Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1288 What are you thinking, huh?

Chapter 1288 What are you thinking, huh?
Lin Hua wanted to withdraw her hand but after thinking about it, she gave up and let him hold her hand.Seeing that she didn't resist, Chu Ci felt a little better, and lay down instead, looking at her with his hands behind his head, and said in a gentle voice, "Let's go out for dinner and come back from watching a movie later?"

She refused: "I still have to take care of Xunxun."

"It's fine for a few hours." He reached out and grabbed her wrist, his voice was very low and hoarse: "Or do you not want to go out with me?"

"No." She forced a smile, "It's just a little tired."

Chu Ci immediately said: "I'll drive, you just follow me, the restaurant orders ready-made ones."

Having said that, it seems a little unreasonable to refuse again, and besides, she didn't want to be annoyed now, so he agreed, but she couldn't worry about Xiao Xunxun in the end, she fed and coaxed the little guy for a while before letting go Get down, straighten your body and look straight at Chu Ci: "Okay."

Chu Ci has already changed into a suit, black and white classic style, which looks very handsome.Even Zhao Moran couldn't help but take another look. Chu Ci held her hand and walked to the parking lot, opened the door to let her get in the car.

When she got in the car, she took off the windbreaker naturally. The floral dress was inside, and her black waist-length hair looked very soft. Chu Ci's hands were originally on the steering wheel, but now she couldn't help it. Brush the hair on her forehead and look at her carefully.

Zhao Moran couldn't stand him like this, so he turned his head slightly, "Let's drive."

Chu Ci still turned sideways, gently scraped her face with her fingers, smiled lowly, and then drove.

It was already six o'clock in the evening when we arrived at the famous western restaurant in the city center. There were not many people in the restaurant, but the manager greeted Chu Ci immediately when he saw him: "Mr. Chu, the table you ordered is here."

While speaking, she nodded to Zhao Moran: "Mrs. Chu, hello."

Zhao Moran also nodded, and walked to the dining table with Chu Ci to sit down... At this time, the lights outside were just coming on, but only a few small lights were lit in the restaurant, and it was quiet and atmospheric.

Zhao Moran was in a daze, but Chu Ci raised his eyes and asked her softly, "What do you want to eat?"

Zhao Moran has never been particularly concerned about what he eats, "Just order a set meal."

He glanced at her and smiled: "Is it so easy to feed?"

His words were a little intimate, Zhao Moran couldn't bear it, so he simply stopped answering, raised his glass and took a sip of water.Chu Ci studied the menu and quickly ordered a meal and handed it to the manager, then picked up a rose in the vase and tapped her face lightly: "What are you thinking about?" '

Obviously, she was distracted.

Chu Ci's eyes were slightly sad, he knew that she was indifferent to him, but it still made him a little uncomfortable to deal with it like this, he didn't allow her to ignore him like this.

Zhao Moran looked back at Chu Ci, she smiled slightly, "No."

Chu Ci didn't ask any further but just took a deep look at her, when Zhao Moran's cell phone rang, she took it out and opened it, and then she was stunned for a moment.

"What's wrong?" Chu Ci naturally leaned over to look.

And she was a little flustered.

The look in his eyes was even more disorienting. After seeing the text, Chu Ci interpreted it as a guilty conscience. After staring at her for a few seconds, he said word by word: "Since she is here, let's have dinner together."

Zhao Moran shook his head lightly: "No need."

But just after finishing speaking, a slender figure appeared beside him, and it was none other than Gu Fei.

Besides Gu Fei, there is also a woman who looks like a female assistant.

She was in a daze, so that she didn't say a word for a long time, but Chu Ci slightly hooked her lower lip, and stood up generously: "Please, Mr. Gu."

Gu Fei's expression was restrained, "Thank you, Mr. Chu."

This year, he has developed very well abroad, and he is regarded as an upstart in the art world. His works are very popular in auctions in the UK, and his net worth has naturally risen.This time, he returned to China partly for business, and partly because of Zhao Moran. He wanted to see how Zhao Moran was doing. He heard... this Mr. Chu was very ridiculous. He wanted to ask her if she regretted it.

For the dark thoughts of young people, Chu Ci can still handle one or two, so he doesn't shy away from it...

(End of this chapter)

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