Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1211 Old Brother Has Reached Menopause4000 words

Chapter 1211 Old Brother Has Reached Menopause4000 words

Chu Yan followed the news, and after reading it, she was silent for a while.

Later, she turned on the trending search again, and sure enough, she saw the trending search for #想热白苏渐友女儿广场…….The picture above is exactly the picture of her and Bai Xun in the supermarket. Bai Xun is standing next to the shelf selling DLS and talking to a middle-aged man, and she is on the side, but her face is not shown, but her clothes are obvious. Yes and Bai Xun are in couple outfits.

Chu Yan felt a little cold in her heart.

It's okay to take pictures of others, but this... She immediately understood why Bai Xun made that claim, so that she would not be disturbed or picked out.

Her nose suddenly felt a little sore, she couldn't tell, she felt aggrieved and she felt sorry for him. Thinking about it, it would be good not to be a public figure in the future...

Chu Yan sniffed and dialed Bai Xun's cell phone.

He picked it up quickly, with a gentle voice, "Are you awake?"

She murmured.

He paused, and then said softly: "You have seen it all."

She nodded: "I see."

Bai Xun rarely sighed: "It's only temporary, I will announce my withdrawal from the entertainment circle after this film is finished."

Chu Yan said anxiously, "Is there any problem?"

Bai Xun comforted softly: "No."

It's just that they won't be able to go out like before in the next month or two, but fortunately, he is not attached to the entertainment industry, and this situation will end soon.

After he finished speaking, Chu Yan let out an ooh, and then said in a low voice, "Then you...stay in a hotel first! It's better to be careful."

This arrangement is really a last resort, Bai Xun has a lot of radical fans of his girlfriend, and he is afraid of accidents.

Bai Xun's voice was very soft: "Then see you at the wedding tomorrow."

She murmured.

Bai Xun was worried, and said, "Don't forget to eat, and don't eat out all the time. If you're too lazy to cook, go to Gu Anxi's place for a while."

Chu Yan was a little amused: "Is there anyone like you!"I'm too old to know how to cook. '

He told her again: "Go back to the apartment and live in the apartment. There is no one here in the villa. The place is too big."

Chu Yan thought so too, she said yes, then hung up the phone after talking for a while.

After hanging up, she sat on the bed alone and was still a little absent-minded, and it took a long time before she got up to wash up and took a taxi back to the apartment.The apartment is complete, but she always feels empty without Bai Xun.

She made herself a simple egg noodle, and after eating it was boring and went to work, but in the middle of the work, Gu Anxi called and asked her to go to the shooting range to play.

Chu Yan: I don’t like it, and I won’t either!

Gu Anxi smiled: "You can learn it, I will let Song Duoduo's husband teach you, tall and powerful, macho!"

Chu Yan didn't understand for a while, she was taken aback for a moment: "Song Duoduo?"

Gu Anxi snorted: "It's Song Jiaren's husband, Chen Ming, who has been promoted now, but his physique is very good."

Chu Yan lay on the sofa with her mobile phone in her hand, and howled, "If you stare at people like this, will Professor Bo have any idea?"

Gu Anxi was still smiling: "Just take a look, besides, my uncle is also very good."

In fact, she prefers thin muscles like Bo Xichen's. She is slender and powerful, but her husband won't share it. Song Duoduo, as long as she praises Chen Ming, her sour taste will come out. It's funny of.

Chu Yan was also fine, as soon as Gu Anxi made an appointment with her, she wondered if she could have a meal, so she immediately changed into a set of clothes and went out.

When we got to the place, sure enough, Gu Anxi and Chen Ming were there, as well as Mr. Wang and his secretary-general, and even Zhou Yunchen.

Chu Yan felt a little uncomfortable, and walked over to say hello.

Wang Jingyao is very easy-going, his sister's good friend is his junior, so naturally he has to greet him well, he smiled: "Yanyan, I haven't seen you for many years, the last time I saw you was at the office. "

As he spoke, he turned to Wang Jingchuan and said, "Look, the little girl grows up all of a sudden, and I don't know who is cheaper now."

Wang Jingchuan didn't dare to answer these words, and just smiled: "It's much prettier, but it used to be like a baby face."

Wang Jingyao looked at Chu Yan again, and said to his sister: "Look at how she looks, look at you, you got married and gave birth to two babies, and you are still like a little monkey, jumping up and down all day long, and your body is also dirty. You don't have a lot of meat, and I saw your father and mother Bo are just treating you for nothing."

