Campus almighty ace girl

After Chapter 177, there will be one more person in the Bo family!

After Chapter 177, there will be one more person in the Bo family!

Going back, it was Bo Xichen driving the car.

Gu Anxi sat in the co-pilot and said like a kitten, "Bo Xichen, I'm fine."

He smiled, holding hers in one hand.

Suddenly, he said, "Come home with me!"

Gu Anxi let out an ah, then turned his head, always feeling that his five words had different meanings.

Bo Xichen gave her the phone, "Call your mother and talk to her, or should I call?"

Gu Anxi's heart beat faster in vain, she didn't know why this!

Seeing her in a daze, Bo Xichen simply took back the phone, lowered his head and pressed a number to connect.

He was controlling the steering wheel with one hand, while holding the phone in the other hand to talk to the other side, in a low voice: "'s me, Xichen, something happened tonight, I took Anxi back."

Over there, Wang Keru looked worried, but thinking about Anxi being beside Bo Xichen, she felt that there would be no problem, so she just asked him softly to take care of Gu Anxi.

Bo Xichen said a few more words, it happened to be a red light, and he turned his head to look at Gu Anxi.

The light inside the car was very dim, making the silhouette of his face sharp and angular, coupled with his superior appearance, just sitting and driving was very pleasing to the eye...

He said softly, "I told your mother, do you want to talk to her?"

There was a daze on Gu Anxi's small face.

"Forget it." Bo Xichen smiled, patted her little head, then said a few more words to Wang Keru and hung up the phone.

Later, I don't know if it was Gu Anxi's illusion, but the speed of the car seemed to be faster.

After driving all the way to Siyuan, she looked at the buildings outside the car and murmured: "Why are you here?"

Bo Xichen unbuckled his seat belt very slowly, leaned over and pressed against her ear: "What should I do, Gu Anxi, I don't intend to let you go!"

At this time, Gu Anxi was fully awake and opened his eyes wide.

It took a few seconds for her to realize that what he said was...not going to let her go!

Then, he leaned over, she felt the warmth from him, her little face rested on his shoulder, and heard him say in a low voice: "Gu Anxi, I searched for you for a long time. From now on, no matter what happens No matter what, I will always be by your side."

She raised her small face with difficulty: "Why... come to Siyuan?"

Bo Xichen lowered his eyes, "This matter must be in the Lan Room."

After that, he opened the car door and got out of the car, walked around to her to open the car door for her, and then pulled her towards Siyuan.

It was very late at night, and the Siyuan was very quiet, only occasionally a night watchman saw them: "Young Master Bo, Miss Anxi."

Bo Xichen, who was usually gentle and refined, didn't respond. He dragged Gu Anxi back to the orchid room as quickly as possible, back to his master bedroom, and then he turned off 'Fengxi'.

Gu Anxi was pressed against the wall by him, and her fingers were clasped tightly. She wanted to struggle and speak, but she was soon tamed by him. So far, she finally knew the difference between male and female strength...


Early in the morning.

When Bo Xichen opened his eyes, he saw the slender little guy in his arms. With a gentle smile, he lifted the quilt carefully and got up to go to the bathroom.

Going to the dining room, Bo's father and mother were already waiting there, looking at their son with four eyes.

Bo Xichen pulled out the chair and sat down, smiling: "From now on, there will be one more person in the family."

Bo's father and Bo's mother looked at each other, and about ten seconds later, Bo's mother coughed lightly: "Is it possible that there will be two more?"

"Not yet." Bo Xichen smiled lightly, "Anxi is still in school."

(End of this chapter)

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