Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1235 This Is Mr. He?

Chapter 1235 This Is Mr. He?

When Wang Jingyao said this, the servant smiled, "My wife is really beautiful when she plays the cello."

This made the old brother laugh, "You know this too."

Mrs. Zhang was quite embarrassed: "I also often watch it on TV, and I also watched a lot of that musician, but none of them have a beautiful wife who can perform well."

Wang Jingyao smiled heartily, walked to the parking lot, got in the car and told the driver: "Go to the theater."

Seeing that he was in a good mood, Lao Zhao also said, "Then he must have gone to see his wife."

Wang Jingyao just smiled and said nothing, and Lao Zhao stepped on the accelerator and drove the car to the entrance of the theater.

It was already dinner time when he got there, he thought about taking Lin Hua to have a meal, he was always busy and she was busy with the children and had little time, so now he finally got the time to have a good meal together.

Wang Jingyao closed his eyes and leaned on the back seat, thinking about where to have a French meal in a romantic place for a while. It seems that he has not been romantic for a long time. His wife is actually an international student studying in France. Thinking about it, he owes her a little.

It was inconvenient for him to get out of the car, so the driver went over to inquire, only to find out that Lin Hua was not there now.He ran back panting: "Mr. Wang, Madam has gone to eat."

Wang Jingyao frowned: "Did you eat? Where are you going to eat?"

Lao Zhao immediately took out a note and smiled: "I really found out, here... seems to be eating with some investors."

Wang Jingyao closed his eyes, and then said, "Drive the car over."

In fact, he could not go, to give Lin Hua some space, but for some reason, he just wanted to see her now.

When the driver heard it, he stepped on the accelerator and passed by. When the car reached the restaurant, the driver turned his head and said, "Is it me who went in and asked?"

Mr. Wang's identity is really attract attention.

Wang Jingyao pushed the car door and said softly, "No need, I'll go directly."

The driver immediately followed, "Okay, I'll follow you... You said that you didn't bring anyone with you, at least you brought Secretary-General Wang, he can make up his mind if there is anything."

Wang Jingyao paused: "Why are you talking so much!"

Old Zhao shut up.

Wang Jingyao slowly picked up the steps, and Lao Zhao was used to following him, and asked the manager where Ms. Lin Hua was as soon as he entered.The manager also knew about Lin Hua, not just a celebrity or Mrs. Wang, but the one in front of her...

He took a closer look, and it was terrible. He opened his mouth wide and couldn't make a sound for a long time. When he was about to make a sound, Wang Jingyao said softly: "Just tell us the number of the box, and I will go there by myself."

The manager came back to his senses, his back covered in cold sweat, and stammered the location.

Wang Jingyao glanced at him again, and there was more or less warning in his eyes. The manager stood like a stone statue, and when Wang Jingyao went upstairs, he woke up as if from a dream, and pinched himself hard.

Wasn't he dreaming just now? It really was Mr. Wang just now!
My God, Mr. Wang came here alone!

At this time, he was in a very complicated mood, and he really wanted to entertain him warmly, but it was obvious that Mr. Wang didn't want to show off, so it was really difficult.

Over there, Wang Jingyao reached the door of the box, winked at Old Zhao, and opened the door.

The wine inside is in full swing.

Lin Hua also didn't expect to meet He Qi at the investor group meeting today, but when Mr. Zhou introduced He Qi, he smiled and said that the biggest sponsor of this concert was He Qi. At that moment, Lin Hua wanted to break the contract, but she Breaking the contract would not only hurt her fans, but more importantly, it would indirectly admit that she knew He Qi's identity, and she didn't want to admit it.

Therefore, even if she didn't want to, she would hold on to this drinking session.

He Qi kept smiling slightly reservedly. He didn't pour her wine himself, but just watched other people socialize with her. Lin Hua didn't usually drink much, but occasionally she couldn't avoid giving others a face. Hong, a little overwhelmed by alcohol, besides, she just fell ill.

Although there were many people at the scene, it seemed like she and He Qi were the only ones, and there was a slight current.

He Qi has been looking at her quietly, neither enthusiastic nor indifferent... After a long time, others are not fools, so they can see that He Qi is very interested in this Mrs. Wang, and out of some considerations, they still reminded her In a word, "Ms. Lin is Mrs. Wang, Brother He, you are a smart person, so you won't be so hard-pressed."

