Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 158 Just thinking about it makes Shen Wanqing tremble with excitement!

Chapter 158 Just thinking about it makes Shen Wanqing tremble with excitement!

At [-]:[-] p.m. on Saturday night, in the business conference hall of Genting Hotel, the Jiahang auction will start on time.

The biggest highlight of this auction is Luo Lin's comeback. She has two works to be auctioned.

The news was released early, and almost all the celebrities in the northern city who were interested in art flocked to the Genting Hotel that night, wanting to see the elegance of Luo Lin's paintings. After all, it has been several years since the last auction of Luo Lin's works.

The Qin family got ten rows of seats under Qin Silan's arrangement. In order to make his wife happy, Qin Han not only got a number plate but also gave his wife the same number. Wang Keru didn't say anything.

Shen Wanqing sat on the side with Qin Siyuan, she was very excited, this is the high society circle, the scene that she would imagine in her dreams, no, it was a hundred times more luxurious than her dreams.

Also, after tonight she's a celebrity too.Uncle Qin said that he will operate commercially and make her paintings more expensive. If she can beat Luo Lin, then she will be the next talented painter.

She heard that after the auction is over, there will be a small reception. When she becomes famous, she will be able to meet more celebrities. At that time, her worth will be completely different.

What is Gu Anxi's ability?

Just thinking about it made Shen Wanqing tremble with excitement!

At this time, the conference hall was almost full, except that the row in front was empty. She asked Qin Silan quietly, and Qin Silan said lazily: "The row in front is occupied by people from the four major families. Not to the edge."

Shen Wanqing's face showed longing again, and at this time, people sat in the first row one after another.

The first thing that surprised her was that Chu Ci and Chu Yan appeared together. The two siblings followed their parents and sat quietly.

Shen Wanqing was shocked——

Chu Yan is... from the Chu family in Beicheng?

Not only her, but also Qin Silan was surprised, she was considered to be married to a side branch of the Chu family, but she had hardly seen a pair of brothers and sisters in the same family, it turned out to be Chu Ci and Chu Yan.

What shocked them even more was that Jiang Wanyin also came, dressed in a black suit, handsome and decent, he came alone, and sat down calmly as if he was used to such scenes.

When Shen Wanqing was so shocked that she couldn't restrain herself, Bo Xichen brought Gu Anxi over.Originally, Chu Yan's brothers and sisters were eye-catching enough, but when Bo Xichen brought Gu Anxi to the stage, the audience seemed to hold their breath——

Who is that girl?

Why have they never seen her in Beicheng?

Gu Anxi wore a one-shoulder knee-length white dress, a black suit jacket, and her hair was tied into a ponytail. Because she was tall enough, she only wore mid-heeled shoes. It was really salty and sweet, offensive and defensive. Types of.

Bo Xichen was also dressed in formal attire. Normally, his appearance was good enough, but tonight he seemed to be a lot more glamorous... All the women present looked at him collectively.

But Bo Xichen's eyes only fell on that beautiful girl, and he put his hands on her shoulders to help her sit down very naturally. Immediately, all the men and women who had unreasonable thoughts in the audience were wiped out. thought.

Bo Xichen turned sideways: "I want to buy something later, I'll take a picture for you."

Gu Anxi flipped through the picture album casually: "I don't have anything in particular I want."

He smiled, put one arm casually on the back of her chair, let her lean on it, and occasionally lowered his head to talk to her.

(End of this chapter)

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