Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 162 A Shocking Work!Genius!

Chapter 162 A Shocking Work!Genius!

After the host finished speaking, Shen Wanqing was stunned.

She murmured: "Luo Lin's painting starts at 1000 million, why does mine start at [-]?"

Qin Silan couldn't listen anymore: "The previous paintings were sold for 3000 to [-] million yuan. Could it be that the starting price is [-] yuan, and one painting can be sold for one day?"

Shen Wanqing asked in a daze: " there such a big difference?"

Why can't she see what's so good about Luo Lin's paintings?

She thinks that Luo Lin's paintings are not as detailed as hers. Many parts are sketched and clearly seen. Why do these people like it so much, or is it because Luo Lin is famous that they pursue it?

She pinned her hopes on Professor Gao——

1000 million, no one should raise a placard, right?

But this time, Professor Gao didn't stand by her anymore. Professor Gao's eyes were fascinated, he looked at the painting enthusiastically, and kept saying: "A shocking work! A genius, really a genius!"

Elder He was extremely proud, hehe, he didn't care who taught it.

In the domestic oil painting circles, the first elder brother is still he, Mr. He!

But Luo Lin belongs to the world class. Her paintings can still be photographed occasionally in China. Go dream.

Now, there are two paintings for you to look at, and you should have fun stealing one.

Just when the atmosphere was tense, the signs in the hands of the celebrities were held up in turn, and the host was overwhelmed——

[2 million on the 2000nd. 】

[No. 5, 2000 two million. 】

[10 million on the 500th. 】

[Our No. 2 is back again, 3000 million, No. 2, please note that No. 2 is our Young Master Gu. 】

[Okay, No. 10 raised his card again, and this time he gave 500 million. 】

[Thirty-five million... Is there any more... Our Young Master Gu made a move again, 500 million, Young Master Gu is generous when he sells it. Let's hear that Young Master Gu bought the painting for investment and collection or something? 】

The host moderated the atmosphere, allowing everyone to have time to count the steel jumps in their pockets.

Gu Changqing stood up and smiled slightly: "I think this painting is very suitable for Miss Gu Anxi, who I regard as the most precious thing. I bought it and gave it to a beauty."

The host really wanted to boast about this fairy-like love, but he remembered that the little fairy seemed to come with Bo Shao. If it is true, she is Bo Shao's little sweetheart, and she is still tired of crooked. Gu Shao is really like this. okay?

Or... are the two men really in harmony?

The host is indeed a veteran for many years, and he can still boast with a smile on his face: "It's a good talk to give a famous painting to a beautiful woman. I hope Gu Shao can achieve his wish."

Gu Changqing's long and narrow eyes narrowed slightly, and her eyes were full of affection: "As long as she is happy, it doesn't matter to me whether she is with me or not."

The host was about to cry: "What kind of fairy love is this! But our Luo Lin's paintings are worthy of Gu Shao's deep affection, and also worthy of every penny in the pockets of the benefactors. According to my experience , this is a representative work of the transformation of Luo Lin's painting style, and there will be no more in the future...Then let's continue now..."

At this time, someone raised a placard again, and the host took the form to confirm it before saying——

[It's Mr. Qin from the Qingcheng Qin Clan. The No. 14 card of 600 million joined the competition. 】

[Young Master Gu made another move, 4000 million!Gu Shao is so generous! 】

[On the 8th, I'll take a look on the 8th, God... it's Chu Ci, our top superstar Chu Ci bid 500 million, Chu Ci rarely takes pictures, I don't know who he will give it to. 】

(End of this chapter)

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