Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 135 Family!

Chapter 135 Family!

The men in the Bo family are almost all handsome and gentle characters, so is Bo Qing, and Bo Xichen nodded with a smile and asked, "I heard from Mr. He that you met a little girl in Qingcheng?"

Bo Xichen hummed, and seemed to have paused for a while: "I'll come to Beicheng next month. If I'm free, come to my house for a meal."

Bo Qing laughed: "Are you sure?"

Bo Xichen's icy eyes drooped slightly: "Second Uncle, she is Luo Lin."

Saying this, Bo Qing was a little surprised. The Bo family knew that Bo Xichen had a car accident in order to meet Luo Lin, but unexpectedly he met Luo Lin in Qingcheng, so he couldn't help smiling: "That should really be brought back. Check it out at home."

After chatting casually for a few more words, we went to the conference table together...


Qingcheng, Yunxi Hospital.

After eating noodles, Gu Anxi tidied up and went to paint. When painting, his fingers felt a little uncomfortable, so he shook them twice.Suddenly, a familiar voice called from outside: "Anxi...Gu Anxi..."

Gu Anxi put down the paintbrush in his hand and walked out. It was indeed Wang Keru.

Wang Keru was carrying a few large supermarket bags in his hand, with food and drink. When he saw Gu Anxi coming out, he quickly put the things in his hands aside, "Come here and let me see your hands."

"Mom, why are you here? Are you buying so many things heavy?" Gu Anxi went over and sat on the coffee table.

Wang Keru pulled her onto the sofa: "What does it look like sitting on the coffee table, does it look like a girl's house?" He also gave her a casual look.

Gu Anxi smiled, and Wang Keru raised his hand to look at it: "Is your hand injured? Did you show it to the doctor? Why isn't your professor here?"

"He went back to Beicheng for a meeting." Gu Anxi shook his hand, "By the way, why do you care about my hand?"

After finishing speaking, Wang Keru stared at her, making Gu Anxi shudder.

After a long time, Wang Keru let out a sigh of relief: "I know everything about you at school. Shen Wanqing arranged a meal for you at Qin's house..."

Gu Anxi lowered her eyes: "So you came here to teach me a lesson?"

Wang Keru didn't say that she had a big fight with Qin Han because of this matter, the Qin family is very concerned about Shen Wanqing now, this time Shen Wanqing lost face, and Anxi didn't show mercy to Qin Siyuan, Qin Han has a lot of opinions, and asking her to come is also to persuade Gu Anxi not to threaten Qin Siyuan's position in Qingda...

If it was before, Wang Keru would have done it immediately, but now she doesn't think so.

Anxi became stronger little by little, and the Qin family would show their cowardice when they were afraid, and she felt more and more that the Qin family's role in the bankruptcy of the Gu family was not necessarily glorious. The child has reached a desperate situation...

Wang Keru was a little irritable and wanted to smoke, but she promised Gu Anxi not to smoke again, and finally just scratched her hair: "That stepfather named Wang Qin, you beat it, I just came to see if your fingers are hurt. "

Gu Anxi raised his head all of a sudden.

Wang Keru smiled helplessly: "How can I paint when I'm injured? You really worry about me, kid."

Suddenly, Gu Anxi's heart became hot in vain, he wanted to say something but couldn't say it, he just called out softly: "Mom!"

Wang Keru glared at her again: "Looking at you, I feel that I am worrying about you for nothing, you little white-eyed wolf, how ruthless the fight is!"

Gu Anxi coughed lightly, "It's not that bad."

"You're still proud, aren't you? I heard that you are going to compete with Siyuan for the chairman of the student union. Did you pass the basic class? Don't you have to be in the top ten of the whole grade to be eligible for election?" Wang Keru snorted coldly.

Gu Anxi couldn't help asking: "You don't want me to go?"

Wang Keru looked at her, and said for a long time: "Why don't you go? Of course, my mother also sees that they have enough men from the Qin family, and they treat themselves as nothing all day long!"

Gu Anxi: ...

Wang Keru shook her long wavy hair, and said in a low voice, "Anxi, in the past, my mother always told you to hold back and please the Qin family, but what did you get in the end? From now can do whatever you want, and my mother won't stop you. , you pierced the sky..."

Gu Anxi suddenly leaned his head on her shoulder, "Mom...will you help me mend?"

Wang Keru flicked her head: "Good idea!"

Having said that, she still took out a card from her bag: "Here is 3000 million. Mom has all of her belongings. She sold a lot of jewelry to get it all together. You take it. I know you are going to do something big." Mom can't help much, Anxi, the Gu family will rely on you from now on, please help mom and be a mom."

Gu Anxi was stunned, and wanted to say something, but Wang Keru held her hand tightly: "Mom, why haven't you seen it? Don't worry, I'm fine..."

That's right, I'm sorry.

It would be great if she could wait a little longer...


(It’s a little late at noon, so~ I added 1400 words, and this chapter is [-] words~~ I hope Gu Anxi is flesh and blood, has emotional intelligence, and can handle various things well, so~~Mom, give it back to her ~~)

(End of this chapter)

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