Gu Anxi picked out a gun, raised it up to the target, and said without blushing while shooting, "Too much exercise." '

Old brother Wang was speechless, and said to Wang Jingchuan, "Look, does she still look like a girl?"

Although he said he was blaming, his tone was full of pampering.

That's right, he himself didn't live up to expectations. After giving birth to Xiao Wangyue for several years, he still hasn't been able to give birth to another child. Now the wife and the old lady are getting angry on both sides, and it is very difficult for him to be in the middle.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with either side!

He can't give birth to a daughter, so he can only continue to let this little bastard do his best. As long as it doesn't involve a matter of principle, he is still willing to wipe her ass and pamper her, and Lin Hua because he has something to do No matter how she teaches her son, she is happy to pamper Anxi together.

Brother Wang thought, is it because they all dote on her, that's why she is still the same after several years?

He had thoughts in his heart, and his face was light.

Gu Anxi looked back at him, and guessed that he was still worrying about childbirth. What's the trouble? My elder brother is already fifty. It would be nice if he had time to spend with his wife and children. What kind of child would he have?

After giving birth to a child, Sister Lin Hua's thoughts were all on the child, so it's his turn!

At this moment, Chen Ming came over with Gu Anxi, and he looked at Chu Yan... He knew her, and they had cooperated in the battle with Bo Qing many years ago, he smiled, "Come here for the first time, I will teach you you!"

Chen Ming is the kind of big man, but he is very delicate to his wife. He is friendly to women outside but does not touch his body. He is a very good man. Gu Anxi often said that Song Duoduo took advantage of him.

Chu Yan also saw that Anxi and Wang Jingyao had something to say, so she went to the shooting range on the other side with Chen Ming, and Zhou Yunchen and Wang Jingchuan also found another place, leaving only Wang Jingyao and his little bastard sister here.

Gu Anxi took a sip of his drink, wrinkled his little nose: "What's the matter, you called me out in a hurry, and you're having a fight with Sister Lin Hua again?"

She added another heart-warming sentence: "You see, although Min Xin is not right now, he and Sister Zhou are still very affectionate."

The older brother glanced at her: "What's the use, there's no certificate."

"It's useful to have a certificate!" Gu Anxi also glanced at him: "I heard that Zhou Yu is pregnant again."

The old brother choked and stared at the little bastard: "Really?"

Gu Anxi snorted lightly: "What did I lie to you for!"

The elder brother ground his fine white teeth and gritted his teeth: "No wonder that kid looked so complacent when he drank tea with Min Xin two days ago. It turns out he has a second child."

Gu Anxi comforted him: "Okay, okay, what does it matter if you are old or not?"

Old brother Wang said with a firm mouth, "Isn't it because your sister-in-law wants to have a baby? I said that Xiaoyue is fine, but Lin Hua wants a daughter."

Gu Anxi was funny and didn't say anything.

Although Old Brother Wang wants to save face, he still has some things to do, so he begged her: "Because of Xiaoyue's education, the old lady has a lot of opinions. You have to go there to talk and make peace. Your sister Lin Hua usually stays with you." Are you not thin?"

Gu Anxi hummed softly: "Okay. Let me talk about it."

Old brother Wang leaned over and lowered his voice: "It's better to handle this matter quietly, but don't tell you, Sister Lin Hua, just let her look for the old lady."

Gu Anxi smiled: "You're too humble, aren't you?"

Jokes aside, she still cares about her elder brother. After all, it is not easy to find a wife when she is old, so she couldn't help but care a few words: "Why, there is a deep conflict between her and the old lady?"

"No! It's still about Xiaoyue's education and planning." Old brother Wang lit a cigarette, and then said softly: "In the old lady's view, it is natural for the children of the Wang family to receive elite education since childhood, but you sister Lin Hua Don't think so, but she still has her own ideas and doesn't just obey."

Gu Anxi took the gun and wiped it, "You don't like it if you are blindly obedient, don't you?"

Speaking of this, Old Brother Wang thought of someone.

Jiang Chaoge.

He remembered and asked Gu Anxi: "I heard that Jiang Chaoge and Lu Heng are together, right?"

"You are well informed." Gu Anxi smiled, and then smiled again: "It's also a matter of the past two years, Lu Heng has a project to do, and the people under him actually found Jiang Chaoge, and they came and went... together. '

She added: "It's also because they have some past."

Wang Jingyao was very interested: "The word "past" is remarkable."

Gu Anxi smiled lightly: "It's not always a good thing."

That's the loss of a child.

