Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1223 Bo Xin's Fate4400 words

Chapter 1223 Bo Xin's Fate4400 words

She only opened her eyes when he left.

Sure enough, the whole body smells of perfume.

She was a little disgusted, and wanted to sleep in separate beds, but she didn't have the qualifications and confidence, so she could only suffer silently...

Chu Ci came back from the shower and found that she was not asleep, but she didn't make a sound and he didn't bother to expose her. He just lay quietly and lit a cigarette casually. smokes?"

She didn't get up when she spoke, she just turned her back to him.

Chu Ci put out the cigarette, and said softly, "That's right, smoking is meaningless."

She turned her head abruptly, staring at him.

Chu Ci chuckled lightly, and said a little frivolously, "Why, you finally paid attention to me?"

She pulled up the quilt to cover her face, "I want to sleep."

Chu Ci looked at her quietly, not knowing what she was thinking, but when she turned over to go to sleep, he pulled back a corner of the quilt, gently held her chin, and carefully looked at her face in the faint light ...

That gaze, inch by inch, seemed to be looking for something.

She wasn't a fool, so she knew what he was looking for. She didn't move, and just let him watch quietly...but her heart was cold.

After a long time, he finally lay down in a dull mood.

Neither of them spoke, sharing the same bed with different dreams.

On this day, Chu Yan's place was very lively. Mr. Bai and Mrs. Bai went to Fengshan to visit the Bo Gu family in turn. Lin Yun and Wang Keru were very satisfied with the courtesy.

Gu Anxi has been with Chu Yan all the time. She was playful and left Bo Xin and Bo Anan at home instead of going to school. At the beginning, Bo Nianyao didn't know about it, but at noon when she saw the two children coming back for dinner, she immediately became angry. It's broken, but it's not easy to attack because of the crowd. After Mr. Bai sent Mrs. Bai away, she was called to the study for a long time, so fierce that Gu Anxi was about to jump... the door creaked open, Bo An'an put her white and tender little hand in a little, and then softly called out: "Grandpa."

Bo Nianyao was originally fierce, but now hearing the tender voice, the anger in his heart disappeared immediately.

He immediately squatted down and opened his arms: "It's our An'an."

Bo An'an threw herself into Bo Nianyao's arms, and kissed her hard. Bo Nianyao's heart was filled with joy, and his face was also full of smiles: "An'an, if you don't go to school today, do you think there are any children?"

"I don't want to." Bo Anan said quite simply.

Bo Nianyao hesitated, and then coaxed: "Then you have to learn skills from the teacher! Children have to learn skills."

Bo An'an raised her round head, "It's fun at home, An'an wants to play with her mother."

After finishing speaking, he hugged Gu Anxi's leg, "Ma Ma~"

Bo Nianyao was completely speechless...

Gu Anxi was very proud, and Bo Nianyao gave her a look: "The children have learned how to be naughty like you."

He glared again: "If you don't go back with An'an in your arms, take it as if I didn't know that Xi Chen sent this little spy to rescue you. He didn't show up himself, and let a child be a lobbyist."

As he spoke, he was reluctant to part with his lovely little granddaughter: "We, An'an, don't say anything."

Gu Anxi's heart moved, and he reached out and lifted Bo An'an away. The little guy was hanging on her body like a bear. Bo Nianyao shook his head when he saw it, and said to Mrs. Bo who just came in: "Look, I don't know." It was you who spoiled her or Xichen, and now the child is spoiling her too."

Mrs. Bo said bluntly: "What's the matter, isn't it good for a family to be intimate?"

Bo Nianyao was furious: "What kind of intimacy is this? My child is no longer in kindergarten, so you don't have any objections?"

Mrs. Bo said strangely: "Bo Xin is born smart. Now he is only six years old and can be a fifth grader. What else do you want?"

"Where's An An?" Bo Nianyao asked angrily.

Mrs. Bo smiled: "An'an is a girl, and she will be pampered in the future. There will be Bo Xin in the family."

Bo Nianyao whispered: "What if Bo Xin doesn't care about family affairs?"

He always has one thing on his mind. The last time Anxi's pet Wang Qin came to the house and looked at Bo Xin and said something, saying that Xin's Chinese characters will be hard in the future, and when asked what kind of hard work he said, like Wang Jingyao like that.

At that time only Bo Nianyao was around, so he asked her not to say this again, but he always had doubts about this matter, and he was always worried that his family's Bo Xin would... The Bo family has been doctors for generations for hundreds of years, There has never been a character like that, it's not that I can't but I don't want to.

Bo Nianyao was stunned for a while, and Madam Bo looked at him: "Seeing how you are thinking, this is not a big deal, and it's not the first time."

Regarding his wife's indifference, Bo Nianyao couldn't say anything, so he could only smile lightly: "Yes, it's better for the child to be happy when he is young. I don't care about it in the future, Anxi is a measured person."

