Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 122 Fire Anxi?This is a group of fools, right?

Chapter 122 Fire Anxi?This is a group of fools, right?

Just as she was about to speak, the door was knocked open.

Qin Siyuan came in first, followed by several school leaders, and Jiang Wanyin was last.

As soon as she came in, Shen Wanyan rushed to Qin Siyuan's side and cried, "Siyuan! My hand was almost torn off by Gu Anxi."

Chu Yan turned off her mobile phone, and ended: "Hey, no one has broken your hand, please, stop imagining."

Lin Qi somehow came back to life at this time, and got up: "The whole school is watching, you are committing a crime."

Chu Yan smiled: "She was the one who cowarded her, and she won't give up on Gu Anxi even if she doesn't apologize."

"Yes." Gu Anxi said softly, "I will only crush it when there is no one around."

Everyone was frightened by her frankness, and Shen Wanqing was even more frightened: "Gu Anxi is a lunatic."

Gu Anxi stared at her: "So, don't mess with me!" After speaking, she walked towards the door.

Chu Yan said easily: "Call work." She hooked Wang Qin's shoulder and followed Gu Anxi together.

Qin Siyuan blocked his hand: "Do you want to leave without an explanation?"

"Shen Wanqing apologized just now. The whole school saw it. How can she explain the bloody fact that she raped her classmates online and killed her classmates? Senior Qin, you can't protect your weaknesses like this." The best spokesperson Chu Yan asked back with a smile.

Qin Siyuan was momentarily stopped by the question, Shen Wanqing gritted her teeth: "I was forced."

She looked at Professor Gao: "Everyone has seen what happened today. Gu Anxi didn't take Qingda's school rules seriously at all. I suggest that the school call the police and punish her."

Professor Gao was also very angry, and looked at the head of the department.

The head of the department rubbed his nose: "Principal Wang is already on his way back, or would it be more appropriate to deal with it when he comes back?"

Professor Gao heard the intention of frankness and protection from his sentence, and was very dissatisfied in his heart, showing a haughty look on his face: "I don't think there is any need for it!"

Professor Gao felt that today's matter should be resolved quickly. If the students were expelled immediately, it would be useless for Principal Wang to come back. Things had to be done, and quickly.

Just as he was about to give an order, the school secretary came over, panting: "Director, Professor, Director Li is here, and he personally expelled a student just now."

This news is quite shocking.

Professor Gao was overjoyed, it must have been Gu Anxi who drove the car.

That's right, today's incident is so big, I'm afraid it has been rumored that Qing Dalian Li Bureau has heard the news and personally dealt with it, and immediately dismissed Gu Anxi. In addition, the head of the department and President Wang usually help Gu Anxi's, maybe he can be punished together this time. Although he is following the artistic route, he still has a little desire for power. At least this time, he has to be promoted, and he should be the head of the department. The current head of the department is too incompetent. as.

So overjoyed, she looked at her proud disciple, obviously Shen Wanqing also had the same idea as him——

Gu Anxi will be expelled, and President Wang and the department head will also be implicated. In the future, Professor Gao should have the final say in Qingda University.

Shen Wanqing left Qin Siyuan's embrace and walked towards Gu Anxi step by step. She sneered: "Gu Anxi, you are finished, it's still too late to ask me to apologize."

Gu Anxi lowered his eyes and chuckled, "Please?"

Professor Gao raised his chin to the sky: "I won't change after repeated teaching!"

Qin Siyuan's voice was low: "I apologize to Gu Anxi, I can help you get your student status back."

Chu Yan: I'm afraid this is not a group of fools!


(A new chapter will be added tomorrow, do you want to vote~~)

(End of this chapter)

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