Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 161 Slap in the face!The difference between cloud and mud!

Chapter 161 Slap in the face!The difference between cloud and mud!

Not only was he shocked, but everyone in the Qin family was shocked, and even Professor Gao felt astonished.

How is it possible, how is it possible that no one buys [-] yuan?

That's right, no one bought it for [-] yuan, or Qin Siyuan spent [-] yuan to buy back Shen Wanqing's shameless face, and she can still boast about it outside. Her painting was auctioned and sold for [-] yuan.

Shen Wanqing was quite humiliated, but Professor Gao told her from personal experience that this is not her problem, most newcomers have to pass this test, and gradually get used to it.

Only then did she calm down a bit, thinking that she always showed her face at large auctions, and she would be considered qualified in the future, Gu Anxi couldn't compare at all.

On her side, she was HI, but Wang Keru was very relieved——

Good reincarnation!

Shen Wanqing, this little|humble| person finally couldn't get complacent. The whole Qin family has regarded her as a treasure for too long... It's all right now, I understand. Let's see if she can continue to work as a talented girl. go down.

Wang Keru is not as naive as Shen Wanqing, she knows Qin Han's character well, Shen Wanqing is obviously not easy to use as a chess piece, the next step depends on Qin Siyuan's attitude, if Qin Siyuan doesn't want Shen Wanqing anymore, then little| The cheap | people have to get out of the Qin family immediately.

Just when the Qin family was trying their best to calm down, the auction ushered in the climax of the audience.

When Luo Lin's painting came out, the flashlights on both sides kept flashing, the host's voice was trembling with excitement, and the celebrities and rich people below all squeezed the signs in their hands and were eager to try...

But Wang Keru felt like being shocked by an electric shock!

Well, isn't that Anxi's painting?

Although she had guessed it a long time ago, when this scene really happened, she felt so unreal again, like a dream, her eyes quickly fogged up, but she stopped again.

She can't lose her composure on such an occasion, she is... Gu Anxi's mother.

On the stage, the host's voice was not smooth, "It's finally here in my lifetime, our lovely Luo Lin's work."

He also wiped away his tears in a playful way, and recalled affectionately the last time he filmed Luo Lin's work. He talked for a full 5 minutes.

After finishing speaking, the business started, and the voice became passionate: "Our talented painter is open again, let's take a look at this Luo Lin's work, God, we haven't seen it in a few years, her work is full of warmth... …Dear patrons, what makes Luo Lin’s works full of warmth?”

There was another playful pause, and then he said vigorously: "Is it love? Is it family affection?"

After scanning the lower part of her eyes, she said confidently: "No, it's the checks in the pockets of the donors who love Luo Lin, and it's the love in return that makes her paintings tender."

This wave of operations is really full of anger.

The moderator was in a particularly good state, and he put the painting a little in front, tantalizing the appetites of the patrons: "I can say that this painting is a special case among Luo Lin's works, and we may not be able to see such warm brushwork in the future. I met all the lovely patrons today. It’s good luck. I just don’t know which patron will be lucky enough to buy it~~ Well, our auction is about to start. Getting Luo Lin’s painting is a status symbol. This is not public. It’s the secret of you, benefactors, it’s time to prove your strength, strength plus taste, a sign of a man’s success!”

He paused, and his voice became a little more passionate, "Now... the starting bid is 1000 million!"

(End of this chapter)

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