Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1236 How did you act like a baby?

Chapter 1236 How did you act like a baby?

Lin Hua's voice trembled a little, "Jing Yao."

Wang Jingyao didn't make a sound, but the movements of his hands were slower.

Lin Hua's voice trembled again: "Jing Yao."

He let out a careless grunt, didn't say anything else, still gently stroking her head, and then pressed her into his arms... She could feel the warmth of his heart through a layer of shirt. The material burned her face slightly red.

They are like this, the driver in front, Old Zhao, is suffering: he can't restrain himself, he can be regarded as an old couple and still be so tired.

This was something he didn't understand. One must know that Wang Jingyao was always busy, and it was not easy to find time during the day. In addition, Lin Hua was in the car after drinking, so she couldn't help it.

Later, I didn’t know what they ate for the French meal, but later Wang Jingchuan arranged for them to rest in a suite, and Brother Wang was very satisfied...

Lin Hua was slightly fumigated and fell asleep from exhaustion.

He was standing by the bed, putting on his tie, and there was an important meeting to be held in a moment.But he couldn't bear to leave like this, so he bent down and whispered in her ear: "Sleep well, I'll pick you up at night."

Lin Hua stretched out a delicate arm from the quilt, wrapped it around his neck, and said lazily, "Is there still business?"

He hummed softly, then pinched her face again: "I'll be with you tonight."

She didn't let go, so he laughed: "Why are you acting like a baby like Xiao Yue?"

Lin Hua felt a little embarrassed, and opened her eyes, "Jing Yao."

He thought about it, "What's wrong?"

She wanted to talk about having a child, and also wanted to talk to him about He Qi, but at this moment Wang Jingyao's cell phone rang, and it was Wang Jingchuan who called. It turned out that it was time for the meeting, so Wang Jingchuan called in a hurry Come here and urge——

Really, Mr. Wang is too immature, the meeting in the afternoon is so important, but his old man is here to talk about love, saying that he took a lunch break, usually at most an hour for a short while, but now it is two hours I can't come down.

When he called, Wang Jingyao was naturally not very happy, but he had to do some things in his place, so he kissed his wife on the cheek again: "Wait for me here." '

Lin Hua hummed, and he kissed her for a while before reluctantly leaving.

Old brother Wang went downstairs, feeling both good and bad. When he saw Secretary-General Wang, his face was stinky: "Jingchuan, you are getting better at doing things."

Wang Jingchuan is like a fine person. He didn't know that he had ruined his boss's good deeds, so he opened the door for his boss and said with a smile on his face: "Isn't there a meeting in the afternoon, or the whole afternoon is a good time, right? But today We can get off work earlier."

He is quite good at coming: "Except for this meeting, I have turned off everything else, can I get off work at six o'clock?"

Wang Jingyao got into the car, holding on to his tie, thoughtfully: "Can you guarantee it?"

Secretary-General Wang lowered his eyebrows and said, "Of course it can be guaranteed."

Wang Jingyao didn't say anything else, just closed his eyes and rested his mind.

Wang Jingchuan thought secretly; you are tired, you are doing nothing to let you rest, and you don't take care of your body.But he didn't dare to tell Wang Jingyao about this, and promised to give him small shoes to wear.

But in the afternoon, Wang Jingyao became irritable, and the meeting that was agreed to be held until six o'clock continued until nine o'clock in the evening.When Wang Jingyao left the conference room, his face turned green. Secretary-General Wang was cautious, for fear of stepping on his boss's thunder.

He was so cautious that Wang Jingyao started to complain when he got in the car, his face was as dark as water: "Jing Chuan, you have also seen that Lao Wu is getting more and more outrageous now, and his hands are stretched too long."

Wang Jingchuan was taken aback for a moment. He thought that Mr. Wang would get angry about working overtime, but he didn't think it was because of that old Wu.Although he was surprised, he was also very calm and good at solving problems for his boss, so he calmly expressed his opinion, and Wang Jingyao nodded after listening: "Jingchuan, what you said is not unreasonable, so let him let him beat him first, If you don't know how to look behind your face and act vigorously and resolutely, in short, the rules can't be broken on this bastard."

As he spoke, he ground his white teeth again: "It's really too kind to them, one by one doesn't know how to be grateful, and they ask for more, and they are too greedy."

Wang Jingchuan coaxed him to be happy: "These are small things, just leave it to me."

Wang Jingyao patted his trousers, and said a little reservedly: "I'm at ease when you do things."

He paused and then said: "I can see that he bullied Zhou Yunchen when he was young. Hehe, Zhou Yunchen was promoted by me. It depends on the owner to beat a dog. He is so unrespectful. Jing Chuan, you said that when Min Xin was in the past Don't you dare to do that?"

"That's right." Wang Jingchuan quickly gave him a pat on the back: "Mr. Min still respects you very much, and he will also look at the situation, unlike the people from the corner of Old Wu, who are not too good at looking at the wind direction."

He smiled again: "But you said that beating a dog depends on the owner. If Mr. Zhou hears about it, he will throw away this stall again and quit."

Wang Jingyao pretended to be annoyed: "If you don't do it, don't do it, I still beg him not to do it."

Even so, he laughed himself afterwards.

Wang Jingchuan also laughed: "You say that, but you are actually very satisfied and like Mr. Zhou in your heart, otherwise you wouldn't go all out and escort him personally."

He thought about it, it was more or less because of Gu Anxi, but Wang Jingyao didn't care too much and said, "It's not because of Anxi either!"

He paused: "I treated Mr. He badly, Yun Chen is also a proud person, which is very similar to that little bastard, but the little bastard and I have a brother-sister relationship after all, but It's not Zhou Yunchen, I was wrong about that, so helping him a little more now can be regarded as compensation."

After all, Wang Jingyao was really a little tired, and after resting his hands on the annoyance, he said a few heartfelt words to Wang Jingchuan: "Jingchuan, if I could throw away this stall, I would have put it down long ago, but I can't!"

He tilted his head: "I can't throw it away, and there's that kid from the Zhou family, Zhou Mu... You really don't think there's anything wrong? Why did Zhou Yunchen ask to train Wang Yue? You really haven't thought about it carefully? First of all, he It just excludes my own son."

Wang Jingchuan was a little confused, and smiled: "I can't say that, why not?"

Wang Jingyao sighed softly: "When Zhou Mu grows up, I'm afraid he will be more... I don't know what he will be like in the future. That child was born so well, don't you think he looks better than Bo Xin and Wang Yue? It’s okay to be a girl, but I was born a boy.”

Secretary-General Wang said in passing: "I'm afraid there will be no such boy."

After finishing speaking, I shivered.

Dumbfounded, he stared straight at Wang Jingyao.

(End of this chapter)

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