Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1289 Rare 1 time, don't waste it

Chapter 1289 A Rare Time, Don't Waste It

Chu Ci looked at his wife while talking, and then smiled softly: "No thanks, Moran's face, after all, it is rare for Mr. Gu to return to China, let alone get together."

After finishing speaking, he stared at his wife and even held her hand and asked gently: "Is it?"

Zhao Moran forced a smile: "Gu Fei, please sit down."

After all, she took the initiative to sit next to Chu Ci, and Chu Ci kept holding her hand giving her a strong possessive desire, Gu Fei naturally couldn't ignore this, and stared at her for a while.

Chu Ci smiled slightly and finally let go of her hand, called the manager and asked Zhao Moran in a low voice: "What do you like to eat, senior?"

Zhao Moran looked at him and blinked slowly, "You have to ask him."

"I thought you knew." Chu Ci pinched her chin lightly, then frowned, "Mr. Gu, order."

"A set meal is fine, and so is my assistant." Gu Fei said.

After he finished speaking, Chu Ci's expression became uneasy, because Gu Fei's answer was the same as his wife's before, it was just a set meal, it didn't look particular but there was a tacit understanding.His complexion is not good, and Zhao Moran can tell that he is also sensitive in his heart and knows why he is angry. She is a little surprised——when did Chu Ci become so glass-hearted?
But she ignored him and let him go.After Gu Fei finished speaking, the manager went to do it.

Chu Ci took a sip of the pre-dinner wine in depression, her complexion was even more stinky, Zhao Moran also felt that it was boring, so she took a sip like him, but after all, she is not a frequent drinker, so she suddenly sips He was dying, he choked in an instant, his complexion turned red, and his eyes watered... It looked quite touching, which is not unusual.

Chu Ci's complexion improved a bit, she took away the wine in her hand with one hand, and patted her back with the other propped on the back of her chair, with a low and hoarse voice: "If you're not used to it, don't be brave."

Even though he said that, he still helped her smooth it out very considerately, and asked the waiter to bring over a glass of boiled water, and pressed it against her lips, "Drink a little and press it down."

When he made such a move, there was no trace of disobedience. It was as natural as if he had done it a thousand times, and he looked like an old married couple.

Gu Feibeng tightened his face, while his assistant looked at the couple curiously.

She had heard about Mr. Chu's matter. Although she deliberately suppressed it, it was really a big deal. The other party was a well-known female star. She was holding it in the palm of her hand before, so it was extremely credible. She thought With such a small heart, Mr. Chu's attitude towards his wife will always be a little bit... But the truth is not like that, Mr. Chu can't pretend like this now, even though Mr. Chu used to be a movie king.

A man cannot pretend to be possessive of a woman.

But she can also see that Mrs. Chu's heart is not on Mr. Chu, she is not used to it, they get along with Mr. Chu on his own initiative and she accepts it passively, even she doesn't like it, but she doesn't think Mrs. Chu still thinks about her boss .This is a very smart woman, and she will not be bound by the past. Neither Chu Ci nor the boss is in her heart anymore... But has anyone told this Mrs. Chu that if you can't love her, it will make you crazy?
The assistant propped his chin and smiled slightly: "Mr. Chu and Mrs. Chu are really loving."

She looked sideways at Gu Fei: "Boss, do you think so?"

If she doesn't speak again, the boss will lose his composure.

Gu Fei stared at the couple closely, and said slowly, "Newly married is naturally different."

Chu Ci smiled when she heard the words: "Why, Mr. Gu also wants to get married?"

He was still leaning back, gently holding the delicate goblet with his slender fingers, and pursed his lips: "If I remember correctly, Mr. Gu is less than [-] years old. It's better for a man to start a career before starting a family."

"Under thirty?" Gu Fei's lethality is also very strong: "Back then, President Chu also wanted to get married when he was under thirty,'s just that he didn't get what he wanted. It's a pity that the person I wanted to marry couldn't get married. I want to marry again." No one can empathize with Mr. Chu and me."

