Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 154 Shen Bailian wants to be green Qin Siyuan emmm

Chapter 154 Shen Bailian wants to be green Qin Siyuan emmm

Over there, Mr. He was sitting in the car and spotted Professor Gao with sharp eyes.

Elder He was also sincerely disappointed in him, holding a fish eye as a treasure all day long, did Qianli come to Beicheng to ruin his reputation?

After all, he is his junior brother, no matter what, Mr. He still wants to meet him.

The car stopped, He Lao got out of the car first, and Bo Xichen turned sideways: "I'll get out of the car, you are in the car."

Gu Anxi was about to speak, but he said again: "It's cold in the mountains at night, so be good."

After finishing speaking, he opened the car door and got out of the car, and walked towards that car with Mr. He.

When they met again, the moods of the few over there were particularly complicated. An old He's status was already extraordinary, and Bo Xichen was more likely to have an extremely honorable status.

Professor Gao's mouth opened, but he couldn't utter a single word.

Qin Silan's flamboyant personality also lost a lot of momentum, but Shen Wanqing spoke softly and delicately, with a very decent look: "Hello, Teacher He, hello, Professor Bo."

Elder He smiled faintly, and couldn't help but glance at Bo Xichen.

Heh, this little girl's heart is really lively, the obvious ulterior motives are not in drinking, the Qin family has given this little girl so much, do you know that she wants to make Qin Siyuan green in her heart?

Shen Wanqing said again: "Professor Bo, didn't Anxi come to Beicheng with you? Why didn't you see her? If possible, I would like to go shopping around Beicheng with her. Anxi should be quite lonely by herself."

Now, not only Mr. He, but also Qin Silan felt something was wrong——

its not right!Why did Shen Wanqing keep showing favor to Bo Xichen?Dare they give her food and clothing from the Qin family, and raise a white-eyed wolf?

If Shen Wanqing was not still needed, Qin Silan would tear up this bitch's mouth for her younger brother now, to see if she could still seduce men with orchids, treating her as dead?

Just when Qin Silan was about to go crazy, Gu Anxi got out of the car and ran over with Bo Xichen's cell phone in his hand: "There is a call."

"It's not that it's cold in the mountains, so get out of the car!" Bo Xichen scolded her, and then checked that it was an important call, so he took off his coat and put it on Gu Anxi's shoulders while picking it up, embracing it naturally with one hand, He quickly finished talking with that side and then hung up.

Shen Wanqing looked at the scene in front of her, her jealousy overshadowed her envy.

Professor Bo is the best-looking man she has ever seen, and the Bo family seems to be much more powerful than the Qin family. This palace-like house is Professor Bo's home... She simply dare not think that if she married What is it like to enter Bo's house?

Her face suddenly turned suspiciously red.

In fact, it's not impossible. Qin Siyuan liked Gu Anxi so much before, but wasn't he also her boyfriend later?

She thought beautifully, but Bo Xichen wiped her out with one sentence: "With me to accompany her, classmate Shen will not be bothered."

Bo Xichen had always been polite to women, but he really didn't dare to compliment the white lotus in front of him, so his voice couldn't be too gentle.

Shen Wanqing naturally felt it, her eyes were a little red, she silently let go of this thought first, but Qin Silan glanced at her, secretly sneered in her heart——

For someone like Shen Wanqing who wants to marry into the Bo family, she really wants to eat shit!

Here, after Bo Xichen finished speaking, he forcefully sent Gu Anxi back to the car. Although it was faint, anyone with a discerning eye could tell that it was very precious.

(End of this chapter)

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