Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 178 My Anxi is very simple

Chapter 178 My Anxi is very simple

Bo's mother was very satisfied, and then worried: "Where is Anxi's mother? Is there any problem?"

Last night when my son brought such a living person back, everyone in Siyuan knew about it. Now that Anxi is a member of their Bo family, he has to explain to his mother.

Bo Xichen smiled lightly: "I'm going to see Anxi's mother in a while, so I'll explain it to my parents first."

He paused: "Please ask mother to take care of Anxi, I may come back later."

He has always treated Gu Anxi with prudence and prudence, and will not make her feel wronged at all, and thinks everything out for her.

Bo's mother expressed her appreciation: "You are very thoughtful. In this way, you go to visit first at noon and invite Anxi's mother to come over for dinner. Later, your father and I will pick a good day to go to Qingcheng. Anyway, there is one more person in the family. It has to be grand."

As for taking care of Anxi, that's great!

She wants to take care of baby Anxi every day!

Father Bo naturally agreed.

Bo Xichen didn't accompany his parents to have breakfast, and drove directly to Genting Hotel to share breakfast with Wang Keru. The location was chosen in a separate box, which was very private.

Wang Keru also didn't sleep well all night, so he was even more worried when he saw Bo Xichen but not Gu Anxi.

Bo Xichen personally opened the dining chair for her, sat down beside her, and ordered the manager to bring two breakfasts.

When the manager left and the two of them were left alone, Bo Xichen gently put a birth certificate on the dining table and gently pushed it towards Wang Keru.

Wang Keru looked at him, picked it up dumbfoundedly, and then became even more dumbfounded.

"Professor Bo, this is...Anxi was born in Beicheng?" Her lips began to tremble.

She never knew about this, when Yun Tian hugged her, she thought it was very cute and beautiful, but she just thought how could such a beautiful baby be lost.

Bo Xichen smiled lightly: "Auntie, call me Xichen from now on."

Wang Keru stared at him blankly.

Bo Xichen lowered his eyes, "Anxi stayed at my place last night, and I will be responsible."

Wang Keru looked at the high-grade pig in front of him, and then thought about the cabbage at home. For a while, he didn't know whether to be angry or happy...

The impact is too big!

Anxi's life experience, and then being raped by a high-ranking pig...

She finally found the logical question: "Xichen, Anxi knew about her background, did you bring her home?"

Bo Xichen was born very well, naturally noble and elegant, even if he was embarrassed at this time, he seemed calm: "I just want to make her happy."

Wang Keru said in his heart: But I think the one who is more happy is you, Xichen!

A mother would feel melancholy at this moment, she could still remember Anxi's appearance when she brought her back, but now she was pushed... When she raised her eyes to look at Bo Xichen, her eyes inevitably became more complicated.

Bo Xichen's face was slightly hot, and he said something in a low voice, after that, it depended on Wang Keru's attitude.

Wang Keru returned to her previous fighting strength, and raised her voice: "Of course Anxi is my daughter."

She patted the back of Bo Xichen's hand: "Don't worry, I won't let anyone have a chance to bully her."

Hehehe twice: "Not before, don't think about it now. We don't care if the Gu family in Beicheng is the palace. It's fine to mess around in your own family. My Anxi is very simple."

... (Here is the important point. In the future, Wang Keru will know whether her baby is innocent or not~~ I wrote these two chapters with vomiting blood. Are you happy?)

(End of this chapter)

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