Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1233 Jingyao has never been so intimate

Chapter 1233 Jingyao has never been so intimate
Gu Anxi smiled at him again, then turned around and drove the car back to Wang's villa. When she got out of the car, she saw the old lady's car approaching, so she couldn't help but said to Xiao Wang Yue: "Look, the old lady usually doesn't say anything. , In fact, I still love your mother very much."

Xiao Wangyue was very happy, and his teeth were white when he smiled.

After getting out of the car, Gu Anxi hugged him down and went in holding his little hand.After entering, the servants came to report: "Miss Anxi, you are back. The old lady is here."

When he said the last sentence, his voice was obviously lowered, which shows that he was really afraid of the old lady.

Gu Anxi nodded, and put his hand lightly on Xiao Wangyue's shoulder: "I'll take Xiaoyue upstairs first, Mrs. Zhang, please make a few dishes that the old man likes, and the old lady will be happy after a while."

Mrs. Zhang was frightened immediately, "How do you know that the old man is here?"

"Shoes." Gu Anxi smiled and took Xiao Wangyue upstairs. When he went upstairs, he heard voices coming from the master bedroom. It must be the old man and the old lady who were accompanying Lin Hua.

It's normal for the old lady to come, but the old gentleman didn't expect it because of her. Gu Anxi slowed down, and Xiao Wangyue who was beside him whispered, "Auntie, are you going to eavesdrop?"

Gu Anxi patted him: "What is eavesdropping?" '

Xiao Wangyue smiled again and showed a row of white teeth: "I heard what An An said."

Gu Anxi gritted his teeth: This little thing, why do you say everything!
At this moment, the old lady saw them, "Why are you ghosting at the door, people who don't know think you came to your elder brother's place to steal things."

Gu Anxi scratched her hair, "The old lady will scold me."

Lin Hua was leaning against the head of the bed at this time, seeing that she was in better spirits, she smiled and said, "It's also your grimace."

Gu Anxi rubbed her nose, okay, it's okay for her to sacrifice for the harmony of the family.She hugged Xiao Wangyue and sat on the side of the bed: "Go."

Xiao Wang Yue also misses his mother, but he is always a boy, and he is still a little shy when hugging his mother through the quilt.Lin Hua kissed his forehead and asked very gently, "What did you learn at school today?"

Xiao Wangyue leaned in her arms obediently, and said softly, and his eyes were shining when he looked at his mother, which made the old lady on the side very touched.

No matter how nice this kid is to him, it's useless, he only has his own mother in his eyes!But the old lady was also very emotional——

Jingyao has never seen her like this, not that she is not a good mother, Jingyao is very filial to her, but he is not as affectionate as Xiaoyue is to his mother, just like when the sky falls, there will always be someone to keep out the rain.

Mrs. Wang sighed, and looked at the old man thoughtfully.

The old man never had such a meticulous mind, he kept caring about Lin Hua: "It's good to be well now. Eat something well at night, it seems that I have lost a lot of weight in just a few days."

The old lady rolled his eyes at him: "You look carefully." '

The old gentleman said: "I usually watch you more carefully, and I am jealous with the child."

The old lady threw him out, then turned around and said to Lin Hua, "If you're not feeling well, let's have dinner upstairs and let Xiaoyue accompany you."

Lin Hua was quite happy, "Okay."

The old lady patted the little guy's head again, with a gentle voice: "Mom is not feeling well, don't disturb mom, do you hear me?"

Wang Yue is obedient.

Gu Anxi then said: "An'an and Bo Xin will come later, let the children live in another courtyard after eating."

(End of this chapter)

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