The man chuckled again: "I thought Brother He came to Beicheng to seek money, so I won't linger for beauty so easily."

He Qi smiled very faintly, and then glanced at Lin Hua as if nothing had happened.Lin Hua leaned on the back of the chair, looking like she couldn't drink enough——

He Qi's eyes darkened.

She is even worse than before, is it because she finally married the person she wanted to marry?

Was it true or false that she treated him before?Or how is it compared to Wang Jingyao?

At this moment, the door suddenly opened, and Lao Zhao came in, followed by Wang Jingyao.

Everyone in the box was stunned for a moment, but everyone had good eyesight, so they suddenly became sober.

It turned out to be Mr. Wang!

Especially those few who persuaded them to drink, they woke up immediately after drinking, not only that, the hairs on their backs stood on end.

Wang Jingyao scanned around, smiled faintly, and finally his eyes fell on Lin Hua's face.

Lin Hua was not in a state of being drunk or slightly smoked.She was also surprised that Wang Jingyao appeared here, she got up slightly, and said in a low voice, "Why are you here?"

As he spoke, he got up, but when he got up, he swayed a bit, and He Qi beside him instinctively wanted to help her, but Wang Jingyao stabilized his wife first, and then said softly, "Mr. Lao He is here."

As soon as he said this, the surrounding area was silent.

He Qi was a little surprised, looked at Wang Jingyao for a moment and then at Lin Hua.

The same goes for Lin Hua, she never thought that Jingyao would be so perceptive to know He Qi's name.

Naturally, Wang Jingyao could feel the turbulence of this point, and sneered in his heart: Every man who loves his wife will be sensitive to the male mistress, okay?The face of this surname He is full of admiration!If he could, he really wanted to take a gun and kill this bastard, but he knew clearly that the whole world could do it, but He Qi couldn't.

Wang Jingyao didn't bother too much, and he accepted it as soon as he saw it, and said to his wife very gently: "If you can't drink, then don't drink. See if you are drunk?"

Lin Hua leaned on his shoulder and smiled slightly: "It's actually okay. '

Brother Wang looked at her and smiled, "Since it's all right, then accompany me to dinner."

He apologized to everyone present: "Excuse my wife, do you have any objections?"

Then someone stood up immediately, "Naturally, I dare not have any objections. Presumably Mr. Wang and Mrs. Wang haven't seen each other for several days."

Wang Jingyao smiled lightly, and looked at his wife again, "Okay, let's go, Jing Chuan has already helped to book a seat."

Lin Hua smiled apologetically at the others: "I'm sorry."

He Qi stared at her for a moment, then smiled lightly: "Of course I want to accompany Mr. Wang."

His eyes were burning, but Lin Hua just wanted to run away.

She has a feeling that Jing Yao must know something, he has always been very keen.

She looked up at her husband, and Wang Jingyao was also looking at her. There was an inexplicable sense of eye contact with each other. At this time, someone said: "Sure enough, Xiao Biesheng is newly married. Mr. Wang and Mrs. Wang really love each other."

Wang Jingyao smiled slightly, but took Lin Hua away without saying anything.It wasn't until she got in the car that she relaxed and leaned on his shoulder, and said in a soft voice, "Why are you here?"

Wang Jingyao loosened his tie, looked at her sideways, and smiled lightly: "Why, unhappy?"

"No way." She closed her eyes: "It's just a little accident."

At this moment, she smelled the refreshing and pleasant breath on his body, and she should have relaxed, but her whole body was tense for no reason, and she didn't dare to ask him how he knew about He Qi...

When she didn't make a sound, Wang Jingyao said softly, "Uncomfortable?"

Then he blamed again: "Why do you still drink when you are not in good health?"

"I've had two drinks, I'm fine." She said softly.

After many years of husband and wife, she can always feel his temper, so she wrapped her hands around his waist and tightened, there was a sense of flattery in it, and then the air became a little ambiguous, especially when she drank alcohol. She was bolder than usual, she would not back down when he kissed her, she would just lean her face up and let him kiss her, feeling that it was not enough, her thin arms wrapped around his neck...

After a long time, Wang Jingyao let out a long breath——

She really drank and killed her!
However, he liked it, very, very much.

He pressed the back of Lin Hua's head, and his movements slowly slowed down. When she raised her eyes, she found that his eyes had changed...

(End of this chapter)

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