Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1214 I'm Smashed, I'm Promising 4400 words

Chapter 1214 I'm Smashed, I'm Promising 4400 words

Lin Hua pushed the envelope towards the female teacher. Teacher Zhang was a little confused, and it took him a long time to murmur, "I have nothing to do with Mr. Wang, you can't treat me like this." '

"I can." Lin Hua said in a very soft voice, "Because I am Xiaoyue's mother and your employer, I have the right to choose my child's teacher."

Teacher Zhang's face turned pale slightly, and she murmured after a while: "Does Mr. Wang know?"

Lin Hua lowered her eyes, and smiled lightly, "I can take charge of such trivial matters."

"But, I still want to ask." Teacher Zhang said anxiously, as if grasping at the last straw.

Lin Hua calmly said, "Believe me, if Mr. Wang handles it, he won't have the 3 yuan, let alone a letter of recommendation. He doesn't like people who don't distinguish between public and private. To put it harshly, it's like He has seen thousands of girls like Mr. Zhang, so don't feel that you are special in his eyes."

Lin Hua thought that she was already very tolerant, but seeing the stubborn girl in front of her, she just felt a headache, how much more could she say?
The teacher Xiao Zhang stared blankly at Lin Hua, and it took him a long time to say in a hoarse voice, "Mr. Wang admires me very much."

"He admires a lot of women. If all of them are included, he may be too busy at his age. Besides, he is not such a picky man." Lin Hua smiled lightly: "Take your thoughts away and put them on the table. The place where it should be used will be better, and life will be easier.”

After finishing speaking, she didn't intend to talk to this teacher Xiao Zhang again, after all, her identity was here.

Lin Hua called the family servants over, "Send Teacher Zhang out."

The servants were quite panicked, after all, she arranged for Mr. Zhang to take a bath here, but she arranged for the guest room, who would have thought that this one would rush into Mr. Wang's room dressed like that, luckily his wife came back Now, if by chance something happened to Mr. Zhang, she would really be ashamed of her wife.

In order to pay off the crime, the servant immediately invited that one out expressionlessly. Teacher Xiao Zhang was a little ashamed and angry, and left with the 3 yuan.

When she left, Lin Hua still sat quietly downstairs for a while. When the servant came back, she still felt a little uneasy, and said softly, "Ma'am, I didn't mean it. Her clothes were dirty at that time... I was kind... "

Lin Hua interrupted her: "It's okay, it's not your fault. Go to rest early."

The servants are very grateful. Over the past few years, Lin Hua has treated these servants very well, and she is not airy at ordinary times, and she also gives them a lot of red envelopes during the Chinese New Year and holidays. They also really like her.

This time, she was negligent.

When she stepped back, Lin Hua lost her mind for a while, and then slowly went upstairs.

Wang Jingyao hadn't slept yet, and was still reading magazines on the bed. When she came in, he just raised his eyes: "Is it done?"

Lin Hua walked towards the bathroom, walked to the washstand, and said, "Well, I gave you a month's salary, and I won't come here again."

After finishing speaking, she concentrated on removing her makeup and seemed unwilling to talk about this topic again. After washing her face, Wang Jingyao had already gone to the bathroom and hugged her from behind, and looked in the mirror with her.

Lin Hua felt helpless: "I want to take a bath."

He didn't care, took a deep sniff of her body, and then sighed: "Are you entertaining? Besides the smell of perfume, there is also a little smell of cigarettes on her body."

Lin Hua said quietly, "There are a few investors."

Wang Jingyao still smelled her body, and smiled lowly: "Isn't it good for me to invest in you?"

Although she was smiling, Lin Hua always knew that he was not happy. How could a wife not see her husband's mood?
She turned around, looked at him quietly, and said softly, "I know you are not short of this money, but I don't want to rely on you for everything."

Wang Jingyao carried her to the sink, and took two steps forward by herself. She felt a little dangerous and frowned.

He lowered his head and whispered: 'Is my money hot? '

"Jing Yao." She grabbed his shoulder, "That's not what you mean."

She put her hand on his face and murmured: "You are usually very busy, I don't want these little things to disturb you."

"How can the wife's matter be a trivial matter?" He went a little further.

Lin Hua's body trembled.

He kissed the corner of her mouth: "Push that away, I will invest in concerts if you want to hold them in the future, it doesn't matter if you lose money, as long as you are happy."

Lin Hua frowned lightly, and wanted to say something, but he didn't give her a chance to speak anymore...

After a long time, she took a warm bath and returned to the bedroom.

Wang Jingyao rushed ahead of her, and was leaning against the bed to arrange things. When Lin Hua heard that Wang Jingchuan was over there, and that he was bothering Secretary-General Wang for her affairs at such a late hour, she was a little uneasy: "Jingyao, these I can handle things."

Wang Jingyao glanced at her, said a few words to her, and then hung up the phone.

