Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 144 My own cabbage was overwhelmed by a high-quality pig

Chapter 144 My own cabbage was overwhelmed by a high-quality pig

go their separate ways...

Gu Anxi repeated these four words, and then smiled softly: "Sure, you can persuade your Uncle Qin to give up the acquisition of Bishui Yuntian and I will not run for the student council president."

Qin Siyuan didn't know where he came from, he pulled Shen Wanqing away and said softly: "The Qin family's acquisition of Bishui Yuntian is a must."

Gu Anxi said softly, "I'll wait."

She turned around and left, Qin Siyuan watched her back and slowly clenched his fists.

Shen Wanqing was extremely excited, she bit her lip and said in a low voice: "Siyuan, have you figured it out yet?"

Qin Siyuan said lightly: "Let's go!"

He brought Shen Wanqing to Qin's house, and now Shen Wanqing lives here, but instead of staying in Gu Anxi's room, she directly lives in Qin Siyuan's bedroom.

Although the Qin family has added someone, but because Qin Silan returned to Beicheng, Wang Keru and Shen Wanqing are not at odds, so there is nothing to say. Qin Siyuan is in a bad mood, and the whole atmosphere is not right, so Shen Wanqing is also quite depressed at home.

Coming back today, the Qin family has something to discuss. Tomorrow is the day when the Qin family will go north. Qin Silan has already booked a first-class ticket to fly directly to Beicheng.

Qin Han attached great importance to this trip to the north, and he brought his secretary and his wife with him. In addition, Shen Wanqing did not neglect here, and all kinds of clothes and jewelry were prepared. After all, her paintings had already been sent to the auction house. It depends on her.

Qin Han is not stupid, Siyuan doesn't care much about Shen Wanqing anymore, his whole heart is with Gu Anxi, men still understand men, Gu Anxi's little girl looks taller than Wan Qing by not one point or two, but If Wan Qing becomes famous at the auction, Gu Anxi will not be able to match her. Qin Han and Professor Gao have discussed in private that there will be a series of business operations at that time, and he decided to smash him for several million. Give Shen Wanqing a hug.

After the meeting of the Qin family, Qin Han went out to socialize. Wang Keru just had time to drive to the hospital. Gu Anxi and Bo Xichen were in the laboratory, so Fengmian received her and poured her a glass of water.

Wang Keru was quite unnatural, she knew that she must have a bad impression with Anxi's friends, so she didn't make a sound, Feng Mian said, "I'll go see if they are alright."

Wang Keru quickly asked, "What are they doing?"

Feng Mian laughed inwardly, and said solemnly: "Oh, Doctor Bo is teaching children about the human body!"

When Wang Keru heard this, his head was stunned, and he immediately stood up and walked back and forth a few steps, then asked dryly, "Just the two of them?"

Feng Mian said happily: "Yes, it's just the two of them."

Wang Keru fell down on the sofa——

It's over, my own cabbage was overwhelmed by a good high-end pig! ! !

Seeing that it was almost done, Feng Mian said with a more cheerful expression: "Oh, didn't the kid tell you, Dr. Bo taught her to do the operation, it's almost ready now, I'll go and see."

Wang Keru breathed a sigh of relief in an instant: "It's an operation!"

Feng Mian grinned and went to call for someone. After a while, Gu Anxi came out, wearing a surgical gown, and she took off her mask: "Mom, why are you here so late?"

Wang Keru pulled her over and chatted privately, "Tomorrow I'm going to Beicheng, probably for three or four days, take good care of yourself, do you hear me?"

(End of this chapter)

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