Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 134 Uncle, I Don’t Have Enough Money

Chapter 134 Uncle, I Don’t Have Enough Money

Gu Anxi lowered his head and crushed the soda can until he straightened up and fell into the night...

That night, a major event happened in Qingcheng.

A drunk man was beaten on his way home in the middle of the night. Six ribs were broken, not to mention his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. He had to lie at home for at least half a year.At dawn, when people found the drunk man, they called the police and called for emergency services. The most shocking thing was that the drunk man stuffed [-] cash in his arms...

On the same day, Qingcheng’s report said this——

[This is a good fight with technical content.The ribs were all broken. 】

【This is the most conscientious assailant I have ever seen, even the medical expenses and lost wages are prepared. 】

[The latest news is that the victim was not a victim. After the news was released, this man has been accused of stealing many times, and he may face detention and punishment later... This miraculous case may never be solved. Indicating that it could have been Spider-Man or Superman. 】


Gu Anxi was eating instant noodles and turned off the TV. Just then, the phone rang and she picked it up.

It was Bo Xichen who called, "Miss Spiderman, are your hands alright?"

Gu Anxi muttered twice: "I'm eating noodles, I'm a little busy."

Bo Xichen smiled lightly: "Gu Anxi, do you still want to pretend?"

She snorted: "Don't pretend, I'll confess, I beat the man. I've already restrained myself."

Over there, Bo Xichen was standing by the floor-to-ceiling windows of the conference room. He had returned to Beicheng to attend a medical summit, but unexpectedly, he had only been out for a day or two before his little friend turned the world upside down in Qingcheng.

But when he found out, he was not annoyed at all, and even a little proud, as if Gu Anxi should be like this.

His voice sank slightly, "I'll be back tomorrow."

She snorted, "Then you can be busy, I'm fine."

"Is there anything you want to say to me, Gu Anxi?" He asked her in a low voice.

Gu Anxi picked up a chopstick of noodles, thought for a long time before saying: "Uncle, I don't have enough money, so you can call me your salary."

Bo Xichen smiled: "I'll ask Fengmian to call you later, and you're not allowed to eat instant noodles if I'm not here."

"I'm eating." Gu Anxi said directly.

Bo Xichen found that there was nothing he could do with her through the cell phone, and the meeting break time was approaching, so he had to hang up the phone: "I'll be back tomorrow to pick up the plane."

Gu Anxi said hello, he hung up the phone——

She felt that he was squeezing her labor, and even though he had a car at the airport, he asked her to pick him up.While complaining, her cell phone rang, it was a WeChat message, flight information from Bo Xichen.

"Capitalists are all vampires." Gu Anxi murmured.

On the other side, Bo Xichen called Feng Mian again: "Help me call 2000 million to Gu Anxi's account."

Feng Mian wasn't surprised anymore, he just put a question mark.

Bo Xichen smiled warmly, and wrote a few words in the input box with his slender fingers—family support!

Feng Mian over there let out a wow, and complained while transferring money: 2000 million family support, why didn't Feng Mian become a woman?

Bo Xichen hung up the phone and was about to go back to the table in the meeting room, when an elegant voice sounded behind him: "Xichen."

Bo Xichen turned around, then stood aside slightly: "Second Uncle."

The person who came was the youngest elder of the Bo family, very young, only in his early thirties.

Bo Qing was not the direct son of the Bo family but adopted, but the Bo family never regarded him as an outsider, and even Bo Xichen respectfully called him Second Uncle.


(There is another update at noon tomorrow~~Good night babies~~)

(End of this chapter)

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