"That's it." Mrs. Bo smiled: "You are just bored and just want to show off your father's prestige. Seeing Xichen Anxi become a parent, you are very lonely, right? Don't think that's your idea I don't know what's on my mind."

Bo Nianyao cupped his hands: "Nothing can be hidden from Madam's eyes."

"That is." Mrs. Bo was quite satisfied.

In another place, Gu Anxi went out holding Bao An'an with one hand, and Bo Xin rushed out from another place, shouting, "Dad is back, let mom go back."

With great strength, Gu Anxi picked up little Bo Xin again, and together with Bo An'an, walked quickly back to the Orchid Courtyard.

When the servants on the road saw it, they were immediately frightened: "Young Madam, you can't do this, the two children add up to tens of catties."

'A piece of cake. 'Gu Anxi smiled lightly, still holding the two little ones.

Bo Anan clapped her hands happily.

I am so happy not to go to school.

When they arrived at Lanyuan, Gu Anxi put down the two and patted his buttocks: "Okay, let's go play by myself." '

The two little ones broke up, she probed her head, and Bo Xichen's voice came from the bathroom: "Are you back?"

She gave a soft oh, very good.

Bo Xichen came out while wiping his hands, looked at her amused and angry: "Are you being scolded again?"

"It's okay." She used to take the towel for him and put it back in the bathroom. When he turned around, he was already sitting on the sofa, and Gu Anxi leaned against him: "Why are you back so early today?"

"The hospital came back early without anything," he touched her ear: "What about you?"

Gu Anxi sighed: "It's very lively in the morning, it's meaningless if people leave."

He smiled, and reached out to touch her small head: "If you are bored, go to the company. Aren't there many beautiful secretaries who can relieve your boredom?"

"I'm tired of watching it every day." She held her chin and leaned on his shoulder: "Sister Lin Hua's concert tomorrow, do you have time?"

Bo Xichen sighed: "I may not be able to go to an important surgery tomorrow afternoon, you can go with your elder brother, if not, call Yan Yan and Wang Qin."

He knew that she had an active temper, and now she would always be bored when she was trapped in the Siyuan, so he was usually very tolerant to her.

Gu Anxi snorted, then looked at Bo Xichen: "There is something I want to tell you."

Bo Xichen originally wanted to watch TV, but seeing her being so cautious, he couldn't help laughing: "What is so serious about something, you have never been like this." '

While talking and sitting on her body while hugging her, Gu Anxi struggled a bit: "I'm talking about business."

He smiled: "It doesn't prevent you from talking about business."

Gu Anxi nodded, then sighed softly: "That's right, Wang Qin told me that Bo Xin..."

Her voice was lowered a little, and she actually told Bo Nianyao's worries. It turned out that Wang Qin thought it was a big deal and told Gu Anxi about it.

After hearing this, Bo Xichen was silent for a long time before opening his mouth in a hoarse voice: "Bo Xin is still young, besides, Mr. Wang planned to train Wang Yue, and now Wang Qin said so..."

Gu Anxi leaned on his shoulder and whispered, "I want to visit the Gu family."

Bo Xichen understood immediately: "You mean Gu Yuanshan?"

Gu Anxi nodded, "Yes, I want to go over and let him give a divination."

Bo Xichen pondered for a moment, "Alright. Then tonight."

He knew her in his heart, and she wouldn't want to bother Gu Yuanshan unless it was something important. Although there were occasional contacts in the past few years, Zuo only had important matters such as Gu Changqing's marriage, and he usually didn't contact her.

Knowing that she was anxious, he reached out to touch her hair: "So you deliberately let the child not go to school, and you also waited for me to come back earlier to discuss it?" '

She nodded and said softly, "I don't want Bo Xin to go this way in the future. It's too hard. Look at how busy the old brother is. He doesn't see people every day."

In fact, it is already very good now. At least Wang Jingyao can go home every day. It was only a favor when he was young, so the first wife died of depression, and she was not loved by her husband.Gu Anxi didn't want his son to be so busy and lose the happiness of ordinary people.

Since Bo Xichen made an agreement with her, he naturally left immediately. He didn't mention anything to Bo Nianyao and his wife, but only called Gu Yuanshan to say that he wanted to visit.

Today's Gu Yuanshan is no longer the Gu Yuanshan of the past. He has grown older living alone these past few years, and when he receives a call, he knows it well. It must be a big deal for Anxi to come over on his own initiative.

He moved back to the old house, sat alone in the study for a long time, and suddenly said: "Congwen, help me get the hexagram."

After finishing speaking, he realized that he had been married to Zhou Yunchen and had children with Zhou Yunchen for many years since he left from Wen. After regaining consciousness, he smiled very lightly, a slightly bitter smile.

In this life, he had been glorious, stood on a high place, and was surrounded by a lot of friends, but he was alone at the end...

Gu Yuanshan sighed and got up, walked to a cabinet, opened the lock, and there was a semi-rust and stainless divination plate inside. It was broken after not being used for many years, but it was still picked up by the servants of the family and kept here. It has been dusted for years.

