Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1212 No matter how powerful I am, I am not as powerful as your family

Chapter 1212 No matter how powerful I am, I am not as powerful as your family

Gu Anxi didn't say anything, just looked at Chu Ci and Chu Yan, especially Yan Yan, to see how she would react.

Chu Yan didn't expect to meet Chu Ci, and she even mentioned Bai Xun's matter, but although she was surprised, she still said calmly, "I don't plan to do anything, just let nature take its course."

What she meant was that he didn't need to intervene in her affairs, and even if she and Bai Xun failed, it had nothing to do with him. For a while, Chu Ci hit a snag, but he wasn't angry at all.

Chu Yan said again: "You are getting married tomorrow, why are you still entertaining?"

Chu Ci took a sip of tea: "Mo Ran has been living back at her mother's house for the past two days, so I'm fine."

Chu Yan smiled slightly after hearing this, but didn't say anything.

She has a good impression of Zhao Moran, and she also heard Anxi talk about her family affairs, and she knew in her heart that if it wasn't for the huge debt, such a beautiful girl would probably not be willing to betray herself easily. But Chu Ci didn't cherish it too much.

She thought, he couldn't be lazy about her wedding with Bai Xun.

Chu Yan was a little distracted, and Chu Ci could naturally feel——

She must be thinking about Bai Xun.

At this time, Bai Xun was surrounded by tens of thousands of people and was developing a press conference.

Chu Ci wanted to have a good talk with Chu Yan, but it seemed unnecessary.

He still had something to do, so he left first. After leaving, there was a faint subtlety in the air.Chu Yan just smiled: "What's the matter with you, this is all old and old. Chu Ci is getting married tomorrow, and I also have a boyfriend."

She said and lowered her eyes: "It's just someone I know."

Gu Anxi rested her chin and sighed a long time: "That's true."

"However, I still envy your beauty. You see, everyone is the same age, and you can still make love. We are all old couples." She smiled wickedly: "Bai Xun looks really good. , with a fair face and a good figure."

Chu Yan: ...

Brother Wang said: "Okay, okay, you think everyone is as thick-skinned as you, praising Xichen all day long, but fortunately, Xichen is not thick-skinned, so he can bear it."

He said it jokingly, and as soon as he finished speaking, everyone around him laughed in unison, the air was joyful, Gu Anxi snorted, and secretly wrote it down.

"Look, I'm going to hate me again, and those babies will be in trouble if they hate me." Wang Jingyao smiled cheerfully and stroked his palms, "Okay, I'll go to the old lady's for dinner tomorrow night, and I'll help you to get money from the old lady's place." A few good things."

Well, after talking for a long time, it was still for my own little thing.

Gu Anxi didn't know, and he didn't care. It just so happened that the lake fresh food came up at this time, and everyone talked while tasting.After eating this meal for two hours, after Wang Jingyao and Zhou Yunchen still had things to do, they went directly to the office. Chen Ming and Wang Jingchuan naturally followed suit, and Gu Anxi and Chu Yan were left to go shopping.

Chu Yan said: "Go buy some small gifts for Bo Xin and An An, and go back to see them."

"Okay, An'an always misses you." Gu Anxi put away his things, and the two went to the parking lot together.

In the car, she looked around, and finally decided to go to Huacai for a stroll.But when the car was about to start, there was movement in the car beside him, Gu Anxi looked sideways, turned around and smiled: "It's Chu Ci."

Not only Chu Ci, but also a very nice little girl sitting in the car, quite tender.

Chu Yan also looked, and naturally saw the tender little girl, she only looked at it for a few seconds before looking away.Gu Anxi started the car and said: "It's all over, there's nothing to care about, besides... even if we can't be together, it's his own business that he despises himself like this. Yan Yan, you are fine."

Chu Yan smiled lightly and said nothing.

Gu Anxi knew that she would not be in a good mood. After all, she and Chu Ci grew up together, and now Chu Ci is a completely different person, even if there is still a trace of emotion, she will feel sad.

However, Zhao Moran is the most innocent in this matter, tomorrow is the wedding...

In fact, Chu Ci also saw them. He looked at Chu Yan quietly for a while, and he also knew that she saw them... But there was not even a trace of error in her eyes.

Chu Ci smiled bitterly, sat in the car and smoked a cigarette quietly, the girl beside him didn't know, so she leaned on him and acted like a baby...