Wang Jingyao didn't say anything more, since he got married, he was much more tolerant in his dealings with others. If he had been in the past, he would never have allowed Lu Heng to be alive and kicking under his nose.But people who have wives and children will know how to leave some room for themselves.

The two were talking, and time passed for a long time, until Chu Yan and Chen Ming came back.

Chen Ming has become more stable in the past few years. While wiping off his sweat, he said, "The little girl learns quickly, and she will be able to play eight rings in a while."

Chu Yan also thought it was very interesting, and wanted to play, so Chen Ming said, "Today is not enough, if you are a beginner, if you hit too much, your mouth will hurt tomorrow."

He was close to Gu Anxi, so he naturally knew that Chu Yan and Bai Xun were together, and Bai Xun was the beauty's partner, so he was naturally kind to her.

Chu Yan nodded: "I see. '

At this moment, Zhou Yunchen and Wang Jingchuan also came over. Wang Jingchuan is a person who knows how to do things, and he can't stop praising and praising, which made Chu Yan feel embarrassed: "It's not a talent, it's just fun."

Chen Ming said bluntly: "If you like, let Anxi call you next time. We also come here often."

Chu Yan smiled slightly, agreeing.

Wang Jingyao has been lazy and did not move all day, so he got up at this moment: "Okay, it's getting late, let's go have dinner."

He turned his head to Wang Jingchuan and said, "Call Lin Hua and see if she has time."

Secretary-General Wang immediately went to do it, and came back after a while: "Madame is preparing for a concert, so I can't explain it."

Brother Wang spread his hands together: "Look, look, women can't be too capable, otherwise they will be busy all day long. '

He looked at Gu Anxi again: "It's better for you to idle around like this, you will arrive as soon as you call, and run faster than a rabbit."

Gu Anxi sighed softly: "For a while, I don't know whether you are praising me or something."

The elder brother held her shoulders: "Naturally, it's a compliment to you."

Gu Anxi smiled at him, and then said: "By the way, the pair of inkstones I saw in your study last time are pretty good."

Wang Jingyao straightened his clothes: "Do a little favor and come to search for my good things again! Tell me yourself, have you emptied out my study in the past few years, and it would be too shabby for someone to come to my place. "

Secretary-General Wang snickered from the sidelines: Why do you always ask others for things?

However, after all, Wang Jingyao was quite generous, "Okay, as long as it is done well, I will ask Jing Chuan to send it to you, and I know that you will give it to your father Bo to please you. I still know my mind.”

Gu Anxi smiled: "With Bo's father taking care of Bo Xin and Bo An'an, I have time to solve problems for you, old brother."

"Well... look at this sharp mouth!" Old Brother Wang pretended to be angry and said to the people around him.

Everyone laughed and the atmosphere was good.Finally, I chose a lake fresh restaurant to eat lake fresh food. The place is very elegant. Sitting in the pavilion, when the curtain is opened, there is a vast mist outside. It is very good to talk and drink tea.

Brother Wang was quite satisfied: "Jingchuan, you found a good place."

Wang Jingchuan immediately said: "Try the taste later, it will be even better."

Wang Jingyao stopped talking and concentrated on looking at the scenery outside. The other men were talking about current affairs. Gu Anxi and Chu Yan teamed up to play a game. I'm an old girl, and she knows how to play all day long."

Gu Anxi ignored him, thinking that he had advanced menopause——

Probably Lin Hua just ignored him!

If other people dare to ignore it like this, Wang Jingyao will definitely ignore it, but this is his precious girl, and there is really nothing he can do about her... Just when he was about to have a seizure and couldn't, a familiar person passed by the door, and Wang Jingyao said: "Then Isn't it Chu Ci? Jing Chuan, go and have a look."

Wang Jingchuan went out and brought someone back after a while, it was Chu Ci.

Chu Ci came with a few investors. He didn't want to bump into him. When he saw Chu Yan, he was stunned for a moment, and then smiled lightly: "Why is Yan Yan here?"

Gu Anxi felt uncomfortable hearing this, "I asked her to come."

Chu Ci sat down holding his tie and looked at Chu Yan: "What do you do about Bai Xun's matter? His studio issued a statement."

Gu Anxi coughed lightly, but made no sound.

She knew about it, but she didn't mention it to Yanyan, it's actually not a big deal... Wasn't the statement made to protect Yanyan, and there will be no such shit when she quits the entertainment industry in the future, but is she promoted again with Chu Ci? Do you have hope?

(End of this chapter)

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