Then, he patted the place beside him: 'Come here. '

She sat down and leaned on his shoulder, whispering: "Really, I can handle it by myself."

He kissed her: 'I don't want my wife to drink with other people. '

Lin Hua was stunned for a moment, and immediately said, "It's just people I know having a meal together, not to mention people who are well-behaved, even for your sake, no one dares to think anything about me. Yao, are you thinking too much?"

He disagrees: "I don't think so, I simply don't like it."

Lin Hua wanted to say something else, and he said: "After the concert this time, I will put my mind on Xiaoyue. Teacher Zhang has left, so please give him a new teacher. Don't behave like this again." It's out of place."

When he said the word "misbehavior", Lin Hua's face was a little hot, as if the four words were drawn on her own face, but it was clearly not her, but she still had this idea.

She pursed her lips, but said nothing.

She thought she understood what he was thinking. He was actually unhappy that she had a concert, but he just didn't want to quarrel with her... Her little talent is worthless in his eyes now, and she is the biggest in his heart. The only value is Mrs. Wang or Xiaoyue's mother, without Lin Hua's name.

It would be a lie to say that she is not disappointed, Lin Hua felt a little sad in her heart, but she herself didn't know what she was sad about, and it would be a bit hypocritical to say too much, just as he said occasionally: When a woman is her, it's still a bit of a shame. What is there to be dissatisfied with?
Lin Hua stopped making a sound and lay down quietly. Wang Jingyao said again: "I saw that girl Chu Yan today. I may not have time to go to Chu Ci's wedding tomorrow, and it's not appropriate to go there. Help me go there." .”

Lin Hua leaned against the pillow and said hello softly.

Wang Jingyao leaned over and pinched her face: "Why are you upset? There are more than [-] people, and they are still like children, but they are more sullen than that girl Anxi."

When Gu Anxi was mentioned, Lin Hua turned around and said, "Is she with Chu Yan?"

"Yeah, she asked that girl from the Chu family to go to the shooting range. Chen Ming taught it, and I talked to that little bastard for a while." Wang Jingyao leaned back, touched his wife's face thoughtfully, and said softly :'Why don't you ask me what I said to her? '

Lin Hua leaned against the pillow and sighed, "The left is only related to the old lady."

She added: "Jingyao, sometimes I wonder... Is it because I am not suitable to be Mrs. Wang?"

Obviously the old lady was satisfied with her before, but because of Xiaoyue's incident, there was a gap between them. During this time, Wang Jingyao did not hesitate to find Anxi to make peace, but the more this happened, the more Lin Hua felt that she was useless. Anxi had to take care of things, and the only music he could get his hands on didn't seem to be taken seriously by him, or the whole Wang family didn't care about it.

Lin Hua was a little dazed.

Wang Jingyao hugged her and frowned: "What are you thinking about!You are not suitable and who is suitable, besides, it is not a big deal between you and the old lady, but they just have different ideas. '

"What about you, what do you think? About Xiaoyue." Lin Hua asked him.

Wang Jingyao had a slight headache, and said haha: "My idea is to have another one, so that your attention will be diverted, and Xiao Yue has always wanted a younger sister?"

Lin Hua's heart skipped a beat, she lay down flat and said softly, "This kind of thing doesn't mean that it will happen, besides..."

Her voice became softer: "We are not too young now, isn't it too late to have a child?"

"You are only in your 30s, and sometimes you look like a little girl, why are you getting old?" Wang Jingyao disagreed: "Besides, Xiaoyue is quite lonely, isn't she?"

Lin Hua didn't say anything more, she leaned on the pillow and didn't know what she was thinking.

When elder brother Wang mentioned having a baby, he became unruly. She was not in the mood and was tired, so she slapped his hand away: "I'm asleep, and I have to get up early for a meeting tomorrow."

Wang Jingyao just took advantage of it, and now he probably blew her hair, so she stopped even if she was reluctant, "Okay, go to bed."

He quickly fell asleep, leaving Lin Hua lying there alone, not falling asleep for a long time...

When she woke up early the next morning, she reached out her hand to touch the side of the pillow and the other person was no longer there. Lin Hua opened her eyes, and saw a dewy red rose beside the pillow, which must have been newly picked by him.

She picked it up, put it on her nose and smelled it, then closed her eyes again...

He treated her wonderfully, it was true.

She's upset, and it's true—

In order to take good care of Xiaoyue, she has been taking contraceptives. Although she knows that he really wants a child, he has said it many times, and every time he... thinks of a way to make her pregnant, but she He has been taking medicine without telling him.

Lin Hua sat up, opened the drawer, reached inside and took out a small medicine bottle.

It was the contraceptive pill prescribed by her doctor. She had been taking it for several years... After last night, she wondered if she wanted to change it. Jingyao was fifty, and he might not be able to take it anymore if he didn't have another baby.

Moreover, he really wanted a daughter.

