Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1293 I Can Raise You Too

Chapter 1293 I Can Raise You Too
He didn't speak any more, just followed her slowly, watching her walk ahead.

Today she wore a long black silk dress with a long windbreaker outside, and she looked much more mature than before.Gu Fei was walking behind, then lit a cigarette but didn't smoke it, the cigarette was held in his hand.

His mood was a bit complicated. At this time, after more than a year, he didn't know whether he hated or loved Zhao Moran more, and he didn't know why he stopped her from meeting her now, but He could see that she didn't have any feelings for him anymore, it was just that she was not an acquaintance or even an old friend. The reason why she dealt with herself was because she was afraid of being entangled by him, or that a rich husband like her would make trouble for her.

Thinking of this, his expression became more complicated.

A few minutes later, they sat down in a coffee shop, and Gu Fei ordered two cups of coffee with grace. Zhao Moran said softly, "Give me a cup of milk."

Gu Fei was startled for a moment, but then he remembered that she was still feeding the child.

She has only given birth to a child for a few months.

Gu Fei laughed at himself mockingly: "I actually forgot about Mrs. Chu's current situation."

After finishing speaking, he asked the waiter to change the milk. The waiter was a young girl who looked at Gu Fei's face flushed, and when she finished changing the list, she suddenly said, "Gu...Mr. Gu, can you sign for me? a name?"

Gu Fei raised his eyes, his gaze was slightly cold.

The little girl was a little timid, but she still couldn't resist the longing in her heart, and asked in a low voice: "I have liked Mr. Gu's paintings for a long time, can you..."

Just when Gu Fei wanted to refuse, Zhao Moran picked up the milk and took a sip, then he suddenly changed his mind, took a piece of paper and signed it for the little girl, and also wrote a set of phone numbers by the way.

The little girl was surprised and pleasantly surprised, and then uneasy.

She secretly glanced at Zhao Moran, and tightened her fingers——

Isn't this sister...isn't Mr. Gu's girlfriend?They clearly look like a pair of lovers, especially Mr. Gu's gaze, she can't be mistaken, right?
"Is there a problem?" Gu Fei evoked a smile: "You still don't want to call me?"

The young girl stammered: "No... no, I'm afraid to disturb Mr. Gu, it's inconvenient..."

While speaking, her eyes fell on Zhao Moran, and she was always uneasy.

Zhao Moran smiled slightly: "Mr. Gu and I are just old classmates."

The young girl's face became more and more red, and she blushed while pinching the note: "Then thank you, Mr. Gu, I will definitely... definitely call."

It was finally working time, she didn't dare to stay any longer, turned around and left, somewhat shyly and timidly.

After she left, Gu Fei was noncommittal.

Zhao Moran took another sip of milk, and said softly, "You look very skilled, should I say congratulations?"

Gu Fei smiled lightly, "Aren't you feeling uncomfortable?"

She shook her head, and changed the topic again: "This is your private life and it has nothing to do with me, Gu Fei, we are just drinking tea and saying hello."

Gu Fei's eyes locked on her, and his voice was not angry: "Zhao Moran, you clearly know that I can't!"

She stared at him lightly, without making a sound.

Gu Fei looked a little embarrassed. Yesterday and just now, no matter how much self-restraint he had, he would be easily defeated by her two words. She told him that he was just asking for a good relationship, but he wasn't... Maybe he still hated her, but he forgot even more. not her.

He held the back of her hand without looking around, and when she was about to pull back, he tightened his voice and said nervously: "Don't pull Moran away in a hurry, I have something to tell you."

Her lips moved, and she pulled her hand away forcefully, but she was powerless. The power between men and women is really distinct.So she could only say angrily: "If you want to talk, let go first, Mr. Gu, don't forget that I am Mrs. Chu now."

"Mrs. Chu?" Gu Fei sneered: "Did Chu Ci admit that you, Mrs. Chu, have a wife and children outside after only two or three months of marriage, this Mrs. Chu is really a beauty! Or do you not care about anything else at all, only care about the luxurious life that Chu Ci brought you and the aura of Mrs. Chu?"

