Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1295 Chu Ci, are you afraid?

Chapter 1295 Chu Ci, are you afraid?
After Chu Ci finished speaking, Mrs. Chu hung up the phone very unhappy.

Chu Ci looked up at the woman above, and smiled faintly: "What's wrong?"

Zhao Moran forced a smile, walked over slowly and sat down, "Aren't you going to take a look?"

"There's nothing to see." Chu Ci didn't care much: "You want me to go?"

As he spoke, Zhao Moran touched her face lightly, Zhao Moran smiled and said nothing, but Chu Ci was a little disappointed.

She is not angry at all, so calm, after all, she doesn't care!

Was the shyness of the previous kiss also an act?
He let out a long breath and put down the phone in his hand: "It's time to eat."

Zhao Moran watched him go to the dining table first, and knew that he was angry, but she didn't intend to coax him——

Divorce is about to happen soon, and there is no need for that, and besides, she doesn't want him to misunderstand.

It was cool, she put on a shawl, and the black silk dress was still inside. She looked noble and quiet, but Chu Ci didn't show her face when she was eating, but she was very happy after eating. Just go upstairs, she didn't see him in the nursery and master bedroom after going upstairs, she knew he probably went to the study, so naturally she wouldn't take the initiative to provoke him, after taking care of Xun Xun, she took a shower and went to bed first Oh, and when she woke up, Chu Ci hadn't come back yet. She checked the time and it was two o'clock at night.

She sat up, stared blankly for a while, and thought about going to the study.

Surprisingly, Chu Ci was not there.

But the light in the study was on. She stood barefoot at the door and thought about it before going in.The lights in the study room were warm, but the surrounding area was a bit cold. She gathered up her pajamas and stood by the desk, her eyes suddenly froze.

On the desk, the original photo frame disappeared, replaced by her photo, not even Xun Xun.

The photo, probably secretly taken by Chu Ci, is the back view of her standing in front of the French window.

Zhao Moran silently picked it up and looked at it for a while, then put it down again, when she turned around and wanted to go out, she saw Chu Ci standing at the door, still wearing the same daytime clothes, she was stunned for a moment, "Chu Ci."

How could he suddenly appear?
Chu Ci held a cigarette in his hand, and frowned lightly. After looking at her for a while, he suddenly came towards this side and closed the door. When the door was locked, her heart skipped a beat. She didn't dare to speak for a long time and just looked up looked at him.

Chu Ci took off his coat and threw it on the sofa, then sat down and patted the place next to him with a hoarse voice: "Come and accompany me."

She was still holding on to her clothes, Chu Ci's voice was exhausted: "Mo Ran, come here."

Only then did she walk over slowly, sitting next to him, her voice was a little dazed, as if she hadn't fully woken up yet: "Chu Ci."

He held her shoulders and pressed her head against his own, still smoking... She looked sideways at him, wanting to break free, but didn't dare.

Chu Ci smoked for a while, then lowered her head: "I went to the hospital."

She was stunned, and asked again: "Is it Song Yunfei?"

"No, it's my mother." Chu Ci's voice was even lower: "Because I didn't go to see... Song Yunfei, so she took half a bottle of sleeping pills."

Zhao Moran was stunned again.

how come?She obviously agreed to the divorce, why couldn't Chu Ci's mother think about it?

She wanted to ask but felt that she had no position, so she kept silent.

Chu Ci suddenly put her head on her shoulder, she froze for a moment, didn't make a sound, and held her breath.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he sprayed on her slender neck, warm, "It's all right now."

Zhao Moran was silent for a while and said with difficulty: "I'll go see her tomorrow."

Chu Ci was a little surprised, and looked at her quietly for a while before saying: "This afternoon, I have an important meeting in the morning, let's go together in the afternoon."

"No, I can do it alone." She forced a smile, she really didn't want to appear with him.

Because she will be uncomfortable, and she will also feel guilty.

Chu Ci didn't suspect anything, but moved her head away. She felt that it was enough to talk about it now, and she didn't want to get so close to him to give him the illusion...Anyway, she was going to get a divorce, so she got up :"I will go and sleep now."

"Stay with me." His voice was unbearably hoarse, and then she was suddenly grabbed by his wrist, and she fell into his arms the next second.

Zhao Moran bit her lower lip, and said softly, "Chu Ci!"

But he lowered his head to kiss her, and his voice became a little careless, absent-minded: "Well..."

She still wanted to say something, but couldn't say it again, and finally she didn't refuse him.

It's not that I don't want to, it's that I can't refuse...

For the first time, she felt Chu Ci's fragility, he seemed unable to control himself, she called his name with some fear, but Chu Ci couldn't hear him... He could only grab her as if grabbing the last floating thread. Wood.


When she woke up the next day, she was already on the bed in the master bedroom. When she opened her eyes, she saw Chu Ci standing beside the bed and wearing a tie. She could not see his face with his back on his back, but she only moved him once. Then he realized that she was awake, so he quickly turned around, bent down and kissed her: "Xunxun has already fed milk at Auntie's place, let's sleep for a while."

Zhao Moran flicked his hair, sat up slightly: "What time is it?"

"It's only eight o'clock." Chu Ci said casually, "You can go to the hospital at ten o'clock."

He paused: "My father is here, so it should be fine."

After all, he was afraid that his mother would embarrass her, so he said this.

Zhao Moran leaned against the head of the bed, her pajamas hung loosely on her thin shoulders, she looked a little pure and a little sexy... But she didn't notice it at all, she just looked at him quietly.

After a long time, she asked softly: "Chu Ci, are you... sometimes afraid?"

At this time, Chu Ci had already tied his tie. Hearing this, he looked at her, and then his expression faded: "What do you want to know?"

The corner of Zhao Moran's mouth moved slightly, "'s nothing!"

He glanced at her again, but softened his tone: "Sleep a little longer, and I'll have my servant call you at 09:30."

"No, I'll just lie down for a while." She refused.

Chu Ci didn't say anything else, and left.

After a while, on the stairs, Chu Ci froze and his face was not good-looking.

Just now, Moran asked him if he was afraid, but he didn't answer, but he knew it in his heart, he was afraid.

Afraid that his mother would once again make him lose… what he loved.

Yes, he likes Zhao Moran and wants to spend his whole life with her, but he is anxious whether she can accept it or not, whether she will be unable to live because of his mother, and feels that living with him is a kind of torment.He was even more afraid that she would be miserable when she saw his mother committing suicide... He was afraid that she would look at him with strange eyes.

Chu Ci closed his eyes slightly, unwilling to think about it... This is the second time in his life that he is uncertain about something.

Once for Yanyan, and once for silent dyeing.

He still went to the company, but after he passed, he asked Secretary Yin to go to the hospital to protect his wife.

And when he left, Zhao Moran got up and didn't go to the hospital at ten o'clock, she watched Xun Xun for a while and had breakfast before driving to the hospital by herself——

As a daughter-in-law, it's too shameful not to go there until ten o'clock, even though she and Chu Ci are going to divorce.

When she arrived at Yunxi Hospital, her car stopped and sat quietly for 2 minutes before she opened the door and got out of the car. People in the hospital also knew her, mainly because Chu Ci was so famous. The ward number of Ci's mother was given to her, Zhao Moran thought silently, how many times did Chu Ci's mother stay in the hospital to get so familiar with it?
(End of this chapter)

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