Holding the bottle, Lin Hua wondered if she had stopped taking the medicine... She actually liked the little girl quite a bit, and it would be fine if she got pregnant, besides, Xiao Yue grew up and became very sensible.

She thought for a while and put the medicine bottle back, then got up and went downstairs.

Wang Jingyao was eating breakfast with Xiao Wangyue. The father didn't read the newspaper in front of the child, but patiently listened to his son talking about interesting things about the school. From time to time, he would laugh a few times, so Xiao Wangyue became more energetic It's time for a baby, the little face is red, and the little mouth is croaking.

When Lin Hua went downstairs, the little guy rushed over to his mother as soon as he saw it, and called her affectionately.

Lin Hua carried him back to the dining chair and sat down, smiling, "Eat breakfast well, and mom will take you to kindergarten later."

Xiao Wangyue sat down obediently, took a bite of the sandwich, and suddenly said secretly: "I heard that there are several boys in the class who like Bo Anan, and Bo Xin beat them all up like pigs' heads."

Wang Jingyao had seen his wife come down, and he had time to read the newspaper, so he folded the newspaper and smiled softly, "Then what to do, no one will dare to like An An in the future."

Little Wang Yue's face suddenly turned red.

Wang Jingyao looked at his son's suspicious little face, and said softly, "Son, don't you like him too?"

Little Wang Yue desperately gnawed a few mouthfuls of the sandwich, blushing and yelling, "I can't beat Bo Xin now, but when I grow up, I will dare to say that I like her."

Wang Jingyao was so ridiculous that he scratched his nose: "Oh, our little Yue is promising, but you will grow up in Boxin, that kid looks much stronger than you, can you beat him?"

Xiao Wangyue lowered his head and took a bite of the sandwich. When he raised his eyes again, his small face was fierce: "Then I'm more capable than him, and I will snatch his sister here."

He spoke in a high-spirited manner, and Old Brother Wang smiled and patted his son's head as if rewarding him: "My son is really promising."

The heart that had been hanging in his heart was finally let go. The son is ambitious, although it is to pursue girls! ! !

This was the first time he saw a wolf-like expression on his son's face.

He praised endlessly, but Lin Hua was quite speechless. She looked at her husband and said, "Xiaoyue is only a little old, so you can teach him this, and besides, this and... that shouldn't be put together, so don't teach him wrong."

Wang Jingyao didn't take it seriously, and patted his son's little head: "It's good, young children have to go through a few more relationships. It's not like your mother hanged on the tree of your father. I will take care of her." Feel at a loss."

What he said was that she was just a man, a real man.

But Lin Hua couldn't help thinking of Feng Sheng, and fell silent for a while.

Brother Wang is not stupid, he regretted it after he finished speaking, didn't he give her a chance to miss the old man in a fair way, and the old man is still alive and well, I heard that when he returned to Beicheng recently, he changed his name and changed his name. well...

The more he thought about it, the more unpleasant it became. This was the fundamental reason why he didn't want her to go out and show her face.He didn't want her to meet Feng Sheng, he was afraid that she would be shaken when confronted, naturally she would not leave him and would not violate morality, but he is a man and his status is here...

If it is possible, he really wants to lock her up, but he also knows that this will really break the bond between them, and it is reluctant to let her go out... It's just that Lin Hua doesn't understand this feeling, and neither can he. Speak to her.

The elder brother's eyes were slightly deep, and Lin Hua accidentally raised her eyes and bumped into them, and her heart trembled.

Wang Jingyao laughed: "What's the matter, are you angry at what I said?"

"No." Lin Hua smiled lightly, "It's getting late, don't you have a meeting at eight o'clock in the morning?"

"Don't tell me, I almost forgot," Wang Jingyao got up and kissed his son: "When Dad is free, he will take you to the amusement park." '

Xiao Wangyue hummed: "Dad always lies! Dad is never free. I have already signed up for their family party at Bo Xin's place. I am going to play with Uncle Xichen and Aunt Anxi, and Bo Xin...and An An .”

Wang Jingyao kissed him vigorously: "My son is really uplifting, he can save the country with curves at such a young age! His thoughts are so deep that he is not inferior to your father back then."

He liked Zhou Yu back then, but it was optional, and his son knew how to plan his life at such a young age. If he had made up his mind about his future, he would take over from Lao Tzu.

Wang Jingyao was very satisfied.

The little, obedient little bun from the Bo family is soft, tender and smart, but not as emotional as Anxi's little bastard, and his temperament follows Xichen's. He likes it very much, and so does the old lady, and Lin Hua even more so. It hurts like it's gone...

Lin Hua looked at him like this: "The child is so young, he doesn't take what he says seriously, so don't tell An Xi, it's not good if he doesn't mean it."

"Take it seriously when you say it!" The old brother didn't think so, and kissed his son again: "Let's let mother give Bo Xin another one, shall we?"

(End of this chapter)

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