Young girls are pampered, and they thought that Chu Ci would marry tomorrow and take her with them, thinking that she must have a lot of weight in his heart, and his wife was just a display, so he took the opportunity to propose some small things. Asked, Chu Ci absent-mindedly agreed while smoking a cigarette.

The girl was so excited that she used all her tricks. Chu Ci was not in the mood to avoid her, and frowned: "This is the parking lot."

The young girl's face was reddish, "Then... go somewhere else."

Chu Ci was upset and wanted to refuse, but the image of Zhao Moran appeared in his mind again, suddenly he changed his mind, lightly pinched the girl's chin and kissed her hard, kissed for a long time before letting go. Start driving towards the largest hotel in the city...

Beicheng, Huacai.

A high-end shopping center was newly opened last year. It is quite complete. When Gu Anxi and Chu Yan went up, they felt that there were quite a lot of people, especially young girls. After listening carefully, they said that there was a well-known male star here. There are activities on the fourth floor, so there are probably thousands of people around the mall.

Gu Anxi and Chu Yan looked at each other helplessly.

"Go to the fourth floor to buy something later, then come down." Chu Yan shook her head.

Gu Anxi murmured: "Okay, there are quite a lot of people."

She looked at those young girls, and suddenly said, "Are we getting old?"

Chu Yan glanced at her: "You didn't have such energy before, okay?"

"That's right." Gu Anxi stretched his waist: "It's better to play."

She thought to herself in frustration, in fact, beauty is also very valuable, two generations of top class... She got it.

She didn't dare to tell Chu Yan this, or she would be beaten until she vomited blood.

She didn't say anything, but Chu Yan was very happy to choose gifts for the two children. Chu Yan was also very rich, and Gu Anxi didn't treat her politely, and just picked expensive ones...Chu Yan spent a lot of money with pride.

After shopping around in less than an hour, the two finally went to the fourth floor to buy their own things. There was a women's clothing brand on the fourth floor that they both liked, so they went up to the fourth floor.

At this time, the event on the fourth floor was being held, surrounded by a sea of ​​people, Gu Anxi and Chu Yan got on the elevator on the other side, and just passed by, they heard the girls shouting: "Bai Xun, Bai Xun!"

"Ah ah ah ah..."

Gu Anxi tilted his head, "You man."

Chu Yan frowned: "He wasn't in the press conference, why did he come to participate in the event again?"

And he didn't say anything last night.

Gu Anxi coughed lightly: "Let's avoid suspicion for a while, go back first, and come shopping another day."

Chu Yan nodded: "Alright."

She didn't want to trouble him either.

The two of them went downstairs to the parking lot with several bags. On the way to Siyuan, Chu Yan's cell phone rang when the car was halfway on. She picked it up and saw that it was Bai Xun's call. She picked it up: "Aren't you active?"

Bai Xun's voice was full of laughter: "I saw you."

She groaned, "Are you alright now?"

"In the lounge, I have to go out for a while." His voice was warm, and he said a few nasty words, Chu Yan couldn't stand it, "Come on, finish the work."

He became serious and nodded: "Okay, it will be fine in a while."

Chu Yan hung up the phone, and Gu Anxi asked, "Did Bai Xun call?"

Chu Yan nodded: "Yes."

Gu Anxi smiled: "It's pretty boring."

Although she was joking, she was very happy in her heart. No matter what, Yanyan found a man who truly loved her, and Yanyan also liked him. This is very important. She never felt that love and marriage could not Reluctantly, like Chu Ci... She was more or less disappointed, always feeling that he didn't cherish herself enough.

She drove Chu Yan to Siyuan by car, because the Bo family knew Chu Yan very well, so there was nothing uncomfortable, especially the two children often made video calls with her, and they were very familiar Very, very soon we played together.

Gu Anxi watched them play, took a fruit and leaned on the sofa while chewing on it, thinking: "Yanyan, if you are not in a hurry to get married, you can live here. These two are your toys."

Chu Yan: ...

Mrs. Bo also laughed at the side: "Look at you, Yanyan also wants to be squeezed, she and Xiaobai are now in the period of passionate love, how can I have time to bring you a child?"

Gu Anxi was exposed, she smiled sheepishly, and continued to eat her apples.

Mrs. Bo just stared at her. In fact, Zai Zai has been at Bo's house for several years and has also given birth to a child. But from the bottom of her heart, Mrs. Bo cares more about her than the two children. Many people take care of the two children, but Zai Zai Zai was injured many times when he was young, and his body would always feel uncomfortable from time to time. Who would take care of her if she didn't take care of it?

Xi Chen is naturally very good, but he is always a man, besides, he is too intemperate.