He picked it up, brushed off the dust, sat and waited quietly.

It was already dusk when Bo Xichen brought Gu Anxi, and his servants came to report: "Sir, Miss Anxi and Young Master Bo are here."

Gu Yuanshan sat without moving, and only said softly: "Bring them here."

The servants saw that his face was not right, but they didn't dare to ask more questions, so they immediately stepped back to invite someone.After a while, Bo Xichen and Gu Anxi pushed the door open, and Gu Yuanshan said softly to his servants, "Go down first, you don't have to come here if you have nothing to do."

The servant nodded and stepped back.

Bo Xichen also noticed that Gu Yuanshan's complexion was not good, and said softly, "Are you bothering me?"

"How come?" Gu Yuanshan raised his eyes and smiled slightly: "Come here quickly."

The two of them passed by, and just after they sat down, Gu Anxi saw that a layer of dust had just been brushed off the things that Gu Yuanshan had just brought out, as if the master had known for a long time that they were coming, and also knew why they were coming.

She was touched.

In the past, she was very resistant to this, because she was abandoned because of this, but in the end she came here to seek advice for Bo Xin.

Gu Yuanshan could tell what she was thinking just by looking at her, and said calmly: "Fate changes from time to time, but Wang Qin's mouth is quite clever."

Gu Anxi was surprised.

Gu Yuanshan sighed again: "I guessed why you came here. Zuo is only for the two children of Bo Xin and An An."

Gu Anxi said yes in a low voice.

Gu Yuanshan looked at her with kindness in his eyes, and smiled bitterly after a while: "I will try my best."

He hadn't touched it for many years, now he took the hexagram plate and moved it a few times and then stared at it...for a moment, his face darkened, and he murmured: "It's true."

As he spoke, he raised his gaze slightly to Bo Xichen and his wife.

Bo Xichen held Gu Anxi's hand tightly, and said softly, "Is that what we think? It's Bo Xin?"

Gu Yuanshan said in a deep voice, "Currently, it is. But it may not always be, there are still a few decades, and there are many variables."

He suddenly moved again, forgetting about Bo An'an, Bi, said softly: "The fates of these two children are tied together, the reason why Bo Xin has such a change is because of An An."

Gu Anxi looked at Bo Xichen with some vulnerability, and Bo Xichen held her hand tightly again.

At the same time, they knew in their hearts that another person might be involved, that is, Wang Yue.

Bo Xin, probably because of An An.

Gu Yuanshan sighed softly: "It doesn't have to be like this, Bo Xin is a very smart kid."

Bo Xichen was quite calm, and smiled: "Uncle Gu, I'm sorry."

After finishing speaking, get up and say goodbye.

Gu Yuanshan asked them to eat, but Bo Xichen hesitated and said that he would go back to Siyuan. Gu Yuanshan didn't force him to stay, but after they left, he sat alone in the study for a long time... The things he worked so hard on were all in the hands of Bo's family. Yes, but no one regards joy as a burden. It may be that he is old and thinks differently from young people.

He thought of Anxi again. This child has grown up... She was a young and vigorous girl a few years ago, but she has become more and more calm in the past few years. Although Nian Yao often said that she was still a naughty child, his biological father could tell that After all, it's different after becoming a mother, isn't she here today for the sake of the children, so why worry about what will happen to Bo Xin in the future, it's just that the parents are more worried.

Gu Yuanshan smiled slightly, the smile slowly froze at the corner of his mouth...

He passed away.

At this time, Gu Anxi and Bo Xichen had just left for a while, and Bo Xichen drove the car and said softly, "Don't worry, Uncle Gu also said that fate will change."

Gu Anxi said quietly: "I'm not worried about this, even if you want to escape, you can't escape."just me watching...'

She suddenly said softly: "Uncle, let's go back. We will leave after eating."

Bo Xichen looked at her sideways, "What's the matter?" But he turned the steering wheel and drove towards the Gu family's villa...

Gu Anxi lowered his eyes, and said softly: "I don't know why, I just think I should have a meal with him. I haven't come to see him much in the past few years."

It's not that the previous suspicions have been settled, but that after becoming a parent, she may be a little different from before, especially when looking at Gu Yuanshan today, I always feel that he has a kind of old spirit, he looks tough, but he is different from ordinary people.

Bo Xichen shook her hand and stepped on the gas to speed up the car.

But before arriving at Gu's house, Gu Anxi received a call from the servants of Gu's family, and his voice was very anxious: "Miss Anxi, sir is not well."

Gu Anxi's heart sank.

When they arrived, the Gu family's house was in chaos, and an ambulance was parked at the door...Bo Xichen jumped out of the car and went to the study, but everyone gave way to him, because Bo Xichen was the best doctor in Beicheng, but he squatted down and looked at it. After a moment of silence, he pulled Gu Anxi over and said softly, "Uncle Gu has passed away."

Gu Anxi's face was blank, and he only murmured: "How could it be?"

(End of this chapter)

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