Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1221 Don't Be Willful, Follow Me4200 words

Chapter 1221 Don't Be Willful, Come Back With Me4200 words

Afterwards, the atmosphere was always a bit delicate. Chu Ci went to the company without eating at noon because of a meeting, leaving Zhao Moran behind. She got up and wanted to go with her, but he gently pressed her: "You stay here All right. I'll pick you up after get off work in the afternoon."

Zhao Moran pursed his lower lip and smiled lightly.

Chu Changhe frowned: "It's only the second day of marriage, why are you still going to the company?"

He paused for a moment and said to his son, "Moran needs company when he is young." 0
Chu Ci had already taken the coat, and said casually, "Then it's better to let her develop a relationship with you."

What Chu Changhe wanted to say was that he had already walked out very neatly.When he looked back at Zhao Moran, he apologized a little: "Chu Ci's work is quite busy, don't mind, young couples will have plenty of time in the future. '

Zhao Moran said lightly, "It's okay."

Chu Changhe sighed: "Moran, you are quite sensible."

He hesitated for a while and said: "Give him time, I believe Chu Ci will be a good husband."

Zhao Moran said yes.

He liked her quite a lot, and felt that the girl is obedient and docile, and she has no temper and can tolerate Chu Ci, so it is a good choice at the moment, so he chatted with her casually, and in the middle of the chat, Mrs. Chu came back after taking the medicine , Seeing them talking happily, they sat down with a smile on their faces: "What are you talking about?"

"Just chat casually." Chu Changhe took a sip of tea and changed the topic: "What's for lunch?"

Mrs. Chu said leisurely, "I have asked the servants to add more dishes."

After finishing speaking, she suddenly looked at Zhao Moran, and asked lovingly: "Moran, can you cook?"

"A little bit." Zhao Moran knew that he was being embarrassed, but he still had a smile on his face.

Mrs. Chu looked very happy: "It's fine. I told you that if a woman wants to grab her husband's heart, she has to grab his stomach. That's it. Come and cook some Chu Ci's food at noon. I'll give it to you." have a look."

Having said that, Chu Changhe was not happy: "There are servants in the family, why do you let Moran do this."

Mrs. Chu suddenly became a little unhappy: "It's not a big deal to cook a meal. Chu Ci doesn't feel sorry for you, the father-in-law, but she does feel sorry for you, the father-in-law."

Chu Changhe was so angry that he couldn't speak, Zhao Moran didn't want to embarrass him, so he stood up and said softly: "Mom is quite right."

Madam Chu was happy again: "Look, Moran is so sensible."

She asked kindly again: "Do you know which dish Chu Ci likes to eat?"

Fortunately, Zhao Moran heard from the servants at home, so it was not difficult to tell that Mrs. Chu was quite satisfied, watching her enter the kitchen.

When the people left, Chu Changhe said: "Why are you bothering! Chu Ci is willing to get married so hard, and you must make trouble for the young couple."

Mrs. Chu sneered: "What is this! You look at me and I don't know that Chu Ci spent [-] million to marry her. If you say that you can't even eat a meal after entering our family for [-] million, isn't the Chu family being taken advantage of?" ?”

Chu Changhe was displeased: "As long as Chu Ci likes it, that's fine. We don't care about their affairs anymore."

"My mother-in-law is no longer qualified to speak?" Madam Chu covered her face, "I also want to train him a qualified wife for Chu Ci's sake. Do you think too badly of me?"

Chu Changhe was extremely helpless, "I didn't mean that, you think too much."

Mrs. Chu tended to say: "Not only that, but I also want to invite Yan Yan back for dinner, and we will be a family from now on."

Chu Changhe was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Yan Yan may not be able to get away today, the Bai family will go to Fengshan."

As he spoke, he sighed: "Don't move around, Yanyan now...don't you understand, she is under Anxi's natal family name."

Mrs. Chu was upset: "We raised the child, and now someone is taking advantage of it."

These words were not pleasant, Chu Changhe suppressed his anger: "What is taking advantage of? You don't know Anxi's temperament? If you recognize Yanyan and go back, the Gu family and his wife will have to post another dowry. She will not let Yanyan feel wronged." .In the end, I feel ashamed when she does this. The child is ours, but other people will worry about the important things in life."

When Chu Changhe talked about his sadness, he felt sad again. In his heart, Chu Yan was still his child, and he was reluctant to part with it.But Mrs. Chu didn't understand his feelings, instead she didn't take it seriously: "This is nothing to Anxi."

Chu Changhe immediately said: "Yes, it's nothing, but you killed Chu Ci like this, do you think he has laughed in the past few years or two months? It’s a good thing it’s messed up.”