Even so, he let her go.

Zhao Moran backed away abruptly, hitting the back of the chair, her back hurt a little but she didn't back down, she stared at Gu Fei and smiled softly: "Yeah, I just don't care, I just want to Mrs. Chu's life! You have also seen that I am living a very good life. There are more than ten servants at home with endless money. My children will have the best education in the future. These are not what you can give. "

"I can give it now." Gu Fei spit out such a sentence almost indignantly.

After finishing speaking, he was stunned.

Not only him, but also Zhao Moran was stunned.

What is he saying?
What he meant was... he didn't care that she was married and had children...

She was about to say something, but Gu Fei said quickly after he was stunned: "Leave him and go abroad with me, I can give you the same life, what I couldn't give in the past, I can give now."

Zhao Moran was about to shake his head, but suddenly he was startled, and saw Chu Ci behind the opposite glass wall.He stood there with a gloomy face and didn't know how long he stood, how long he listened, and how much he heard.

But at this time, Gu Fei's hand was on the back of her hand again, this situation could not be cleared up, after all, she had rejected him before, but now she was meeting with Gu Fei.Even if she didn't have such thoughts, she felt that Chu Ci would not let her go.

Chu Ci came over before she could react, gently moved Gu Fei's hand away and pulled her back up, saying in a flat voice, "It's getting late and I'm going home."

"Chu Ci." She called his name, subconsciously wanting to explain.

Just because she doesn't want to have a good time with him doesn't mean she will be misunderstood and have a bad life.

Gu Fei also said: "Mr. Chu may have misunderstood."

"Misunderstand what?" Chu Ci turned sideways, with a mocking smile on his face: "Mr. Gu thinks too much of himself, my wife Chu Ci doesn't have the time for outsiders to make irresponsible remarks."

He looked at Zhao Moran again, and said softly, "Xunxun is at home, don't you want to see her?"

There is a lot of information in these words, and it basically means that if you don't want to see your daughter, you can stay here with Gu Fei.And she is not a fool, she quickly understood the meaning of his words, her face turned pale...

Her lips moved, but in the end she didn't explain, "I'll go back with you."

When turning around, Gu Fei grabbed her other hand again: "Moran!"

This time, without waiting for Chu Ci to make a move, she pushed his hand away by herself, and said softly, "Mr. Gu, I'm sorry."

What else did Gu Fei want to say, but Chu Ci had already taken Zhao Moran away... Looking at their backs, Gu Fei clenched his hands.

At this time, the young girl came over, she saw it all, Gu... Mr. Gu likes that good-looking woman, but that woman doesn't like him, she has a husband.

She mustered up her courage, "Mr. Gu..."

Gu Fei said roughly: "Don't bother me!"

He threw down 200 yuan, shook his head and walked away.

The girl stood there, her face flushed very red...

Chu Ci's car was parked outside the coffee shop. He threw Zhao Moran into the car and got in the car again. When he put on his seat belt, Zhao Moran leaned lightly on the back of the seat: "Chu Ci, my car is still there. Underground Parking Lot."

"I'll ask the driver to drive back for you later." He fastened his seat belt, put his hands on the steering wheel and tilted his head, and then said something a little harsh: "Why, do you still want to reconnect with Gu Fei, dear?" Kiss me, do you think the coffee shop is not convenient enough?"

"Be more respectful." She couldn't help but say.

But just after finishing speaking, he pinched her chin. He was so strong that he treated her roughly. She couldn't stand the pain and could only look sideways at him.

Chu Ci's voice was soft: "Am I not respectful enough or do you think I'm a fool? Do you know what Gu Fei is doing now?"

She stared at him quietly, and it took a long time before she uttered a few words: "I don't know."

He approached her, with a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth: "Specially seduce rich wives to praise him, you say, is it a little boy? Now it's hooked on my head, how do you think I can deal with him to vent my anger?"

"No." She closed her eyes: "Chu Ci no, I didn't mean that!"

(End of this chapter)

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