Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 145 My chapter, it will count in the future

Chapter 145 My words will count in the future

Gu Anxi groaned, and slowly took off the gloves, thinking for a while before speaking: "What I said before still counts."

Wang Keru was taken aback for a moment, then remembered that sentence - I support you!

Her eyes were moist immediately, but she didn't want to lose her composure as she was getting older, so she shook her head: "Mom is fine."

She always saves face. When she remarried to Qin Han, she was very prosperous. Now, although she has regrets and thoughts like that, if she divorces, she will do nothing but drag Anxi down.

Gu Anxi didn't force it either, she just said softly, "It will all count in the future."

Wang Keru was moved and ashamed, he didn't know what to do, it took him a long time to adjust his emotions, and said in a low voice: "The Qin family will praise Shen Wanqing at the auction, so this little Shen Wanqing is particularly frightened these few days, and the Qin family will also visit several famous families in Beicheng. Qin Silan has established the line of the Chu family, and I heard that the Gu family is also willing to meet. In addition, when the Qin family returns from Beicheng Bishuiyuntian is about to be auctioned, are you sure?"

Wang Keru came from a good background, and she can be regarded as a man of gold and jade leaves. Unfortunately, even after Gu Yuntian's accident, her mother's family was unwilling to leave with her. Although it was different after arriving at Qin's family, people's hearts were far away after all.

Now she is Gu Anxi's only hope, and Yuntian... If Yuntian can wake up one day, she will pay whatever price.

When she said this, Gu Anxi lowered her head: "Mom, I will try my best, so don't worry."

She changed her brisk tone again: "There will also be a reception at the auction, so you can relax well then, you see that you have been worrying recently that you are not as beautiful as before."

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand and touched Wang Keru's face a few times, and Wang Keru let her touch it without moving, but said, "Mom is old, so there's no such thing as beauty."

Gu Anxi suddenly hugged her: "My mother is the prettiest, no one can match her."

Wang Keru's heart was burning|hot, she hugged Gu Anxi, and suddenly became very scared, if one day Anxi knew that she was not her own, would she not like herself, would she think about the previous things and would not want her anymore ...Thinking about it, my nose became sore.

"What's wrong?" Gu Anxi looked at her.

Wang Keru shook his head: "No, sand got into my eyes! I'm leaving first, and I'll bring you something delicious when I come back."

She was walking in a hurry, but Gu Anxi suddenly stopped her: "Mom... I'm going to Beicheng too."

Wang Keru turned around, surprised and shocked.

Gu Anxi smiled shallowly: "Go with Doctor Bo."

The possibility flashed through Wang Keru's mind——

Anxi's paintings, Anxi and He Lao know each other, Anxi seems to have endless money... She trembled her lips and wanted to ask something, but in the end she didn't ask anything.

She just came over and hugged Gu Anxi, "Mom is very happy."

After that, she left first. She thought that the less she and Anxi communicated about her plans for Anxi, the better, because Qin Han was too cunning.

This time, she will help Anxi guard the Gu family!

Gu Anxi stood and looked at Wang Keru's back for a while before returning, and Bo Xichen had already come out: "Your mother?"

She hummed, took a shower and went to the studio.

The two paintings auctioned by Jiaxing had already been delivered by the security company, and the remaining one was small in size and suitable for hanging in the office, and she kept it alone.

At this time, Gu Anxi slowly packed the painting, and Bo Xichen came in and took a look: "Is this for me?"

(End of this chapter)

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