Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1232 Sick!I met 1 person 4200 words

Chapter 1232 Sick!I met a person 4200 words

Just as Lin Hua lay down and was about to fall asleep, her cell phone rang. She glanced at it and saw it was an unfamiliar number.

But she knew that it should be He Qi almost without thinking about it.

It could also be...

She looked at it quietly for a while, then pressed it away.

She doesn't want to pick it up.

When the phone rang again, she simply turned it off, pulled up the quilt and buried her head.

After a long time, she fell asleep in a daze...

In the office, Wang Jingyao returned to his office after the meeting. Wang Jingchuan followed behind and closed the door, saying softly, "Madam didn't go to the theater today."

Wang Jingyao frowned, then called the villa, and the servant answered and told his wife to eat something after getting up and go back to sleep, probably not feeling well.

Wang Jingyao thought of what happened last night, and felt that he was a little too much, so he wanted to make a call, but the phone was turned off after the call was made.

He looked at the phone number and saw that he dialed it correctly.

Afterwards, he frowned and hung up the phone, tapped the table with his fingers and dialed the number to the villa.

It was Mrs. Zhang who answered the phone, and Wang Jingyao asked, "Go upstairs and see your wife."

Mrs. Zhang heard the seriousness in her tone, so she didn't dare to be sloppy. She immediately put down her mobile phone and walked upstairs. After about 5 minutes, Mrs. Zhang came back with a soft voice: "Sir, madam said it was uncomfortable, let us Don't bother her."

Wang Jingyao followed up and asked, "Are you sleeping?"

Mrs. Zhang said yes.

Wang Jingyao hung up the phone, got up with his coat, and Wang Jingchuan followed immediately: "What's the matter, do you want to go back?"

"Go and see Lin Hua." Wang Jingyao didn't stop: "Jing Chuan, you stay here, and Zhou Yunchen will preside over the meeting later, and you will sit aside, no one will dare to mess around."

Secretary-General Wang was still a little worried: "Madam, do I have to arrange something? Should I let Professor Bo go over and have a look?"

"Don't call him if it's not a big deal. I'll ask Anxi to accompany her sister-in-law later." Wang Jingyao said and waved his hands: "That's all."

Wang Jingchuan nodded and watched his boss leave.

Wang Jingyao went back temporarily, and didn't want to disturb others, so he just asked the driver to drive back.

When we arrived at the villa, the room was quiet and there were only a few servants gathered around with tense faces. When we saw Wang Jingyao came back, we were relieved. Mrs. Zhang greeted me first: "Mr. I saw that my wife had a fever, but she refused to go to the hospital and said that she would be fine after a night of sleep."

Wang Jingyao would not take it out on them, and just smiled lightly: "How old are you, and you still play childish temper, I'll go up and see her."

He walked a few steps and said, "Oh, by the way, Anxi will come over and tell her to go upstairs."

The servant nodded and said yes.

After confessing, Wang Jingyao walked up the stairs, and because he was anxious, he walked faster. When he reached the door of the master bedroom on the second floor, he opened the door and heard Lin Hua's voice: "Sister Zhang, I'll be fine after a while."

"It's me." Wang Jingyao said softly, and then went to sit by the bed and reached out to check the temperature of her forehead.

Lin Hua was a little silly, she opened her eyes and looked at him, feeling unbelievable and unreal.

How did he come back?

He has always been busy, even when Xiaoyue had a fever when he was a child, he didn't take time to come back to see his son, now she just feels a little unwell, so he came back...

When Lin Hua remembered, he gently held her down and coaxed her softly, "Don't get up! I know you don't like going to the hospital. I'll ask Anxi to come and have a look."

Lin Hua lay down and smiled lightly: "It's nothing, why let her go."

"Let her come and accompany you." Wang Jingyao kissed her forehead: "The little bastard has nothing to do at home."Just in time to find something for her. '

Lin Hua smiled again, didn't say anything, just tilted her head and watched him quietly.

Wang Jingyao poured her a cup of warm water, took a thermometer to take her temperature, and took it out to see that the good guy had a fever of [-] degrees.

"You're such an adult, you don't even know you have a high fever! You thought it would be good to sleep?" He patted her face and said softly, "If I don't come back, you will suffer all day?"

Lin Hua closed her eyes, then moved her head next to his legs, and said in a soft voice, "Isn't it your fault? It must have caught a cold last night."

He lowered his head and coaxed her: "Okay, it's my fault, I'll make it up to you." '

As he spoke, he helped her to feed her water, and Lin Hua lay down again after drinking half a glass, probably because she felt more at ease when he came back, or because he was very gentle, so she simply moved her head to his lower abdomen and held her hands He even hugged his waist... Wang Jingyao lowered his head and said in a rustling voice, "Sleep for a while, Anxi will be there in a while."

