Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 155 I heard that Bo Xichen used to like Luo Lin!

Chapter 155 I heard that Bo Xichen used to like Luo Lin!

He came back and put on his coat again. Of course, he came back to save He Lao's face, and there was no reason for the elder to stand alone in the wind.

Mr. He is also a very straightforward person, and said directly: "Junior Brother, I know what you think, but you also know my temper. If you don't like it, you just don't like it. If you force it, you will ruin your brand."

Professor Gao sighed: "Brother, can't you give her a chance?"

He Lao smiled, "If you are talented, you don't need such an opportunity."

Professor Gao was not convinced in his heart, he was really optimistic about Shen Wanqing, so he was always unhappy.

Qin Silan felt that the time was almost up, and took out a bag from the car, which contained 50 cash.

Mr. He immediately changed his face, ignored her and only said to Professor Gao: "Your sister-in-law is at home, it's rare for you to come here, let's go have a drink together."

Professor Gao was not living happily after being rejected, so he forced a smile: "Another day!"

Elder He didn't force it, this junior was blinded by fame and fortune, and he knew what he was thinking, but he couldn't help it... his qualifications were limited.

After Mr. He finished speaking, he turned and got into the car. Bo Xichen nodded towards Professor Gao, followed him, opened the car door and got in the car.

Before all the doors were closed, Shen Wanqing saw Gu Anxi sitting in the co-pilot's seat, eating with something in her hand, and Professor Bo pinched her cheek as soon as she got in the car... as if she was very fond of her.

She didn't know that she murmured it out, but Professor Gao remembered a past event He Lao said before, and said in a cold voice, "It's just that [the rich family's children] rebelled against their sex! I heard that the future head of the Bo family two years ago In order to see that Luo Lin had a car accident on the road, who is Luo Lin? She is a female painter, which means that Professor Bo is a half-hearted person, and he fell in love with another little girl in a short time."

Shen Wanqing's heart beat wildly in vain——

If this is true, then she may not have no chance. (She's thinking shit again!)

Qin Silan watched coldly and sneered.

He took them back to Genting Hotel and told Qin Han about this matter.

Qin Han thought for a while, and then said in a low voice: "Now that Bo Xichen is the eldest son of the Bo family, it can't be wrong. Anxi also needs to work hard. Although it may not be possible to marry into the Bo family, Bo Xichen is very interested in her now. of."

Speaking of this, Qin Han knew clearly, isn't that the same thing between men and women?Which man doesn't like Gu Anxi's small appearance?

He thought about it for a while, "Well, Wan Qing wants to praise it, and Luo Lin's paintings should be photographed as much as possible. I heard that the Patriarch of the Bo family likes Luo Lin's paintings very much. When we visit, we will choose what he likes. The thread must be closed, if not, ask your aunt to work harder."

Qin Silan couldn't help asking: "Dad, can we still buy Bishuiyuntian?"

Qin Han's eyes showed a tiger-wolf attitude, and his voice was calm, "We have endured for so long just to get the clear water and cloudy sky? Why are you joking about giving up at this time? Don't say this in front of your aunt. She is annoyed with me recently."

Qin Silan was a little surprised: "She still dares to be angry with you, she eats our family's food and uses our family's food, and lives like a noble lady, how dare she be angry with you?"

Qin Han said a little uncomfortably: "Isn't it because I got angry once and made a move, so I hated me."

 (Good night~~Please ask for tickets, please leave a message, please ask for five-star praise~~)



(End of this chapter)

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