Chapter 1210 That Person Looks Like Bai Xun3600 words

Chu Yan saw that he was still in high spirits, so she pretended not to know him and swung aside.

After talking with the middle-aged man, Bai Xun took a few more boxes with great satisfaction, and when he turned around, he found that Chu Yan was not there. He searched around, and then grabbed her: "Where are you going?"

With her hands behind her back, Chu Yan coughed lightly: "Go and see something else."

She glanced at—

Good guy, he took two big boxes again, is he eating it as a meal?

Bai Xun followed her gaze, then smiled: "I'm only 24 years old, and I'm young, isn't this normal?"

He paid the bill, but she didn't make a sound. When she got to the parking lot, she said softly: "You... don't plan to have a child?"

"Aren't you married yet? Let's talk about it when you think about it." He was quite casual, putting things in the trunk, and after a while he thought about it again: "Besides, let's play for two years when we are still young."

Chu Yan whispered: "What do you mean playing for two more years!"

Bai Xun smiled, "What do you think?"

Her face was a little hot, and she didn't dare to say anything to him, he was simply shameless.

Bai Xun smiled and opened the car door for her: "Get in the car."

She got in the car, and after a while he sat beside him and smiled while fastening his seat belt: "The man just now said that I look like a star, and my surname is Bai, but he said it was impossible, because a 24-year-old star is unlikely." I would take a stab at buying this at a place like a supermarket. '

Chu Yan glanced at him: "Who is as thick-skinned as you?"

Bai Xun touched her little face: "How did you catch up with you if you are not thick-skinned?"

He started the car and complained: 'You don't even know how difficult you are. '

Chu Yan glanced at him, but said nothing.

Bai Xun thought about it secretly, it's over, he gave her the head himself.He brought up the matter that was obviously fading away, isn't that just looking for something to do?

He looked at her, Chu Yan was playing with her fingernails with her head down, and Bai Xun's heart felt cold.

It's over, the carefully selected things probably won't be needed tonight.

In this way, he went back to the apartment with his own thoughts, and he followed her with his things, and she didn't make a sound in the elevator, until he got home, Bai Xun couldn't help but say: "Okay, I'm going to confess that it was my fault, I did it without telling you. Let’s talk about it, but it’s actually the same, you were going to donate, but it’s just to make you think I’m the recipient.”

Chu Yan took off her shoes, changed into light shoes, sat on the sofa and opened her notebook.

Bai Xun closed it for her, and squatted in front of her: "What do you think, at least tell me, don't let me hang around."

Chu Yan turned on the computer again, and hummed softly, "I'm hungry."

He looked at her and said slowly, "I'm hungry too."

There was a hint of coquettishness in his voice, and his eyes were... flattering, like a big dog.Normally Chu Yan would follow him, but now she doesn't care about him, "If you're hungry, go cook."

Bai Xun pulled her head down, pressed his forehead against her, and said in a hoarse and sexy voice: "You clearly know that I didn't mean that."

She blinked, playing dumb.

Bai Xun was very close to her, his eyelashes could even lightly touch her when he looked at her, he just looked at her like that, the big hand that was holding her neck slowly moved to her head Finally, he gently caressed... There was a sense of tenderness, Chu Yan lowered her eyes and dared not look at him, "Aren't you hungry, why don't you cook?"

Her voice was really soft, one hand was still on his shoulder, and she was afraid that he would mess around, so she leaned her face towards him.And his hand gently grabbed her long hair and pressed her scalp lightly, repeating this several times... Chu Yan trembled slightly, and whispered his name: "Bai Xun."

He knew that she was a little emotional, so instead of kissing her, he smiled viciously: "I'm hungry, I'll cook."

After speaking, he pulled away and left.

Chu Yan suddenly felt empty, and she didn't come back to her senses for a long time. When she woke up, she was very angry.

What a jerk he is!

Bai Xun was quite happy, and a voice came from the kitchen: "What do you want to eat?"

"Whatever." She said angrily.

Bai Xun has a good temper: "Oh, you don't have to be so angry if you don't achieve your goal, right?"

He continued shamelessly: 'I know I'm good-looking and have a great body. '

Chu Yan snorted softly, and really didn't want to say anything to him.She opened her notebook to work, but when he teased her, she couldn't see it anymore. In the end, she simply closed the notebook and ran into the kitchen.

Bai Xun was cooking, she poked her head over and said, 'What's delicious? '

He looked at her: "Don't make trouble, go and play by yourself."

She leaned against the counter and looked at him.

Bai Xun couldn't ignore her hot gaze, and after a while he laughed lightly: "What's the matter? Don't want me to cook, do other things?"

"That's not true." She pursed her lips, "You've been so unruly all day long."

He continued to cook, and she continued to stare at him.

In the past, I only thought he was quite cold, the unapproachable kind of young idols, who treated people coldly, and she was with him a lot of times because he was good-looking, and because he had a bad personality Mao, she felt no burden, but after getting together she realized how shameless he was.

Chu Yan held her chin and asked him softly: "Were you like this before, or did you become like this now?"

Bai Xun knew what she was asking even without asking, and smiled softly: "That's not true."

She looked at him, and said in a low voice, "Is that just now? Because you want to get married?"

He turned his head to look at her, wiped his hands for a while, picked her up and put her on the clean countertop aside, he refused to let her get down, stared at her for a long time before saying in a hoarse voice: "I might be outside I still like to play, I still like some extreme sports, but I may soon be a husband at home, I can’t be younger than you and not take care of you, I hope you can feel happy when you are with me.”

Chu Yan was a little unaccustomed to his sudden sensibility, and lowered her eyes: "You can still be the same as before."

He sighed: "Miss, can't you see that I'm making a mistake? In order for you not to be angry, I must satisfy your needs in all aspects."

