Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1222 Angry?

Chapter 1222 Angry?
Chu Ci still held her, and she fell into his arms.

"I have nothing to do with the girls here." He rarely said in a good temper, probably because of the newly married, and secondly because her hand was injured because of him.

Zhao Moran lowered his head silently, and then said in a low voice, "That's not what I meant."

"Then what do you mean?" He mocked with a smile: "Otherwise, why lose your temper?"

As he said that, he looked down at her, "Okay, if you don't like it, you can eat at another restaurant, and I'll take you home when it's over."

His posture was very low, and she would not know how to advance or retreat if she quarreled with him, so she didn't say anything more.

Chu Ci turned to greet those few, and took her away.

As soon as they left, the girl became unhappy, and the people beside her comforted her: "Zhao Fei, that's the real lady, you don't think that Chu will always leave her to coax you?"

The girl said quietly, "I didn't think so."

"Nothing is the best." The man said again: "President Chu is not easy to talk to each other. Don't lose your mind. Take some benefits and accept them as soon as you see them. Don't think that Mrs. Chu is easy to be. I watched this The position was chosen by Mr. Chu carefully."

Zhao Fei couldn't believe it: "I heard it's a flash marriage, where's the time to choose?"

The man smiled slenderly, and lowered his head to play with the delicate lighter, "Didn't you notice that she was born a bit like the previous one? Not everyone is so lucky."

Zhao Fei is thoughtful...

On the other side, Chu Ci took Zhao Moran to another restaurant for dinner. She was inconvenient to eat and ate slowly, and he didn't pamper her politely. Instead, he quietly lit a cigarette and patiently waited for her to finish eating. Then he said, "Are you full?"

She nodded.

He got up immediately: "Send you back."

It wasn't until she sat in the car that she said softly, "Don't worry, I won't interfere with your private life."

Chu Ci held the steering wheel, looked at her sideways, and said with some displeasure: "You can't wait to show your husband that you don't love him, and tell him that he doesn't need to have any burdens when he spends his time outside?"

She didn't make a sound, just turned her head and looked out of the car window quietly.

Chu Ci still looked at her, at her slender white neck, it was very pretty.

She was born really well.

Suddenly he changed his mind.

And Zhao Moran didn't know anything about his thoughts.

When they got to the villa, she went upstairs, he followed, and closed the door of the master bedroom.

She was a little frightened and stared at him: "Aren't you going to socialize?"

"Not going." He took off his coat and threw it on the sofa, "I'll entertain you."

She understood, felt a little ashamed, and couldn't help taking a step back.

He laughed lowly: "It's been so many times, why are you still as shy as an ignorant little girl?"

As he said that, he reached out and pulled her into his arms, and kissed her as soon as he lowered his head... Her whole body was stiff, and her injured hand was clenched into a fist and rested on his heart. shoulder.

Chu Ci gently grabbed her, let her wrap around his neck, and fell to the sofa while kissing her...


In the evening, she woke up.

There was a warm yellow light in the bedroom, and her body was warm and comfortable. She didn't even want to wake up.

"Are you awake?" His voice came from the quiet space.

She was startled, then looked at him.

Chu Ci was dressed expensively, and was sitting on the sofa in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows reading the newspaper. At this moment, she put it down and said softly, "When you wake up, get up and eat something. I'll take you to change your medicine tomorrow before going back to your home."

She's not a fool, she knew he was going out just by looking at his body, she didn't want to ask, but said vaguely: "Aren't you eating at home?"

He hummed lightly: "There is a party."

Zhao Moran felt a sense of loss.

Even if she doesn't love him, she won't want her husband to go out and contaminate women. She... also loves to be clean. If she can't refuse, she won't like him to touch her.

The air, a moment of silence.

Chu Ci sneered: "Why, you can't bear to part with me? Do you still want me to accompany you at night?"

"No." She pursed her lower lip lightly: "You are busy with your business."

She is always a little embarrassed.

Chu Ci let out a low laugh, came over and put her hands on both sides of the bed, she lowered her head: "It's getting late."

He touched her face: "you don't care so much?"

She turned her face away: "What do you want me to say, or do you want to show that you care?"

Chu Ci chased her with her finger, still touched her face lightly, and smiled: "Is that another price?"

She was silent, a little embarrassed.

Chu Ci didn't say anything else, she got up and said, "The food is ready, don't be childish."

He straightened his clothes and walked out slowly.

Zhao Moran waited for him to leave before sitting up grabbing the collar. Only then did she realize that she was wearing the black shirt he was wearing in the afternoon. How did it get on her?

She sat quietly thinking about today's affairs, thinking about the future.

She licked her lower lip lightly, thinking about what to do if she was pregnant...?
She didn't dare to take any more medicine, because Chu Ci would definitely find out, he obviously wanted her to conceive as soon as possible, so that he would probably be able to complete the task and spend more time outside, and she didn't know if he was outside... Those women are also not allowed to take medicine, do they also want a child.

Just thinking about it made me feel so bad, I scratched my hair and got up and changed into a suit of clothes.

Facing the mirror, she realized how messed up she was, so she changed into a high-necked skirt.When she went downstairs, the servant's gaze was still a bit ambiguous, she pretended not to know, and said softly, "Did you tell me what time you will be back?"

The servant said with a smile: "The newlyweds will never exceed ten o'clock."

Zhao Moran smiled lightly and didn't say anything.

Newlyweds... If they were really newlyweds, he wouldn't go out at all.

She had no appetite, so she ate a few bites in a hurry and went upstairs to paint in the studio.

Downstairs, the servant looked up at the direction she was leaving and sighed: "Mrs. is so beautiful, easy-going and peaceful, why doesn't Mr. cherish it?"

I have been in this house for a long time, and I am not a fool. The husband always comes back late, and he always smells of women's perfume. The wife has never quarreled with him...

Upstairs, Zhao Moran painted all night, and didn't go to sleep until midnight. The injured hand was naturally injured and hurt. She changed the medicine herself, and the gauze leaked a lot when she changed it. of blood.She stared at it for a long time and smiled lightly.

Is it unlucky!
When she fell asleep, Chu Ci didn't come back, and when she closed her eyes and was about to fall asleep, there was a sound from downstairs.

About 1 minute later, someone opened the bedroom door.She knew it was him who came back, but she still didn't get up on her side, Chu Ci sat on the side of the bed, reached out and touched her side face: "Still pretending to be asleep?"

She also stopped pretending, and said softly: "It's getting late, I want to go to bed."

He spoke well and said yes, bowed his head and kissed her cheek before going to the bathroom.

(End of this chapter)

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