Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 156 If You Don't Help Me, Who Will Help Me, Huh?

Chapter 156 If You Don't Help Me, Who Will Help Me, Huh?

After Qin Han finished speaking, Qin Silan stayed for a while, "Dad, you still hit her!"

Qin Han didn't make a sound.

After all, Wang Keru is different from his first wife, she clings to him so desperately but still stays in Gu's family, so it's not important for him to attack after drinking some wine.

This woman is still taking Joe after so many days, if it wasn't for the fact that Gu Anxi might be useful, why would he indulge her like this?

Qin Han waved his hand to mean not to mention it, and Qin Silan didn't want to mention his stepmother either, they had always been at odds.

Instead, she said something else: "Dad, today I looked at Wanqing with a big heart, and seeing Professor Bo's family's big business, her tone of voice was different. Do you want to take another look at the matter between Siyuan and her?" ?”

Qin Han immediately looked at his daughter, "You mean Wan Qing has a double heart for Si Yuan?"

Qin Silan nodded, "It seems to me that something is wrong, I keep showing favor to Bo Xichen."

After she finished speaking, Qin Han smiled: "Si Lan, put your heart down, she won't be in Bo Xichen's eyes."

Qin Silan misunderstood, and her voice was a little anxious: "Dad, you didn't understand what I meant."

"Why don't I understand." Qin Han smiled shrewdly: "They are not married, what are you worried about?"

This time, it was Qin Silan's turn to be stunned, and said blankly: "Dad, what do you mean..."

Qin Han patted her on the shoulder: "Si Lan, in fact, sometimes love is not important, what is important is connections, do you understand that it is good for Shen Wanqing to be able to climb up, if not..."

He didn't say any more, just smiled lightly.

Qin Silan understood in seconds, and her mood was quite complicated.

At this time, Qin Han added another sentence: "Besides, Siyuan has always been lukewarm to her, you, as a sister, can't see where his heart is?"

Qin Silan nodded now: "That's true. You really don't have to take it too seriously."

After Qin Han finished talking with her, he went back to his room. Wang Keru was lying on the sofa, bored, and just rolled his eyes when he saw him coming in.

"So indifferent?" Qin Han closed the door, unbuttoned two shirts, and sat next to her, "Madam, I got the news that that Professor Bo is the Buddha of Beicheng, the son of Bo's eldest son, this status is quite honorable." right?"

Wang Keru lowered her eyes: "So what, she is her, I am me... Didn't I make it clear long ago?"

Qin Han held her shoulders: "The past was the past, and the present is the present. You don't know that I want to do business in Beicheng. If you don't help me with such a good way, who will help me, huh?"

Even coaxing and deceiving, Wang Keru just didn't let go: "Go and beg, you go by yourself, I don't have that face."

Qin Han smiled good-naturedly: "What about you and me? In this way, after the auction is over tomorrow, our family will have a meal, and then we will call Anxi and Xichen. It is a rare family reunion. After returning to Qingcheng, let Anxi go back to live. What do the men who live in the woman's house say?"

Wang Keru leaned sideways and looked at him: "Didn't Shen Wanqing still share the same bed with Siyuan, but Anxi didn't."

Qin Han laughed heavily: "You have to take care of the child's affairs? Do you take care of my affairs?"

As he spoke, he used all his skills, but Wang Keru refused: "I'm not in the mood."

"I'll take a picture of Luo Lin's painting and give it to you tomorrow night, huh?" Qin Han coaxed her again, but she didn't like him.

(End of this chapter)

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