Chapter 179

Speaking of this, it was considered a deal, and Bo Xichen also gave an explanation for his behavior last night.

As for Wang Keru, she has completely come out of the shadow of her imminent divorce now, Yazi, who has been revived with full blood, is ready to fight!

When it was almost noon, Bo Xichen directly invited Wang Keru to Siyuan to have a meal together.

Wang Keru was also worried about her daughter, so she readily agreed.

She was very satisfied with Bo Xichen. She was handsome, well-mannered and well-mannered. Although she had spoiled her family's cabbage, she took good care of her face and face.

Thinking about Qin Siyuan, Wang Keru secretly thought, sure enough, all the good ones are coming later.

It was almost noon when Bo Xichen brought Wang Keru back to Siyuan.As soon as the car stopped, all the servants in Siyuan, big and small, stood in a row, bending at 90 degrees: "Hello, madam."

Wang Keru was also from a wealthy family, but he was a little confused in the face of the black crowd of hundreds of people. What servant Ruyun said was this kind of pomp!

Of course, a decent person like her would not lose her face and lose her daughter's face. She brushed her hair to reveal the big pigeon eggs on her hands, and smiled reservedly, "You don't need to be so polite."

"Of course it must be like this." Mother Bo arrived like a spring breeze, holding Wang Keru's arm and said affectionately: "From now on, this will be your home. You can order these people around as you like, and let Xichen discipline them if they are not thoughtful. Xichen disciplines people very well." There is a way, these people are controlled very submissively."

Wang Keru: Then, did her family, Gu Anxi, also get subdued by Bo Xichen?

But thinking about her daughter being surrounded by such a powerful man, she became proud again. Looking at the scene of hundreds of people, Wang Keru felt that after living for decades, she finally found the meaning of life!

This is the rich!

This is the nobility!

The Qin family is a fool!

Here, Mother Bo gave Bo Xichen a wink while being intimate with her in-laws, and said in a low voice, "What's wrong with you? It's almost noon and Anxi still hasn't woken up!"

Bo Xichen's face was slightly hot, and he said solemnly, "I will pay attention to it in the future."

Mother Bo pinched him lightly: "I'll settle the score with you later."

He hummed softly again: "It's not easy or heavy."

Whatever she said, Bo Xichen would accept it and respect and love his elders very much.

Wang Keru was even more satisfied when she saw it in her eyes. Her daughter really has a good eye for men.

Look at this house as big as a palace, look at this cloud of servants, look at her family, Xichen, who is even more beautiful than a star and has an excellent character...

Wang Keru was very satisfied.

Bo's mother took her to the guest house to drink tea again, and then inadvertently downplayed her son's various excellences, so that Wang Keru, the mother-in-law, can also love her son. (As for the daughter, leave it to her to love~)

The more Wang Keru listened, the more passionate he became. He really felt that his life had reached its peak. As for whether he would divorce Qin Han or not, that was not a matter.


With his mother's help, Bo Xichen had to escape.

Back in the orchid room, sure enough, Gu Anxi hadn't woken up yet.

The body is huddled under the quilt, only a strand of black hair is exposed in the pillow——

Standing by the door, Bo Xichen couldn't help but think of those steamy murmurs and his own coaxing, his face was slightly hot...

Walking over, bent down and gently pulled the quilt, revealing a corner: "Get up."

Gu Anxi buried her face in the pillow...but a few seconds later she opened her eyes and met Bo Xichen's.

He smiled, "It's almost noon, your mother is coming over for dinner, do you want to get up?"

Gu Anxi sat up all of a sudden, scratching her hair, "Is my mother here?"


(Pinch your fingers and count, something big happened~~Please ask for a ticket~~)

 Recommended text "My Mr. Mu is fried"~ Author: Dai Mier~~It looks good~~


(End of this chapter)

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