Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1254 Your Dad Needs Funds

Chapter 1254 Your Dad Needs Funds

Chu Ci didn't leave, and stayed here until the doctor came to check the room in the afternoon, and he really had an important meeting to start and had to leave.

When leaving, Chu Changhe and Mrs. Chu came over, and Chu Ci paused: "Mom and Dad, why are you here?"

The Chu family couple looked unhappy, and looked at their son with reproachful expressions: "I didn't tell my family when such a big thing happened."

After Chu Changhe finished speaking, he looked at Zhao Moran gently, "How is it?"

Zhao Moran pursed her lower lip and smiled faintly: "Thank you dad for caring, I'm fine."

Chu Changhe naturally scolded his son severely again, but Mrs. Chu felt sorry for her son and couldn't help saying: "If you want to blame it, blame that woman, why are you always talking about Chu Ci!"

"Women's women, it's not that if Chu Ci can't control himself, ten women won't be able to seduce them." Chu Changhe became slightly angry, "He is responsible for this matter, so don't always excuse him! Besides, he is now It’s the man whose husband is going to be a father soon, so he can’t be as messy as before.”

Mrs. Chu still wanted to say something, but she swallowed the words, then looked at Zhao Moran and smiled: "It's fine."

She stared at her belly: "I don't know if it's a boy or a girl."

Then she said to herself: "It's better to be a boy. If it's a girl, it's not good if she is as disobedient as Yan Yan."

"Mom." Chu Ci murmured displeasedly: "Why is Yan Yan involved again?"

His original intention was not to let Zhao Moran hear the name, but the words had another meaning in Zhao Moran's ears.

He is protecting Chu Yan!

Although she said she didn't love her husband very much, she just had a hard time in her heart, and her current situation was even more embarrassing. She was pregnant with her husband's child, but she couldn't integrate into the family at all. Just the lady who came back.

Zhao Moran remained silent, Chu Ci straightened his clothes again and then said to his parents: "I'm going to the company for a meeting, you guys accompany Moran..."

Chu Changhe said: "The company is important, but the wife and children are also important."

"I know Dad." Chu Ci smiled lightly, looked at Zhao Moran again, and then left.

Chu Changhe sent him to the elevator, and while waiting for the elevator, the father and father said a few polite words.How could Chu Changhe not feel sorry for his son?He also heard the news that Yan Yan was going to get married, and he heard it from Mr. Bai and Mrs. Bai. It was said that Bai Xun was getting married soon and had a very good relationship with Yan Yan. He seemed to have no way to get back up.

He patted Chu Ci on the shoulder and said softly, "It's over, don't think about it anymore."

Chu Ci's voice was rustling: "I know Dad."

Chu Changhe was silent for a while, and then said: "Mo Ran is a good girl, maybe you are not very suitable for her, but she is very suitable to be your wife, Chu Ci, you have experienced feelings, you should understand Dad It means... Try to accept this marriage, you can't be too wronged if you want to marry the person."

Chu Ci smiled lightly and said nothing.

Chu Changhe sighed softly, it's hard to say anything more, he, as an elder, just finished the matter of the young couple, talking too much about his son may not be a good thing for Mo Ran.

Just then the elevator door opened, Chu Ci entered, and the elevator door closed again.

He stared at the door for a long while and smiled slightly.

Very good, Zhao Moran is pregnant, everything is under his control.The marriage he wanted included two or three children, and now she probably had nothing else to think about after giving birth to one.

As for her first love, it's not worth mentioning.

Chu Ci had an important meeting, but his more important thing was to get rid of that woman who wanted to die... That woman would not go to jail, but she would spend the rest of her life in a lunatic asylum.

After he finished everything, he was supposed to go back to the villa at night, but after thinking about it, he went to the hospital.When I reached the door of the ward, I planned to open the door, but I heard a voice from inside the closed door——

Not very familiar, but from the tone of her voice, she could tell that it was Zhao Moran's mother.

"Mo Ran, you are now pregnant with Chu Ci's child, and your position will only become more stable."

Zhao Moran didn't make a sound.

Zhao's mother spoke again, this time with a slightly hesitant voice: "You... the family is very happy that you are living well now, but you know the situation at home."


Standing at the door, Chu Ci took out a cigarette from his pocket, and smoked it slowly.

After about a minute, Zhao Moran said, "How much?"

Zhao's mother was ruthless: "Your father needs 2000 million cash flow, Mo Ran, can you find a way to talk to Chu Ci, I think he will agree for the sake of the child."

After she finished speaking, Zhao Moran smiled lightly, and then said softly: "I have already been sold, even my child will be sold."

She lowered her head, stroking her flat belly, her eyes thoughtful.

Zhao's mother is also a woman who is used to a good life and has some self-esteem. Seeing her like this, she is a little anxious, "Mo Ran, Mom knows you are in trouble, but the family is really in trouble."