Chu Yan patted his handsome face lightly: "What do you mean by all-round needs? Why don't you just cook a meal and see how you boast yourself as if I didn't contribute anything." '

He just laughed, "Of course there are."

After finishing speaking, he went to wash an apple and stuffed it for her, letting her chew on it.

Chu Yan sat and gnawed, shaking her little feet, watching the dream of thousands of girls cooking for her, and she was quite patient. At this moment, she suddenly felt a little bit happy.

She just looked at him, and he occasionally looked at her, pinching her face: "Stop looking at me like that, I'm cooking."

She hugged him, resting her chin on his shoulder: "How long until the filming is over?"

It's rare for her to rely on him like this. He wrapped his clean arms around her waist, took a tissue in the other hand and carefully wiped his hands clean, and then turned to look at her: "The filming will be over in one month."

This is his first time filming a literary film, and it is actually carrying the sedan chair for Song Jiaren. This film is a leading actress. Song Jiaren needs a young actor to be the male lead. The producer found him. After filming, he plans to quit the entertainment industry. Circled.

After he finished speaking, he patted her little face again: "One month is soon."

Chu Yan whispered: "Then you quit the entertainment circle, do you want to explain to your fans?"

He frowned, and then said: "Life is my own, and the studio will make an announcement at that time."

Chu Yan let out a cry. Actually, she didn't know much about it. When Chu Ci quit, he might have transitioned to being a boss, so his fans didn't have a special reaction. But Bai Xun was different. She was afraid that he would quit all of a sudden and then They are married again, and when the news gets out... it will bring some trouble to their lives.

Although she felt uneasy in her heart, she didn't say it out.She's not a little girl after all.

Bai Xun was really kind to her. In order to show his sincerity, he washed the dishes after dinner.After washing, he suggested going out for a walk to digest food. Chu Yan thought about it: 'Then let's go to the new house?I added a lot of things. '

She half embraced his arm as she spoke.

Bai Xun looked down at her and said hello in a hoarse voice.

Maybe she didn't mean it, but it meant a lot to him, and it seemed like he was close to having all of her.And the missing part was not with Chu Ci but was kept by Chu Yan.

Although they are together, he can feel that even when they are most lingering, she still keeps it. Only when she completely shows the appearance of a little girl does he feel that she really belongs to him. She is willing to put herself to him.

Bai Xun's heart turned a thousand times, but he didn't show any emotion on his face. He changed into a sports suit by himself, and asked her to change it again: "It's uncomfortable to wear high heels, let's change into another suit."

Chu Yan looked down at herself: "You don't like this?"

"I like it." He carried her straight to the bedroom, and didn't let her down until the dressing room: "But it's usually lighter, and I don't dislike it."

She glared at him.

He quickly added, "You look good in anything you wear."

Chu Yan snorted softly, opened the closet and took out a set of casual clothes, and changed into it without hesitation when he was there.Bai Xun's eyes were a little hot, he hugged her from behind, kissed her hair: "Why don't we go another day?"

"Didn't you say you want to digest food?" She pushed his hand away from her waist.

He chuckled, "That's fine."

The two set off, and after driving for about 10 minutes, they arrived at the villa area where the new residence is located. This place is one of the two major villa areas in the North City, which is the one that Chu Yan took a fancy to last time.

The car drove into the black carved gate, and the lights of the villa were all turned on as soon as he entered. His sports car went around the garden in the atrium and stopped on the parking lawn in front of the door. He turned off the engine, got out of the car, opened the door for her, and hugged her directly.

Chu Yan screamed and put her arms around his neck: "Put me down."

He didn't let go, walked into the hall while kissing her, and then walked upstairs.

She struggled again, and he took out a small box from his trouser pocket and stuffed it in her hand... Chu Yan was shocked all of a sudden!

He is really shameless!

Where did he come to digest food?

No matter what, with Bai Xun's shameless vigor, he got what he wanted anyway, and Chu Yan let him...

In the middle of the night, the bedroom.

The light was dim, and Chu Yan was lying on the big dark bed. She fell asleep for a while, but now she woke up faintly when she heard the sound of the bathroom. When she opened her eyes, she saw Bai Xun coming out of the bathroom. Wrapped around a towel.

She stared at him.

Bai Xun pinched her face: "I'm going out to deal with something, sleep first."

She was quite surprised: "what's the matter so late?"

Bai Xun paused for a moment: 'There is an advertisement to shoot. '

Chu Yan sat up and leaned against the head of the bed. At this time, she was wearing his white shirt, and her long hair was hanging down naturally. She looked very weak, especially when a man has a special possessive desire for a woman wearing his own clothes. Right now, Bai Xun doesn't really want to leave, but he has to leave because things are a little urgent.

He touched her little face, "Come back before dawn."

She lowered her eyes: "Did you return to Beicheng early because of the commercial shooting?"

He still stroked her face and said nothing.

Chu Yan sighed softly: "You go."

She glared at him again: "You have a job and you're so crazy."

He kissed her, "We haven't seen each other for half a month."

After finishing speaking, he dressed neatly and kissed her for a while before leaving...

After he left, Chu Yan couldn't sleep much, and she lay down like this until five o'clock in the morning before falling asleep in a daze, and when she woke up, it was already ten o'clock in the morning the next day... She touched her phone and looked After a while, he lay down heavily again.

Squinting her eyes, she dialed Bai Xun's number.

It rang for a long time, but no one answered.

Chu Yan sat up all of a sudden, and wanted to call his assistant, but before she even dialed her phone, she received a pop-up notification——

The popular artist Bai Xun's studio refuted the rumors.

She frowned, and when she opened it, she was a little stunned.

It turned out to be a single certificate.

(End of this chapter)

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