Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1294 He just let her go

Chapter 1294 He just let her go
Chu Ci sneered, "Of course you didn't mean that!"

Zhao Moran looked at him incomprehensibly.

Chu Ci sneered even worse, and gently scratched her slender face with her fingers: "In the end, you and Gu Fei are the same kind of people, but you are more ruthless than him. By the way, does he know that you are so ruthless? I think it’s because I don’t know, otherwise I won’t miss you forever.”

As he spoke, he locked her little face, and his voice became even deeper: "Zhao Moran, remember, I don't like you getting too close to other men, especially Gu Fei."

She couldn't avoid him, she could only look at him compulsively.

Chu Ci smiled lightly: "Okay, the matter is over."

He seemed to have a good temper, but Zhao Moran knew that he would not settle the matter easily, so he asked involuntarily, "What do you want to do to Gu Fei?"

Chu Ci leaned on the back of the chair and watched her smile. He smiled very beautifully, but in her eyes, she felt chills all over her body, and finally Chu Ci said, "You don't need to worry about it."

"I'm not begging for mercy," she said with difficulty, "Chu Ci, you don't want me to have anything to do with him, shouldn't you just ignore it, I happened to meet just now, so I just wanted to explain to him if I said a few words casually."

"Explain?" Chu Ci lit a cigarette, took a sip, and looked at her: "You are Mrs. Chu now, so there is no need to explain these three words to him."

After finishing speaking, he pinched out the cigarette and started the car, but he said another sentence to her: "If you don't want to have a bad life, don't speak for him anymore."

The more she talked, the more uncomfortable he became.

He would think of their past, whether she and Gu Fei had kissed or hugged when they were dating, whether there was shyness on her face that he had never seen before, instead of fear.

Chu Ci was upset and she didn't dare to provoke him, she thought he would go to the study room to be alone when he got home, but instead went to the nursery to hug Xiao Xunxun, then played music, and took After reading a book of fairy tales to her, Zhao Moran went over and squatted in front of him speechlessly: "Chu Ci, Xun Xun is still young, she can't understand."

He looked up at her: "then do you understand?"

She was stunned for a moment, and then she heard him say: "I'm probably playing the piano with a cow when I read it to you."

Now, she understood what he meant, but thought he was a little childish and ridiculous.Moreover, he really confronted her, as if if she didn't love him, she would commit a heinous crime every day.His lips moved, and he didn't speak for a long time.

Chu Ci ignored her and continued to read to his youngest daughter. His voice is nice and slightly deep but not hoarse. Maybe it’s because he was an actor with good lines before. It’s quite enjoyable to listen to, but she has something to ask him for. So he just sat on the thick blanket and read a book with his back against his lap.

Her behavior is actually a bit rascal.

However, seeing something new in Chu Ci's eyes, after all, he had never seen her like this before, he lowered his eyes and his legs trembled, "What are you doing?"

"Reading." She didn't look up.

Chu Ci was silent for a while before speaking: "I know, what are you doing, don't think that I will let Gu Fei go."

She suddenly put down the book in her hand, turned around and hugged his leg, looked up at him and called his name very softly: "Chu Ci."

Her voice was as soft and soft as a kitten, which Chu Ci had never heard before, and she had never heard such a voice even if he bullied her severely in the past.

Chu Ci's heart was more or less warm, and he put his slender and beautiful palm on her heart, and rubbed it lightly. The strength in his hand gradually increased, and it became more meaningful even the breath in the air. It was different, she knew what he wanted, and closed her eyes gently... Chu Ci smiled softly: "This is what you asked for."

He kissed her, a little deeply...

I don't know how long it took until Xun Xun in his arms burst into tears and the two of them came back to their senses. Chu Ci let go of his wife and hugged the little guy in his arms without coaxing him, just watching: " The child seems to be early."

While speaking, he even pressed Zhao Moran's head against his legs, and stroked his back gently from the hairline, as if preventing her from leaving but more like comforting her, because her breath It's a mess...

She didn't leave, and leaned on him obediently, Chu Ci didn't say anything, but picked up the fairy tale book and read it to Xiao Xunxun. Yeah... Yay, she opened her small mouth, revealing a smudge of toothless teeth, very cute.

Chu Ci was originally not a chubby man, but at this moment he couldn't help but bowed his head and kissed the little guy.

Hmm, it smells like milk.

He kissed again, and stretched out his hand to pinch the soft cheek.

Xiao Xunxun looked at him, and then lay down in his father's arms, with his mouth slightly open, like a bird looking for food. Chu Ci was a little surprised, and then looked at the child's mother: "She Looks like I'm hungry."

Zhao Moran got up, hugged the child, and glanced at Chu Ci.After the kiss just now, Chu Ci's temper seemed to have dissipated, "I'll go downstairs to see dinner."

She didn't speak, but silently hugged Xiao Xun Xun.

He stood and watched for a while, his Adam's apple loosened a bit, and then he got up and went downstairs, halfway down the stairs he stopped, and a look of confusion flashed in his eyes.

In fact, he himself didn't understand why he let her go so easily, he was so angry... She just leaned against his leg and he relented and let her go. For a moment, Chu Ci shook his head and didn't bother with the issue .

On the second floor, Zhao Moran breathed a sigh of relief. She and Chu Ci and his wife knew his temper more or less for a year, and she was a little surprised that he would let her go, but it was uncertain whether he would let Gu Fei go. ...But she didn't dare to ask any more.

She wasn't worried about Gu Fei, but she felt that there was no need for a person who had nothing to do with him to get involved between her and Chu Ci. A man like Chu Ci might not treat her very well, but for someone like Gu Fei It won't be so soft-hearted.

Zhao Moran finished feeding Xunxun and changed her diapers before putting her on the crib, but he was reluctant to leave while shaking the crib while singing her a lullaby.Xiao Xunxun just looked at her mother, narrowed her eyes, and then fell into a deep sleep... Zhao Moran smiled, leaned over to kiss the little guy, and sighed in her heart, the kid is really good, what? No worries.

When she left the nursery and went downstairs, she found that Chu Ci was sitting on the sofa and was on the phone. It was nothing more than a call from his mother. It seemed that Song Yunfei was not feeling well and asked him to go and have a look. Chu Ci said a few words and lifted her. Seeing Zhao Moran, he said to his mother as if on purpose: "Moran would be unhappy if I used to."

Madam Chu at the other end was taken aback for a moment, then she changed her words and hummed softly, "Why is she unhappy?"

Obviously, that woman has no heart, and she doesn't plan to live with her son anymore, so she is still pretending to be affectionate in front of Chu Ci?

At this moment, Mrs. Chu wanted to expose, but she didn't have enough cash to speak up, so she said angrily: "I heard that your husband and wife are really loving each other. Chu Ci hopes you won't be deceived by women."

Chu Ci sneered, "Women lie to me because I have merit. If they are not willing to lie to them, it would be even more pathetic."

Madam Chu also followed his example and sneered: "Don't cry in the end!"

She couldn't help but said: "Chu Ci, does Zhao Moran love you?"

Chu Ci was silent for a moment, Madam Chu's voice was slightly sharp: "Yes, you also know that she doesn't love you at all, so why should you?"

In her heart, her son is excellent, and many women are unworthy. Now that her son likes Zhao Moran, she doesn't like her son, that is the last thing she can tolerate!
After she finished speaking, Chu Ci smiled softly: "If you don't love now, it doesn't mean you won't love in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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