Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1231 Check 1, who did Lin Hua meet

Chapter 1231 Check it out, who did Lin Hua meet
We ate at the old lady's place, because both Lin Hua and Xiaoyue were frightened today, but the old lady didn't mention others and cared for a long time.

After returning to the villa, Lin Hua was also a little tired, but she still insisted on taking care of Xiaoyue to take a bath by herself.

The little guy was taking a bath by himself, so she waited outside with her clothes.She didn't go back to the master bedroom until the little one finished washing and went to bed.

She didn't see Wang Jingyao when she opened the door, so she looked for him and found him smoking on the balcony.

She went over, hugged him from behind, put her hands between his waist and abdomen... Wang Jingyao looked down and said in a hoarse voice, "Xiaoyue is asleep?"

She hummed, put her face against his back, gently rubbed against the expensive white shirt material, and murmured: "Jingyao, are you angry?"

He suppressed his voice: "How could it be!"

As he spoke, he stretched his hand back and dragged her into his arms, pressed lightly on the railing and kissed her closely for a long time... After a long time, he rested his head on her shoulder and murmured: "What's going on today, what are you talking about?" Not careless people."

Lin Hua is naturally not good at talking about He Qi, and she suspects that the person is Feng Sheng and there is no proof, and she is also not good at saying it, it is always an old thing and it is a pain in Wang Jingyao's heart, so she said softly: "It's just too tired .”

He picked her up, put her on the sofa and massaged her. Although he was valuable, he did a very good job of this idea, no worse than those in massage parlors, but Lin Hua pressed his hand lightly, "I'm fine, just take a bath."

His hand was still on her shoulder, but he didn't let it go immediately after hearing the words, but moved it up slightly, holding the back of her head, and the strength also changed from light to heavy, which had a secret meaning. obvious……

Lin Hua resisted a little, she had experienced too much today, but he is such a strong person, no matter how she resisted him, she still pressed her firmly, leaned forward and kissed him...

When he was passionate, his breath was hot on the side of her neck: "Shall we have another baby?"

She hummed, and then he hugged her up...

In the middle of the night, Wang Jingyao felt sleepy, so he sat up and received a message from Wang Jingchuan.

This matter, Wang Jingchuan took care of it overnight. The good guy has checked Lin Hua's day-to-day schedule up to the bottom. Naturally, even if she added a new WeChat account, he also checked thoroughly.

Wang Jingyao read the information for a long time, and murmured out a name.

He Qi.

38 years old, handsome, returned from Italy, a senior investment businessman.

He looked at Lin Hua's sleeping state again, so he reached for the phone next to her pillow and unlocked it.

Her password has always been her own birthday, because Lin Hua was quite sloppy with trivial matters, so she simply used her own birthday, and he never took her mobile phone to look at it.But this time is an exception.

He found He Qi, found the message, it wasn't a large amount of information, it was just a few words.

However, Old Brother Wang still smelled something different.

He Qi knew Lin Hua, at least before, and he knew Lin Hua and not Mrs. Wang, otherwise he would not have known her identity and still hooked up like this. In addition, if He Qi was not Feng Sheng, he would have known her in the past. Such a person won't make Lin Hua mess up...

Wang Jingyao stared at her for a long time, finally put her mobile phone back to its original place, and lay down slowly by herself, but couldn't fall asleep for a while. He deliberately vented his anger on her when he couldn't sleep, and even gave her to her without hesitation. It dragged on... and finally let it go.

And no matter how dull Lin Hua was, she still felt that there was something on his mind, as if he had noticed something...

Lin Hua wanted to say, but when she woke up the next morning, it was already ten o'clock in the morning, and Wang Jingyao had already gone to the office. The servant asked, "Where's Xiaoyue?"

The servant only thought that the husband and wife were fine last night, and said with a smile: "The young master went to the kindergarten early in the morning. It was sent by the husband himself. I am so happy, little guy."

Lin Hua nodded.

The servant prepared breakfast for her, but she had no appetite, so she said softly, "Give me a glass of water."

The servant immediately poured her a glass of water, and when he put it on the dining table, he couldn't help but say, "Ma'am, we still have to eat breakfast. You said that people can only be strong if they eat whole grains?"

Lin Hua felt that her words were strange, and raised her eyes: "What's the matter, it's okay if you don't eat a meal."

The servant pinched the corner of his clothes with his fingers and whispered: "I just think that my wife worked hard last night, and my husband is not considerate."

Lin Hua's ears turned red, and she waved her hand: "Let's get some light ones."

When the servants went down, she covered her face: What's the matter, Jingyao's family is full of old people, no matter what, they are just like him...shameless!

Naturally, she was not dissatisfied with the servants, but felt that they were too bold in speaking, and she really couldn't bear it.And these people are actually very good, they treat her and Xiaoyue well.

Lin Hua was speechless. After breakfast, she went upstairs and brought a glass of water. The servant looked up at her on the stairs: "Madam, do you have lunch?"

"Let's talk about it after waking up in the afternoon." Lin Hua said hoarsely, "Maybe I have a cold."

The servant wanted to get her medicine immediately, but she quietly said no, just get some sleep.

So, the servant said happily again: "Sir, you are too inconsiderate. You must have caught a cold last night. I said you can't stay on the terrace at night."

Lin Hua couldn't stand it anymore, she walked fast, but her steps were a little weak, she touched her forehead, it seemed to be a little hot.

When she went upstairs, she sat down, put the water glass on the bedside table, opened the drawer and took out a medicine bottle as usual.

But when holding the medicine bottle, she remembered what Wang Jingyao whispered in her ear last night, saying many times: "Give me another child."

She held the medicine bottle tightly, and after a long time, she put the medicine bottle back.

After a while, she opened the drawer, threw the medicine bottle into the trash can, and drank the water.When lying on the bed, her head was still a little dizzy. She closed her eyes for a while and then became dizzy. At this time, she really wanted to call Wang Jingyao to act like a baby. After all, she is also a woman, but where is his identity? In a meeting, she may also be dealing with important matters, and she doesn't want to disturb him...

(End of this chapter)

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