While thinking about it, Mrs. Bo scolded her son in her heart. Just as she was thinking, Bo Xichen came back.

Because Gu Anxi was in charge of the Yunxi Group, and because Lin Shuang returned to Jiangcheng with the second uncle of the Wang family, Shen Congwen took over the management of Anpu Company again, and Bo Xichen only had to manage Yunxi Hospital, so he worked part-time as a professor at Beicheng Medical University. Job, two classes a week.

He came back to see the two children, and saw Chu Yan as soon as he came back, and smiled lightly: "Come here?"

Seeing that he was naturally different from Gu Anxi, Chu Yan was her professor after all, so she was still very respectful when she saw Bo Xichen, and stood up immediately when he came in: "Professor Bo."

Bo Xichen was quite easy-going, "Don't be so polite, you are different from other students."

Chu Yan smiled slightly, but she was still a little displeased.

Anyway, she thought that Professor Bo was quite prestigious, so she couldn't figure out how Anxi and a professor could have sex all day long, sharing the same bed... Chu Yan felt that she couldn't think any more, and her face was a little hot.

Bo Xichen hugged the two children in turn, and then came to grab Gu Anxi's face: "Don't eat too many apples, the fruit is too sour."

Mrs. Bo immediately responded: "She likes to eat this, and you still have to take care of her." '

Bo Xichen smiled, went into the bathroom and washed his face. When he put the towel on, his voice came: "You will protect her, and she will rely on you and her father's doting to do whatever she wants. The whole North City now thinks of Anxi as a witch."

Mrs. Bo snorted, "Who cares what other people do, and they didn't eat their rice."

Bo Xichen came out, shaking his head helplessly.

Mrs. Bo looked at her son, "Isn't it just to spoil him a little bit, Anxi won't be spoiled at his age."

"You know how old she is." Uncle Bo was funny and annoyed. He sat down and stroked his little wife's hair. "Where did you go today?"

Gu Anxi said it honestly, and Bo Xichen smiled, "It's easy for you, little Gu."

"That's my skill too." She said stinky.

Bo Xichen smiled, but didn't say anything else. He just hugged the two children and let Gu Anxi talk to Chu Yan. Madam Bo went to the small kitchen to make some snacks when she was free.

Chu Yan missed it very much after eating it.

Mrs. Bo sat down and said kindly: "Don't leave when you come back this time. Anxi only has very few friends. It's pitiful to see Xiao Wangqin being bullied by her. Fortunately, you can still suppress her." .”

After Madam Bo finished speaking, she glanced at her baby Zaizai, pampering and blaming her at the same time.

Gu Anxi felt embarrassed, touched his nose: "Where did I bully Wang Qin?"

"He said no..." Mrs. Bo said jokingly, "There are two children at home, you don't play with them, you only think Wang Qin is fun."

In fact, Mrs. Bo herself also thinks that Wang Qin's child is so cute and funny, and that Fang Ming seems to like her too, but he often bullies her. In this respect, she and Zai Zai are really similar!

After Mrs. Bo finished speaking, Gu Anxi coughed lightly: "I haven't bullied her since she got married."

"That's why you're just trying to figure it out?" Mrs. Bo pinched her face, "Don't think I can't see it."

Chu Yan's frightened face~

Gu Anxi glanced at her: "Look at you, no matter how horrible I am, I'm afraid I'm not as good as Bai Xun. He's scheming but 666, I'm willing to bow down."

Speaking of this, Chu Yan looked at her: "You know everything?"

Gu Anxi was angry and funny: "Please miss, I'm a medical student, and Bai Xun's body and complexion look really good, definitely not someone who has suffered from a serious illness, okay?"

Chu Yan let out a cry.

Gu Anxi laughed again: "At that time, he really had an operation, but it was appendicitis."

When Chu Yan heard this, she recalled it carefully, and indeed remembered that there was a light-colored wound of less than ten centimeters on Bai Xun's waist and abdomen, which presumably was left by that operation, and she was speechless for a while.

Gu Anxi patted her hand: "Okay, it's all like this now, as long as the feelings are true. If Yanyan didn't use tricks back then, you probably wouldn't have noticed him, let alone be with him. Together."

Chu Yan didn't make a sound.

She thought so, at that time her heart was ashamed, Bai Xun approached her, lowered her posture and tried her best to get her sympathy, and then slowly got closer and closer, but then being together had nothing to do with sympathy, it was with her It's about masculinity.

(End of this chapter)

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