Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 157 Qin Han I Want to Divorce You

Chapter 157 Qin Han I Want to Divorce You

After going back and forth like this, he was also bored, so he let go of her: "You can ignore me, at least ask Anxi to have a meal together."

He was probably also a little annoyed, and pinched her sharp chin with his fingers: "Why do you say that I married you and raised you? Is it because I want you to look good and save face, and I refuse to do such a thing. But, you are too Let me down."

Wang Keru was held in his hands and forced to look up, "Qin Han, that's not what you said when you said you would marry me."

"Do you take those words that lie to little girls seriously?" Qin Han smiled, "How can there be any love when you are old, and besides, men are animals with a desire to conquer. When you were young, you chose Gu Yuntian. He Didn't you please me obediently when something happened?"

Wang Keru was extremely angry: "Qin Han, you are too shameless. Back then, you said you would take care of me and Yuntian, and you also helped me find Anxi, so I agreed to marry you."

Qin Han probably felt that it was time to explain it to her, and smiled calmly: "Will you marry me obediently if I don't say so? Will you obediently listen to me and agree to auction Bishuiyuntian?"

Wang Keru stared at him steadfastly, as if he had just met him the first day.

Qin Han's slender fingers gently rubbed her chin, "Now that I've explained it clearly to you, what can you do, divorce me? Well, you're nothing without me!"

She was silent, still staring at him.

Qin Han smiled even more: "Perhaps you pin your hopes on Gu Anxi, but let's be clear. No matter how powerful Gu Anxi is, she is still a little girl. Now Bo Xichen likes her because she is fresh. You understand this word, right? ... Men are all the same, Anxi is not so valuable after this novelty, why not take advantage of her at this time, don't you think?"

Wang Keru slapped his hand away immediately, "I'm not as shameless as you."

Qin Han withdrew his hand indifferently, and smiled: "You probably think I'm disgusting, but Keru, no matter how disgusting I am, we've been lying together for a year, what else can you do?"

Wang Keru squeezed out a few words between his teeth: "I want to divorce you."

"Divorce?" Qin Han laughed again: "Listen, my wife has always been pampered and pampered, and she doesn't know the sufferings of the world. Do you know what you will face when you divorce me?"

He told her word by word: "Without me, you have nothing. The Qin family will take over Bishuiyuntian, and then you have to go to work. You don't have money to maintain it, so you can only wander around the hotel for thousands of nights. "

Wang Keru's lips moved, but he didn't say a word in the end.

Qin Han thought she had given in: "Think about it, huh? I know you've always been a smart person and wouldn't treat yourself badly. I'll give you time. I heard that people from the Bo family will also go to the auction tomorrow night. Then make good contact with Anxi." Get emotional."

As he spoke, he patted her face like treating a pet: "I know you can do it, don't let me down, huh?"

After he finished speaking, he straightened his clothes and went out. He didn't come back all night.

Wang Keru has been sitting on the sofa, she knows that if she wants to stay in the Qin family, she has to be a fool as a pawn in his hand, but what is the use of the glory and wealth she got by selling her daughter and Gu family?

Its daybreak.

She sat in front of the mirror, looked at herself quietly, and secretly made a decision.

(End of this chapter)

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