After finishing speaking, he inadvertently raised his eyes and was stunned.

At the door, stood Zhao Moran.

It seems to have heard it.

Chu Changhe cleared his throat before trying to explain, Zhao Moran smiled and said, "I want to ask Chu Ci if he likes jealous fish or steamed fish."

Madam Chu also forced a smile: "The steaming is done."

"Okay, I'll get it." Zhao Moran turned and left.

When she left, Chu Changhe sighed for a long time, and Mrs. Chu snorted softly: "What's wrong with you? So what if she knows, she pretends not to know!"

Chu Changhe was stunned for a while before he said in a low voice: "I'm afraid she already knew! It's just that she doesn't care too much, after all..."

He didn't say the following words, Madam Chu answered in a confused way: "After all, it's all about money, right?"

Chu Changhe glanced at her, sighed again, and swallowed the words back.

After all, it's just... not loving Chu Ci! ]
Chu Changhe felt sad, but he did not complain in front of Mrs. Chu. After all, Chu Ci and his wife still have to live on... In the kitchen, Zhao Moran silently processed the ingredients, and the servants saw that she was in a daze and whispered: "Young Madam, it's still me Come on, where did you do this, you golden branch and jade leaf?"

Zhao Moran returned to his senses, and said lightly, "I'll do it."

The servant was quite sympathetic. Although it was said that Ms. Zhao married into the Chu family, her wife's character was very difficult to get along with. Look, it was only the first day that she tortured people like this, so rich people may not all be happy.

The servant looked at the door and said cautiously: "I will do it, Madam won't know, don't worry."

"No, thank you." Zhao Moran raised his eyes and smiled slightly: "I can do it."

Seeing that her movements were proficient, the servant felt relieved: "Okay, then I will do other things, and if you have any problems, just call me."

Zhao Moran hummed, and continued to process the ingredients in his hands.She was a little absent-minded, and she accidentally cut her hand while slicing the fish, and the cut was not small... She let out a soft breath in pain, and the servants ran over immediately when they heard it, and said, "Young Madam Press it quickly, a lot of blood has flowed."

The servant was very capable, and immediately took a tissue from the side and pressed it on her, but the blood was bleeding a lot, Zhao Moran frowned slightly, and the servant said: "I still have to go to the hospital."

At this moment, Mrs. Chu came over, "What happened?"

"Young Madam hurt her hand, it's very serious, she has to go to the hospital." The servant raised his eyes.

Mrs. Chu looked over and almost fainted when she saw it, she covered her nose and said repeatedly: "Quickly ask the driver to take her to the hospital."

As she said that, she went out to call herself, and said to herself as she walked: "Seeing blood the first day is not a good sign."

Zhao Moran was silent.

The servant comforted her: "Young Madam, you and the Young Master seem to be a good match, and they will surely grow old forever."

"Really!" Zhao Moran smiled lightly, and pressed his hands: "It doesn't matter if it's not."

What she is most concerned about is, if they have a child... Who will the child belong to?In case of divorce, would Chu Ci be willing to give her the child?

The servant accompanied her to the parking lot, and the driver, Lao Lin, came over in a hurry: "Young Madam, your hand is hurt badly, Madam asked me to accompany you to the hospital."

"Thank you." Zhao Moran turned his head and asked the servant to help her bring the bag, and the servant immediately went to get it, and when he came back, he was a little worried: "Do you want me to accompany you there?"

"No need, let's do something." Zhao Moran is very good at it. Mrs. Chu didn't say anything. If Aunt Chen followed her and turned around, she would be blamed. The desire to control, Zhao Moran is insignificant to Chu Ci's mother, she is just a woman that Chu Ci can marry with money, she still has some self-knowledge.

Mrs. Chen hesitated, and finally had no choice but to say, "Then you should be more careful."

Zhao Moran nodded, turned around and got into the car.

Aunt Chen watched the car drive away and said to herself, "I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse."

She sighed, turned around and went to the kitchen, but after a while Chu Changhe came over and asked her about the young lady. It turned out that Chu Changhe had an accident after answering the phone, and he had already gone to the hospital after answering the call.

Mrs. Chen said softly, "Only Lao Lin went with me, and I don't know if she will accompany you to go through the formalities with the inspiration."

She said a few words: "The young lady is hurt, do you want to call the young master?"

Chu Changhe thought for a while and said, "Let me talk to Chu Ci."

After he finished speaking, he walked out, and Mrs. Chen sighed softly: "Fortunately, sir is good, otherwise young lady's life will be difficult."

Outside, Chu Changhe directly dialed Chu Ci's number, and Chu Ci was indeed in a meeting over there, when he saw the phone ringing, he picked it up, "Dad? What's the matter?"

