Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 160 Luo Lin's debut is the pinnacle Shen Wanqing won't understand!

Chapter 160 Luo Lin's debut is the pinnacle Shen Wanqing won't understand!

A few people were chatting freely, but they didn't know that there were many eyes looking over with envy and admiration... After all, it's great to be able to talk to either of the Beicheng Bo and Gu families. The child was even favored by Bo Shao and Gu Shao at the same time, the most important thing is——

The two men are in perfect harmony! ! !

The method is clever!

Shen Wanqing also saw it in her eyes and held her hand tightly, one day she will do the same -

Sit in the best position, surrounded by the most honorable man!

As long as she becomes famous tonight!

When the auction officially started, Gu Changqing finally sat back in his seat.

There are a total of forty pieces in today's auction, and nothing else is too important. Every rich man is waiting for the last work of Luo Lin. When he was a little impatient during the long wait, he finally ushered in the penultimate work. .

The host read the name jerky: "This is the work of a new artist, surnamed Shen, a piece of "Joan" brought to us by a beautiful artist from Qingcheng."

The hostess carefully took out the painting and showed it to everyone.

Shen Wanqing clenched her fingers, excited and excited, this was the highlight moment of her life.

She is about to become famous, as long as this painting gets a high price, she will be a well-known painter.

The imagination is full and the reality is very skinny. When the painting was brought out, the host didn’t even notice it. The host has presided over large and small auctions. Once inside, you'll know what it is.

This painting is pretty good, but it has no spirituality. How did it end up at the auction?

Shouldn’t such works be placed on Tao|Bao for a price of one thousand yuan?

This is an auction, an auction starting at [-] yuan, is this kind of work sent to fool a fool, and it will cause him to fail the auction.

The host really wanted to brag, but it was embarrassing to brag, he couldn't keep bragging, and could only smile professionally: "This work is very detailed, there is nothing wrong with it, the starting price is [-], and there is a price increase No?"

With a smile, Shen Wanqing waited for someone to increase the price.

Five seconds passed, ten seconds passed...the air was subtly still.

For a long time, no one raised the price.

Shen Wanqing was a little confused——

Why no one raised the price?Is it because she didn't draw well?

Professor Gao comforted softly at the side: "This is how newcomers are."

is it?Shen Wanqing thought silently, was Luo Lin like this back then when no one cared about him?

NO, as soon as Rowling's work "Ser" came out, the rich people raised their cards like crazy!

Become famous in the first battle, debut is the peak Shen Wanqing doesn't understand!

She is still waiting, maybe everyone is hesitating, whether to buy a newcomer's work and go back...

The host is also quite Japanese|Dog, and reluctantly blew it again: "No one has raised the price yet, so let's take a look at this work, it's really fine, it's perfect, don't you really think about it ?"

The people below laughed, but still no one joined.

The host was about to cry: "This is drawn by a cute little fairy."

Finally, he saw someone holding up a sign, and he breathed a sigh of relief, "A gentleman raised it, [-]... [-], is there any... is there any more?"

It was Qin Siyuan who raised the placard. As a man, he had to give Shen Wanqing this face.

But he was also shocked in his heart. Didn't Professor Gao say that Shen Wanqing's works were particularly excellent? Why was no one willing to pay a high price for it at the auction?

(End of this chapter)

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