Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1213 Dressed Like This, Entering the Master Bedroom3200 words

Chapter 1213 Dressed Like This, Entering the Master Bedroom3200 words

Seeing her distracted, Gu Anxi smiled and said nothing.

Chu Yan hugged her knees and murmured absentmindedly: "Anxi, I never thought that I would like Bai Xun's personality before. And he lied to me, but I didn't think about breaking up with him when I knew it. Obviously, I also hate being deceived."

Gu Anxi smiled slightly: "Probably because you feel his liking."

Chu Yan also smiled...

It was rare for the two girls to be together, so they chatted together and drank a little wine.Bo Xichen was also considerate of taking care of the child and let Gu Anxi sleep with Chu Yan.

At night, the two talked until very late...

On the other hand, Wang Jingyao returned home early after finishing his work in the office, and it was less than eight o'clock when he arrived home. When he got home, he took off his coat and threw it on the sofa, and loosened his tie: "Where's your wife?"

The servant smiled lightly: "Madam has something to do and hasn't come back yet."

"Where's Xiaoyue?" Wang Jingyao frowned and asked.

The servants were about to speak, when there was the sound of a piano upstairs, Wang Jingyao let out a long breath and got up: "I'll go and have a look."

The servant smiled: "Mr. Zhang is teaching the young master how to play the piano. The young master played the piano very well today."

When mentioning his son, Wang Jingyao smiled and his mood improved a lot.

He went upstairs and pushed open the door of the piano room. The young and beautiful teacher was listening to Xiao Wang Yue playing the piano. When he saw him coming back, he immediately stood up and called respectfully: "Mr. Wang."

Wang Jingyao made a gesture to tell her not to disturb the child's practice, walked over and sat aside, and patted his son's head.

Xiao Wangyue looked up at him, but continued to play the piano.

Although he is only six years old, he already plays very well. It can be seen that he has fully inherited his mother's musical cells.Wang Jingyao has no objection to his son learning this, but he does not think it is necessary to be the main business. Xiaoyue has a plan for the future, but Lin Hua has not figured it out yet.

He is a person who is used to this position, and he doesn't think there is anything wrong with it, maybe he is a little busy, but don't all men like the feeling of being in charge of the world, and his son Wang Jingyao's ambition is not small.

As he thought about it, Xiao Wangyue stopped after playing the song. The little boy immediately threw himself into his arms when he saw his father, calling him softly.

Wang Jingyao picked him up and kissed him: "Such a boy is still acting like a baby?"

Xiao Wangyue sat in his arms, hugged his neck, his eyes were shining.

It is also rare for the little guy to see him, mainly because he comes back too late every day, and he has already fallen asleep.

He was so soft, Brother Wang also felt distressed in his heart, and kissed again: "Did Mom say when she will be back?" '

Before Xiao Wangyue could speak, Teacher Zhang on the side said with a smile: "Xiaoyue's mother said that she saw an agent, so she might come back later."

After she finished talking about Wang Jingyao, she frowned, stroked the cuff buttons lightly with her fingers, and said lightly, "Call Mrs. Wang."

He thinks that only he can call Xiaoyue's mother... The person next to him may be called Mrs. Wang, or Ms. Lin or something. For example, Anxi can call her sister. This piano teacher has not yet arrived and is called Xiaoyue. Mom's point.

He doesn't like it very much.

Teacher Zhang sensed his displeasure, and immediately said obediently: "Okay Mr. Wang, I lost my composure for a while."

Wang Jingyao reached out and touched little Wang Yue's head again: "Let's finish class, and say goodbye to Teacher Zhang."

Little Wang Yue looks very good, and his appearance has inherited his mother's delicacy, but his eyebrows and eyes are still a bit like Wang Jingyao, and he bid farewell to the teacher obediently, but Teacher Zhang felt that it was a pity——

Mrs. Wang is not here, and Mr. Wang came back so early. Anyway, this is an excellent opportunity to get close to Mr. Wang. She has been a teacher here for a year, and she can see that Mr. Wang is very busy. Although he came back late, he did not The bad habit of flirting with flowers and plants hurts my wife... I also respect her a lot.

Such a man, it is impossible not to be tempted by a woman.

She doesn't ask for anything else, even if such an honorable man is willing to look at her, even if she loves her for a while, it's enough. Of course, Xiaoyue likes her very much, and she thinks she can be a good mother... Mrs. Wang doesn't seem very I like my life now.

It was a pity in her heart, but she still had a slight smile on her face: "Good Mr. Wang, today's class ends here."

She also touched Xiao Wangyue's little head. The little guy's face was slightly red, and he looked like a shy little girl.

Wang Jingyao was slightly displeased because of this move, but this time he didn't show it, but politely asked the lady to go downstairs.

Teacher Zhang said goodbye to him at the stairs and went downstairs slowly.

Xiao Wangyue looked at it for a while and then hugged his father. Wang Jingyao hugged him up: "Okay, daddy will give you a bath, okay? Mom will be back after we take a bath."

Xiao Wangyue leaned on his shoulder, sniffed it with his small nose, and said, "Dad has been drinking."

He slapped the little guy's ass: "You have a dog's nose, so smart."

Xiao Wangyue smiled embarrassedly, then hugged his neck and kissed him warmly.

Wang Jingyao was a little surprised. After all, he is a strict person, but his son is not afraid of him at all... On the contrary, he is very close to him. I don't know how Lin Hua taught such a sticky little guy, but He doesn't hate it, but he likes it.