Chu Changhe's voice was deep and low: "Mo Ran hurt her hand just now, and she seems to have lost a lot of blood. She is going to the hospital right now. You have to go and see her when you have time."

He paused and then said: "I know you don't have much relationship with her, but you are always married, don't gossip about it to others, besides, life has to go on. It's not good to be too unfamiliar."

Chu Ci held the phone and thought for a while: "I'll be there in a while."

It just so happened that the meeting was almost over, and he was willing to give his father a face, mainly because his father had worried a lot about him and Chu Yan over the years, and now he didn't want to make him worry any more.

Chu Ci hung up the phone, returned to the office after the meeting, and explained some things to Secretary Yin.

Secretary Yin was surprised: "How did Miss Zhao get hurt? Still bleeding so much?"

Chu Ci frowned, then remembered what his father said.

Zhao Moran actually ran to his house to cook. He wanted to know that his mother was embarrassing her, but she was too brave. Usually, her fingers are not in the sun, but she will please her in the old house...

He was upset, but he drove to Yunxi Hospital anyway.

When he arrived, Zhao Moran was also bandaged, he found her and leaned aside, she saw her as soon as she raised her eyes, a little surprised.

Chu Ci looked at her, and after a while said in a calm voice, "How did you hurt?"

She held the bandaged hand and said softly, "I accidentally hurt it."

"Cut vegetables?" He looked at her and smiled lightly: "The Chu family doesn't need servants, you don't have to listen to my mother in everything."

Zhao Moran smiled lightly, laughing a little at himself.

He said it as a matter of course, but she couldn't do it, she had no status in the Chu family, and he left her there alone, she didn't have the face to think that she could ignore Mrs. Chu's words, and she didn't Face Dadi felt that he had to protect her, so he didn't consider her situation, and she really didn't complain at all.

Seeing her expression, Chu Ci was a little unhappy: "Why, do you think it's my fault?"

"No." She was quite honest, "I was not careful."

Chu Ci took another deep look at her, 'Okay, let's go eat. '

Zhao Moran silently followed behind him, and she didn't say softly until she got into the car in the parking lot, "I'm sorry."

He didn't make a sound, put on his seat belt and started the car, but after a while she found that this was not the direction to Chu's house, but another road, she reminded: "Are you going the wrong way?"

'Why don't my own family know each other? ' He lit a cigarette, took a puff and said quietly.

She stopped talking and looked down at the wound on her hand.Chu Ci followed her gaze, and then said: "My mother is not easy to get along with, so don't go alone in the future, and if she calls you, you should find a way to push her away."

She nodded and said ok.

Chu Ci sneered: "I thought you would be obedient, but you didn't want to serve her." '

Zhao Moran was a little embarrassed, turned his face away.He also knew that he was going too far, so he didn't say anything, but just drove the car to a high-end villa area.

She was a little surprised: "here?"

"Acquainted with a friend to play golf, let's have dinner first." He unbuckled her seat belt, and then got out of the car himself.

Zhao Moran got out of the car and couldn't help but say, "I'll take a taxi back by myself."

"You're not shameless." He glanced at her, and then walked into a garden restaurant with his arms around her shoulders.

There are already two men and three women who have reserved the seats. The girls are all young, and one of them called him impulsively and innocently when he saw him: "Mr. Chu."

Chu Ci glanced at her, that girl was not stupid, she understood when she saw the people around him——

He brought his wife.

Zhao Moran is not an idiot either. He didn't understand this battle. If it wasn't for this accident, he would be outside at noon today, three men and three women playing golf, hugging young girls, maybe there are other things when he is interested Activity.

It would be a lie to say that she doesn't care, after all, she is married to Chu Ci now, but now she wants to have dinner with such a girl!She knew that she should pretend not to know, because she was just a decoration that he married back home, and decoration should not have emotions, but today's various things made her feel a little bit wronged, and at this moment, she completely broke out...

"I'll take a taxi back." She turned her head to Chu Ci and said, "Play slowly."

Chu Ci grabbed her arm: "Don't be self-willed. Come here."

She broke away from him and took a step back: "I don't want to eat, and I don't have an appetite."

He stared at her and said word by word: "I'll take you back after dinner."

Zhao Moran shook his head: "I'll go back by myself."

Her voice was very soft, murmuring: "I'm sorry, I can't do it."

Saying that, she turned around and left.

When she turned around, she still couldn't help crying, not because she cared too much about his having a woman, but... because she couldn't help herself, because she would be bullied wherever she was, and she didn't even have the qualifications to struggle. No.

(End of this chapter)

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