Chapter 1255
Chu Ci gently hooked her chin with his fingers, and lifted it up to force her to look at him.Zhao Moran didn't want to but couldn't match his strength, so he could only look at him compulsively.

Chu Ci stared at her for a long while, and then slowly said, "I can help you settle all the matters in your family."

Zhao Moran looked back at him, "As long as I am this Mrs. Chu in peace, right?"

"Yes, you are very smart." Chu Ci's warm fingers moved from her face to her delicate neck, and her voice became hoarse: "I know you have no plans to be husband and wife with me for a long time, one hundred million... ...If a decent man can redeem himself for you, isn't it? For example, if your first love becomes famous one day, it's not impossible that you can't get it out, is it?"

"No." Zhao Moran was in a panic, she turned her face away: "I didn't mean that."

His hand moved slowly, and the strong joints seemed to be able to crush her to death with just a casual squeeze. She didn't dare to move, but he smiled lightly: "That's because I want to rely on myself, but Mrs. Chu, think about you." Even if a painting sells for [-] yuan, how many years will it take to make up [-] million yuan, and now that the Chu family has problems again, I'm afraid it won't be clear for the rest of my life."

He is so vicious, but she has nothing to do with him, she just lowered her eyes: "This is all your own thinking, I never thought that way."

"That means you are going to grow old with me?" He continued to be harsh.

And this question, she couldn't answer him.

At least, not now, not only because of his volatile temper, but also because there are too many women around him, and his mother is also very difficult to get along with, Zhao Moran feels very depressed.

When she didn't make a sound, Chu Ci became slightly angry, and after a long time said in a hoarse voice: "Speak."

Zhao Moran sighed softly: "What are you talking about, do you say that you will grow old forever? Chu Ci, have you ever thought about it? I think you really don't want to divorce or have thought about divorce, but the people you imagined are only the three Mrs. Chu. It's not me, so it doesn't make any difference who is Mrs. Chu?"

Hearing this, he mocked with a smile: "Say so much, do you want to leave me?"

She pursed her lips and did not speak, while his fingers slowly climbed onto her lips, moving slightly coldly...

She became more stiff, and Chu Ci smiled lightly, "I can let you go, but think about it, will your family let you go? If you don't save yourself... how will you miss you, and your stomach There is my child in it, Moran, where do you want to go, a woman who can only paint a little, what will she do to support herself and the child in her belly."

He leaned closer to her and said even worse: "As long as I am willing, no one in the entire northern city will dare to buy your paintings. I am afraid that only Chu Yan will dare to buy them, but you don't know the relationship between her and me before. I think Mrs. Chu will always have some self-esteem, she won't be reduced to such a level and let her husband's old lover support her, right?"

He carried a knife in every word, Zhao Moran let out a long breath, "You said all this because you don't want to let go."

"I said that I have no intention of changing Mrs. Chu." He touched her face, leaned over and kissed her: "Would you like to be good?"

Zhao Moran raised her eyes and stared at him, her eyes were a little empty without much soul, and he didn't care.

Just be obedient, be good, and have children for him... As she said, it doesn't matter who she is.

(End of this chapter)

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