The father and son took a bath together, and they were naturally happy. Little Wang Yue screamed from time to time in the bathroom, imitating the struggling people to call for help... Wang Jingyao just laughed, this little guy is so delicate.

But then he couldn't help thinking, is his personality suitable for taking Zhou Yunchen's seat?
However, he is not allowed to think too much, the water will be cold if he thinks about it.

Wang Jingyao quickly washed his son again, carried his son back to the bed in the master bedroom, dried him with a towel, washed his hair again, and patted his ass when he was done: "Go back to sleep, wait for mom to come back Let her go over and kiss you goodnight."

Xiao Wangyue lay on the bed like a caterpillar.

Wang Jingyao is very principled: "Okay, you are all sleeping alone, and you are not allowed to lie on the bed of your parents."

The little guy was dejected, and ran away with a small pillow.

Wang Jingyao smiled, put on his bathrobe casually, sat on the edge of the bed and smoked a cigarette, and the door opened after only two puffs. He thought Lin Hua was back, so he said, "My son has been waiting for you for a long time."

But a timid voice came from the door: "Mr. Wang, it's me."

Wang Jingyao frowned, then looked over.

It's that teacher Xiao Zhang.

She was wearing a white shirt, and the black pleated skirt underneath was gone. Fortunately, the shirt was long enough. Her hair was wet and looked like she had taken a bath...

Wang Jingyao frowned even tighter.

Teacher Xiao Zhang bit his lower lip: "Just now when I went downstairs, I bumped into a servant and my clothes got dirty, so I took a shower. There is no hair dryer in the guest bedroom, can I borrow it?"

Wang Jingyao's throat loosened a bit, not because of emotion, but because of anger.

Who is he squinting at? If this woman is in the office, he will definitely scold her to death. If the clothes are dirty, I can't wait to go home and change them, or borrow clothes from someone else. Going to his bedroom dressed like this... Isn't this a seduction?
Wang Jingyao's temper was not very good, and he said almost immediately: "Get out."

Teacher Xiao Zhang was taken aback for a moment.

Wang Jingyao was about to get up and deal with her, but at this moment there was a voice at the door: "Teacher Zhang?"

Old brother Wang's heart is screwed: my wife is back!
Sure enough, it was Lin Hua.

She was also wearing high heels, a dress, and a windbreaker, looking noble, elegant and beautiful.She pushed away Teacher Zhang, came in, and looked at her husband: "What's going on?"

Wang Jingyao was about to get up, but now he leaned back and continued to smoke.

Anyway, my wife is back, how to deal with it depends on her.

Lin Hua is not a fool, she can guess what is going on at a glance, she is not worried about what will happen to Wang Jingyao, because she knows that his vision is very high, and he will not easily get entangled with women, and it is impossible for him to be in She still knows what unbearable things the family did under Xiaoyue's nose.

Lin Hua's expression was quite calm. She looked at Teacher Zhang and said politely, "I heard from Mama Wang that your clothes are dirty. Let me give you a set."

Teacher Zhang felt very uneasy at this moment, she pursed her lower lip, and looked at Wang Jingyao...

Wang Jingyao didn't look at her at all, he smoked a cigarette while reading magazines, he didn't seem interested in such a big living person like her, she couldn't help wondering if he was a man?

Lin Hua also didn't like seeing her looking directly at her husband, but Lin Hua was a decent person, so she said calmly, "Mr. Zhang, do you want to?"

Only then did Teacher Zhang come back to his senses, and said thank you softly.

Lin Hua smiled lightly, and went to the dressing room to get a set of unworn woolen skirts for Teacher Zhang. The little teacher Zhang felt the handle and looked at the brand and knew that the starting price of this set was at least [-]. Some jealous.

It was not right for her to stay any longer, so she went downstairs to change.

Here, Lin Hua looked at Wang Jingyao, "Why don't you explain?"

Wang Jingyao was still smoking and said: "There is nothing to explain. I am not a male orangutan. I am interested in seeing a female orangutan."

Lin Hua glared at him, changed her high heels and went downstairs.

He looked at her back, thoughtful.

He thought, she should go and get rid of that teacher Zhang, that's okay, he doesn't like people with bad conduct to teach his son, it's not good if the teacher is bad.

Downstairs, Teacher Xiao Zhang changed her clothes, took a good look in front of the mirror for a long time, and then reluctantly took her bag and was about to leave. She was somewhat regretful, and she didn't know how long she would have to wait for the next opportunity if she missed this opportunity .

Just as she was walking out, Lin Hua sat on the sofa and waited for her. Seeing her come out, she said softly, "Mr. Zhang, I have something to tell you." '

Teacher Xiao Zhang's heart skipped a beat, and he could almost immediately sense what Lin Hua was going to say to her.

She went over anxiously, sat down and said, "Mrs. Wang, do you have any dissatisfaction with me? I taught Xiaoyue to be very attentive."

"I know." Lin Hua smiled lightly, "He is indeed a quick learner, which shows that you have good business ability."

Teacher Xiao Zhang's voice became softer: "Then why did you fire me?" '

Lin Hua's smile became lighter, and she said calmly, "Look, you're thinking that I'm going to fire you before I say anything."

Teacher Zhang's face turned red, and it took him a long time to say: "It's not what you see, I...Mr. Wang is a very good person, and he will not do anything to apologize to you."

Lin Hua smiled: "Of course I know my own husband, but...there is no room for you here, I can write you a letter of recommendation to help you change a job."

As she spoke, she picked up another envelope beside her: "Here is 3 yuan, an extra month's salary from me."

(End of this chapter)

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