"Then I'll wait a bit, or it will be even more uncomfortable to wake up after falling asleep." She leaned against him, closed her eyes, and said softly.

It's always a bit uncomfortable, especially the dizziness is heavy.She was worried about her concert again, what if she couldn't get better in the next two days?
She whispered, and Wang Jingyao patted her lightly: "If it doesn't work, just change the date, and don't point this at making money."

She groaned and closed her eyes to rest, and he gently pressed her head to make her feel better.After about 10 minutes, Gu Anxi came, carrying a big medicine box in a mess, he climbed to the second floor without knocking, and came in without knocking.

Wang Jingyao turned his head when he heard the sound, and then reprimanded: "Don't knock on the door either."

"Sister Lin Hua is sick!" Gu Anxi smiled: "Brother, you are not such a beast, are you?"

Wang Jingyao was furious, but suppressed his dissatisfaction when he asked for help: "Okay, okay, come and see that your sister-in-law is sick."

Gu Anxi muttered: "You don't behave like this as long as you have some sense of propriety."

Wang Jingyao looked at her again.

Gu Anxi came over and pushed him away to sit by the bed, "It's not a big deal! I'm fine, you can go to the office."

With her like this, the atmosphere became lively, Wang Jingyao said to his wife: "Look at you, every time I see you, I will be angry and pinch me."

Lin Hua also became a little bit more energetic at the moment: "You owe it too."

She looked at Gu Anxi and smiled, and Gu Anxi also smiled, "It's alright, alright, I'm just joking, how can my old brother be willing to leave right now."

She opened the medicine box and took out a thermometer to measure Lin Hua's temperature. After a brief check, she said, "It's just a simple cold. Get an anti-fever injection and then take the medicine."

Wang Jingyao was slightly relieved, and looked at his wife with burning eyes.

Lin Hua smiled and said to Gu Anxi, "Please run for a while."

"It's nothing, I'm usually idle." Gu Anxi sighed: "I still miss the days when I was with Yanyan. I'm going to take a stake in her computer company."

While talking, she prepared the potion and quickly gave Lin Hua an injection.

Wang Jingyao stayed by the side all the time, and when he heard about it, he said: "What computer company? I don't know if you look at it. I heard that the two of you cooperated to go to the black home, and one was a good face and the other was a bad face. "

He hates iron but not steel, "I'm not short of money, I'm just naughty."

"Where do I have it?" Gu Anxi wanted to jump all of a sudden: "Don't listen to other people's nonsense."

Wang Jingyao chuckled a few times: "Is it nonsense?"

"That's also eliminating harm for the people." Gu Anxi yelled, secretly looking at Lin Hua.

Lin Hua defended her shortcomings, so she immediately said, "Anxi came here for me, so don't talk about her as soon as you come."

Wang Jingyao sat on the sofa by the window, and then smiled: "All right, all right, you raised her as a daughter. If we can't have a daughter in the future, we can count on this old daughter to be filial."

His mouth is also very sharp, Gu Anxi jumped: "How can you be like this!"

"Why, I made a mistake, don't you two often join forces, pretend I don't know?" Wang Jingyao then took a magazine to read: "Okay, okay, don't talk, just stay with your sister-in-law when you come, it's best Get under the quilt and sleep with her for a while."

Gu Anxi wrinkled her little nose: "Tsk tsk, I'm not your old daughter, besides..."

She looked at Old Brother Wang with a smile, and there was a hint of ridicule in her eyes. Wang Jingyao suddenly couldn't sit still, "What kind of eyes are you looking at?"

Even Lin Hua couldn't lie down anymore: "Anxi."

Gu Anxi pulled back the quilt and lay down on it, with his hands behind his head: "Okay, okay, it's really troublesome." '

She turned over and muttered softly, "Sister Lin Hua is only a few years older than me, she wants to be my mother."

After speaking, he buried his head in the quilt, but fell asleep in front of Lin Hua.

She fell asleep, and the couple couldn't laugh or cry. After looking at each other for a while, Wang Jingyao came over, reached out and touched his wife's ear, and said softly, "Then I'll go back to the office first. I'm in a meeting. I'll get up later and eat something." something."

With Gu Anxi by his side, he was very relieved. Although Anxi usually messed around a bit, he would not lose the chain at critical times.

Lin Hua groaned, and Wang Jingyao shook her hand again before leaving.When I went downstairs, I inevitably confessed some things to the servants.

Lin Hua felt much better after taking the injection and taking the medicine, so she wanted to lie down and close her eyes to rest, but Gu Anxi opened her eyes: 'Going away? '

Lin Hua was taken aback, "Anxi, are you still asleep?"

"It's so easy to fall asleep." Gu Anxi rested his hands behind his head, "How can my brother be willing to leave if he doesn't fall asleep?"

