Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 136 Mom, Can You Hug Me?

Chapter 136 Mom, Can You Hug Me?

Gu Anxi talked with Wang Keru for a while, and then went to the studio to draw.

Wang Keru looked at Gu Anxi's half-drawn painting, and couldn't close his mouth in surprise, his fingers wanted to touch it but dared not touch it: "Anxi, did you draw this?"

Gu Anxi hummed, "Is it okay?"

More than okay?

Wang Keru couldn't put it down, this... this... is simply a masterpiece!

Suddenly she seemed to remember something: "Wait a minute."

After finishing speaking, she ran out to rummage in her car, and when she came back, she took a large plastic bag in her hand, which seemed to hold X-ray films, and she took out a stack of drawings from it: "This is the bag you left behind. In the Qin family, I put it away for you."

Gu Anxi reached out to take it, bowed his head and hummed.

Later, she didn’t say anything more, she concentrated on painting, and Wang Keru squeezed some paint for her, or poured a glass of water for her, and chatted about homework during the break. The mother always asked about her intentionally or unintentionally. Where do you live, where does Bo Xichen sleep at night...

Gu Anxi couldn't stand the torture anymore: "Mom, where are you going? We are just an ordinary boss-employee relationship."

At this moment, Gu Anxi's cell phone rang, and a ding was a relief.

Gu Anxi held a paintbrush in his hand and asked Wang Keru to take a look for her. Wang Keru was stunned after picking up the phone: "Someone transferred 2000 million for you."

Gu Anxi was defenseless: "Is there any note?"

Wang Keru was silent for a while, then Gu Anxi looked at her, "What's wrong?"

The expression on the mother's face is indescribable: "There is a message: Professor Bo said it is for supporting the family."

Gu Anxi: ...

After a while, she drew again: "It must be a scam."

Wang Keru coughed lightly: "It's news from the bank."

Gu Anxi: "That must be the wrong account number."

My mother reminded me in a low voice: "There are very few people surnamed Bo, even fewer professors surnamed Bo, and even fewer professors surnamed Bo who have so much money, don't you, Anxi?"

Gu Anxi put down his paintbrush with a sigh, and turned his chair around: "Okay, okay, I admit that it was Doctor Bo who called me. I told him to pay his salary, but I didn't know he was called so much!"

She threw the blame on Bo Xichen.

Wang Keru looked yearning, and then corrected his attitude——

If you promise to change your mind, you can't be fooled by this little money, otherwise people will say that she sold her daughter!

So I tried my best not to be greedy for cheap things, girls still have to take a long-term view and test a lot...

Gu Anxi was painting while she was chattering, and she didn't realize it herself. Compared with the dark and bold style in the past, this time her style is much brighter, and the full|full emotion overflows the whole painting... ...Later, these paintings became the most representative works of Luo Lin.

Wang Keru stayed with her until after nine o'clock in the evening, and went to visit Grandma Chen with Gu Anxi before going back.

When she left, she gave some more instructions, and finally said: "The Qin family will go to Beicheng to participate in the Jiahang auction in half a month, Anxi..."

She heard Shen Wanqing talk about Luo Lin many times in Qin's house, and now she saw Gu Anxi painting, so she didn't understand anything.She reached out and touched Gu Anxi's soft hair, "Mom is very happy. In the past, it was my mother who ignored you, Anxi..."

Gu Anxi stood there, and after a while he said in a low voice, "Mom, can you give me a hug?"

(End of this chapter)

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