Zhao Moran raised his eyes, and said softly: "If you can't support it, just settle it, and compensate the people below. Is it really good to always support like this? Or is it only the facade of the Zhao family that is supported?"

Zhao's mother's face was a little troubled, she was a little angry but also a little depressed and patient, and she said in a low voice after a while: "It's not as simple as you imagined, it doesn't just break up."

Zhao Moran looked at his mother and was stunned for a moment, and Zhao's mother said again: "If you can't make it this far, your father will go to jail."

Now, Zhao Moran didn't say anything... She sat quietly.

Zhao's mother didn't want to push her too much, so she softened her tone: "Anyway, think about it again, even if it's for me to have a safe old age... Tell Chu Ci well, you are husband and wife and now you have a child, more or less There will be some empathy."

It took a long time before Zhao Moran said hello.

Zhao's mother saw that it was almost done, so she put away her things: "Okay, it's not convenient for me to stay anymore, it's not good if Chu Ci sees it."

"He won't come over." Zhao Moran said softly.

Mother Zhao looked at her: "He is the father of the child and he will come over."

Zhao Moran smiled lightly.

Zhao's mother said again: "You also change your mentality...or are you still thinking about Gu Fei?"

"No." Zhao Moran sighed softly: "We broke up, I'm married now, why should I mention it?"

Seeing her expression, Zhao's mother paused before saying: "It's best for you to let go, sometimes it's good not to think about it, and thinking about it will only torture yourself."

"Really?" Zhao Moran smiled lightly: "Mom, do you mean to live like a walking dead?"

Mother Zhao was speechless.

It took a long time for her to put away her things, and then said: "It's the way it is anyway, you should think about it carefully."

Zhao Moran didn't make a sound.

Mother Zhao left.

As soon as she left, the phone rang in the ward. Zhao Moran saw that it was Chu Ci calling, and she reached out to pick it up: "What's the matter?"

Chu Ci stood in the aisle, her voice flickering: "I'll come over in a while."

She was a little surprised, and then said hastily: "No... Actually, you don't need..."

"I'm already in the parking lot of the hospital." Chu Ci's tone could not refuse.

Afterwards, the phone hung up, and about two to three minutes later, the door of the ward was opened, and Zhao Moran turned his head to look over——

It's Chu Ci.

He was still wearing the handmade suit he wore during the day, but the tie was torn off, and the collar of the shirt was undone by two... It looked decadent and sexy.

He walked in, casually took off his suit and threw it on the sofa. Inside was a dark blue shirt, which looked very good on him.Sitting on the edge of the bed, he touched her face with his hand and asked softly, "When did Mom and Dad leave?"

Zhao Moran stared into his eyes, and it took a while to think of answering: "I didn't leave until after six o'clock."

Chu Ci looked at the heat preservation box on the small coffee table, and asked, "Has your mother been here?"

Zhao Moran licked her lower lip, feeling the tension in the air, she hummed.

Chu Ci nodded, and went to open the heat preservation box to look: "The chicken soup is good."

What was he doing? She kept looking at him, Chu Ci smiled: "Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something wrong?"

"It's nothing important." She lowered her eyes: "I'm fine, you don't need to stay with me all night."

Chu Ci didn't take it seriously, she sat on the sofa with her legs hanging down and changed her posture, still staring at her: "I will sleep alone when I go back, there is no need to go back, besides, my wife is hospitalized, and I, a husband, don't accompany others. You'll think I'm cruel, don't you think?"

She lowered her eyes, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and it took her a long time to say: "Nor... People who know us will not think that you need to spoil me or treat me so well."

He chuckled: "Because we don't love each other? Or do you have no hope?"

She looked up, a little annoyed.

He seemed to take pleasure in provoking her.

Yes, she doesn't have any hope and doesn't want him to provoke her, but it doesn't mean she likes him to tease and humiliate her like this, as if deliberately opening her wound, and then sprinkle salt on it, just to make her uncomfortable.

He is nasty!

Zhao Moran fell silent.

Chu Ci fumbled in her trouser pocket with her fingers, took out a pack of cigarettes, and originally wanted to smoke, but after thinking about it, she threw it on the coffee table... She had already lay down, buried her face in the pillow and said softly: "I want to sleep."

"Can you still fall asleep after sleeping all day?" He laughed, got up and sat on the edge of the hospital bed, then leaned towards her, holding her slender waist with one hand from behind.

She was startled.

"Don't move, I'm just chatting with you." His scorching breath sprayed on her ear, and his voice was soft, "Talk about what your mother came to say, huh?"

Zhao Moran's whole body was stiff, and after a long time she said in a hoarse voice, "Did you hear it? When did you come here?"

Chu Ci still smiled lightly: "I have listened to everything that should be heard."

After that, he gently stroked her face with his slender fingers, and said in a hoarse voice, "So Mrs. Chu, I think we can make a deal, can't we?"

Hearing that her body became stiffer, it took a long time before she asked in a hoarse voice, "What do you want to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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