Lin Hua smiled lightly, "Only you can cure him."

Gu Anxi turned his body sideways and leaned against Lin Hua: "Only you can make him feel uncomfortable."

Lin Hua remained silent.

She was sick again, so her complexion was not very good.

Gu Anxi touched her hand, and said softly: "I don't know what happened between you, but sister Lin Hua, my brother really loves you, I heard the old lady also talk about his love for the past. The wife is not as considerate as she is now."

Lin Hua said softly, "I know."

Gu Anxi leaned against her, looking a little close, and Lin Hua was willing to talk to her about anything, so after thinking about it, he said, "I met someone."

Gu Anxi looked at her directly: "Feng Sheng?"

Lin Hua was stunned, and after a while she said hoarsely, "How could you guess him?"

Gu Anxi smiled faintly: "It's not that I guess him, but that there is no one other than him who can make both of you and your husband worry, especially the old brother. Although he said you were sick, he was nervous, but it is obviously different from usual."

Lin Hua was silent.

After a while, she said softly, "It's a man named He Qi, the person in charge of the theater, he can unlock the password of my mobile phone... Anxi, I haven't told Jingyao yet, if I did, he would definitely not I was allowed to give another concert, but the tickets were all sold out."

Gu Anxi sighed lightly: "You suspect that he is Feng Sheng, don't you?"

Lin Hua didn't answer, it was a tacit consent.

Gu Anxi sighed again, a little old-fashioned.

Lin Hua moved her head closer: "I plan to stop this concert after it's over."

Gu Anxi's eyes were shining brightly.

Lin Hua added: "I'm planning to have a child. Jingyao has always wanted a girl, and she will be too old if she doesn't have me, and Jingyao is not young anymore."

Gu Anxi thought of the extraordinary intelligence of the old bastard, and felt that it was a waste of this gene to have too few births, but when he thought of Bo Xin's fate, An An and Wang Yue, he felt a toothache again.

But she quickly thought of Hua Dian, if An An was going to be abducted by Wang Yue when she grew up, wouldn't Sister Lin Hua give birth to one more child for their Bo family?
Gu Anxi is usually the most nonsense, and now she feels very good, as if this child was born for her, she wished to name it immediately, take it home and raise it herself... No, let Bo mother raise it together, I grew up with Bo Xin, and when I went to kindergarten, I let Bo Xin take it with me. Just thinking about it is beautiful.

Besides, the older one is six or seven years old, just right in age.

Just thinking about it, Gu Anxi showed an overjoyed expression, which made Lin Hua stunned, "Anxi, what are you thinking about?"

Gu Anxi came back to his senses and coughed lightly: "It's nothing, I just think my daughter is fine."

She added: "If you feel that it is not easy to take care of children, I can help you take care of them."

Lin Hua didn't know what she was thinking. She just felt that Anxi was much more stable than before, and after talking for a long time, she fell asleep after all because she was sick...

Gu Anxi tilted his head: "Aren't you going to tell my brother?"

Lin Hua didn't make a sound. She looked at it again and realized that she was asleep, so she smiled helplessly.

Then he sighed: "Sister Lin Hua, you think it's a thorn in my brother's heart, but I don't think he may not have noticed it, and it would be better to let it go."

Lin Hua was a light sleeper, but she heard it vaguely, so she said, "I'll tell him when he comes back at night."

But in the evening, Wang Jingyao had something unexpected, and he didn't come back all night. Lin Hua fell ill, and finally Gu Anxi went to pick up Xiao Wangyue. Xiao Wangyue liked her very much. On the one hand, it's because she is Bo An'an's mother.

Bo An'an's mother picked him up from school, which felt very good.But it's a pity that An An and Bo Xin left in another car, which made him very sad.

On the car back, Xiao Wangyue sat obediently in the back seat of the car. Gu Anxi told him that his mother was sick, and the little guy felt very distressed... At this time, Wang Jingyao called, "Anxi, I have to go City C, if you have to go, your sister-in-law will trouble you to take care of it for two days. The old lady will come to see you later, so you can help your sister-in-law talk, huh?"

Gu Anxi knew that he also dialed this number in his busy schedule, so he nodded, "Don't worry! I'll pick up Xiaoyue, and I'll let someone bring Bo Xin and An An here."

Wang Jingyao thought it was pretty good. Lin Hua would probably be happier if he had more children. He was too busy and hung up the phone after saying a few words...

After Gu Anxi hung up the phone, he dialed another number to go to Siyuan, and asked the driver to take the two children to Wang Jingyao's villa. After talking, he put down the phone. Xiao Wang Yue was happy and worried about his mother.

Gu Anxi smiled: "It's just a cold and fever, which is the same as a child's illness."

Little Wang Yue felt relieved...

(End of this chapter)

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