Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 123 Hey, I'm Not Stupid!

Chapter 123 Hey, I'm Not Stupid!

Gu Anxi raised his chin slightly, "What if I don't?"

Before Qin Siyuan could speak, Shen Wanqing had already answered for him: "Then Gu Anxi will just wait for you to be fired!"

"Really?" Gu Anxi lowered his eyes, "Why do you have it?"

Now that there are people supporting her, and hearing that someone from above is coming to clean up Gu Anxi, Shen Wanqing dismissed her previous fears: "It's a violation of school rules to rely on you to pick and beat your classmates."

Gu Anxi walked up to Shen Wanqing's side. Because of the height difference and her aura were not at the same level, Shen Wanqing even took a step back, but still straightened her back: "You let Chu Yan send the video | all the teachers and students of the school I have seen it all, Gu Anxi, there are some things that cannot be denied just by denying them."

"Is there a video?" Gu Anxi looked at Chu Yan: "You sent it?"

Chu Yan shrugged her shoulders: "It is estimated that she lacks sleep after being with Senior Qin, and she is suffering from paranoia."

Shen Wanqing doesn't come to the stage in particular. Now that the school's leaders are here, Chu Yan is arranging for her!

Well, it can't be solved by their apology, she must drive Gu Anxi, Chu Yan and Wang Qin out of Qingda together.

Lin Qi handed over the phone in good time, and Shen Wanqing opened it excitedly: "I'll show you the evidence now."

But she searched for a long time, and the campus network was clean without a hair.

What about the video?

She didn't believe it, she searched over and over again, and the expression on her face changed.

Probably because they sensed something was wrong, other people also started to look at their mobile phones. After a few tens of seconds, everyone's eyes were the same——

Live to hell!

Obviously the whole school gathered to watch, why is there no trace of it now?

Everyone looked at Chu Yan, then at Gu Anxi, in disbelief and shock!

Chu Yan sneered: Of course I can't find it. I set it to be destroyed after seeing it. Hacker W and hacker KING often cooperate with each other. It's like the last time Qin, she hacked Qin's mainframe first, and then KING means that Gu Anxi went to repair it, and it was easy to get 5000 million in one go!

Gu Anxi had always lowered his eyes, but now he raised his eyes lightly, "Now, what else does Student Shen have to say?"

Shen Wanqing was furious, "Gu Anxi, do you think you can erase what you did with such a low-level method?"

Suddenly, her eyes widened, she looked at Gu Anxi and then at Chu Yan, "You...Siyuan..."

Her voice was urgent, "Siyuan, do you still remember the last time the Qin family was hacked? I now suspect that Chu Yan and Gu Anxi did it together. They were originally in the same group."

Chu Yan laughed inwardly: Hey, it's rare that you're not stupid!But...

"Where is the evidence?" Gu Anxi raised his mobile phone: "I recorded this passage! Student Shen, if you say something, you need evidence. If you don't have it, it's slander."

Chu Yan was stunned, it turned out that Gu Anxi was quite shameless.

This is a blow!

She was helping from the side: "That's right, now we have your evidence, Shen Wanqing, you apologize now and we can consider not suing you."

This scene left the head of the department speechless, and then sighed softly: "Let's forget about today's affairs, no one cares about it, and Wang Qin's affairs are not allowed to be mentioned again in the future."

He felt that his proposal was very fair, it took care of everyone's face, and he could tell at a glance that Gu Anxi was hiding his strength, and Chu Yan didn't dare to underestimate it.

People can destroy all the evidence in an instant, but you, Shen Wanqing, can explain clearly with just one mouth?

(End of this chapter)

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