Chu Ci smiled instead of anger: "Life always has regrets, doesn't it?"

Zhao Moran beside him kept his face sullen, but instead he turned sideways and caressed her face as if to comfort her: "I am living a very happy life now, being content with having a wife and a daughter."

Gu Fei's face was tense.

Zhao Moran said quietly: "Gu Fei, are you coming back this time for an art exhibition?"

She finally couldn't help changing the subject, not because she wanted to help Gu Fei, but because she wanted to have a good meal, because if they kept fighting like this, she wouldn't be able to eat. Nor is it the current Chu Ci's opponent.

With a face, it is impossible for him to retreat.

Gu Fei also realized that he was too anxious, and now that he had a step down, he eased his expression: "Yes, there will be an art exhibition next month."

As soon as he finished speaking, the assistant sent an invitation card, and said with a smile: "I would also like to ask Mr. Chu and Mrs. Chu to give me a favor."

Chu Ci took the invitation over, looked at it, and said, "Definitely."

"Chu Ci." Zhao Moran called his name: "I may not be free, Xun Xun needs to take care of me."

"It's only two hours, and I'll go home to pick you up then." Chu Ci smiled softly, "Why don't you give me the face of the senior?"

Zhao Moran thought he was a rascal, but it was hard to say outside and had to drink water, Gu Fei stared at her——

What he had to admit was that Zhao Moran was doing very well now, she was originally from a good background, and now her temperament was even better, she looked pampered and pampered, although Chu Ci was talking outside, but she showed a kind of tranquility It looks so weather-beaten.

He said in a calm voice: "I naturally hope that Mrs. Chu will appreciate this face."

He said briskly again: "Mrs. Chu won't feel inconvenient because of the past, will she?"

"There is nothing inconvenient." Zhao Moran smiled slightly, and looked directly at him: "The past is long gone, what's the inconvenience?"

Chu Ci also smiled slightly, but did not speak.

After a while, the main meal finally came, and everyone ate in peace. After eating, Gu Fei had no reason to stay and disturb the couple, so he got up: "Let me treat you."

Chu Ci said very gracefully: "Then thank you Mr. Gu for spending the money."

Speaking of getting up and holding his wife up, he said softly: "It's almost time, the movie will start soon."

Gu Fei's body froze.

They even watch movies!

His assistant smiled slightly: "Then don't bother Mr. Chu and Mrs. Chu. Have a good night."

She reminded him, Gu Fei forced a smile, and left sadly.

Chu Ci held Zhao Moran's hand all the way to the parking lot. When no one was there, she broke away from him and got into the car. Chu Ci followed with a smile, and pinched her face sideways: "Unhappy?"

At this time, there was no one around, and he also showed his original appearance, lit a cigarette and took a puff, and said lazily: "In front of your first love, I have given you enough face, why is Mrs. Chu not in the right mood now?" very good?"

Zhao Moran bit her lower lip: "Chu Ci, you did it on purpose...and don't smoke in the car."

She turned her face away, expressing dissatisfaction.

Chu Ci smiled, but put out the cigarette, then leaned over and pinched her face, and said in a deep voice, "Why, it's uncomfortable to love you with me in front of him, or do you feel sorry for him?"

"I don't." She didn't want to look at him: "Chu Ci, can you drive?"

"I would like to." His voice was hoarse, with a somewhat ambiguous meaning.

Zhao Moran turned his head abruptly, and looked at him in disbelief.Probably because such a blank expression pleased him, Chu Ci lightly tapped her lips with his finger: "I'll settle the score for you when I go back, let's go to the movies now."

His voice was softer: "It's rare, don't waste it."

In fact, Zhao Moran didn't remember what he watched in the next movie, he only knew that it was a romantic movie.

In the movie theater, it turned out to be a private room, she and Chu Ci sat in the dark and there was no one around...Later, she was held on his lap and kissed over and over again...Extremely patient, as if they could kiss forever...

(End of this chapter)

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