Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 183 Dad is not here, the Gu family still has me

Chapter 183 Dad is not here, the Gu family still has me

There happened to be two cars at Qingcheng Airport, Feng Mian drove one back to the laboratory building of the hospital, and Bo Xichen took Gu Anxi and Wang Keru directly to the Gu family's villa.

Things are different and people are different.

The moment Wang Ke got out of the car, his lips trembled and he almost dared not go in.

"Anxi, I still won't go in, I... I'm sorry for your father." Wang Keru said in a daze.

Gu Anxi put his arms around her shoulders, "Didn't you say that, my mother will always be the enviable Mrs. Gu."

Her voice was lower: "Dad is not here, the Gu family still has me."

Wang Keru didn't know what to say, her nose was sour.

Gu Anxi changed her brisk tone: "I know what my mother likes best, go in and have a look."

Wang Keru was a little uncertain about the situation, and was pushed in by Gu Anxi——

When I went in and took a look, I was stunned. Two rows of servants stood in unison, "Hello, madam."

Although this ostentation is not comparable to that of the Bo family, it is not inferior to the previous Gu family. Wang Keru covered her lips, not knowing what to say...

She never knew that Anxi knew her so well... her little vanity.

She covered her lips and shook her head: "Anxi, mom doesn't care about these things. Really, I can wash clothes by myself, and I can also buy vegetables and cook. I can do everything by myself. These... cost money."

Gu Anxi smiled slightly.

At this time, a very energetic voice sounded: "Speak softly, can you wash your clothes, can you cook meals, and a trip to the vegetable market will probably kill you."

This sour voice came from Grandma Chen.

Grandma Chen had been here two days earlier, seeing Wang Keru at this time, she couldn't help saying something to her, who told her to treat Anxi badly before!snort!

Gu Anxi smoothed things over, "Grandma Chen can teach mom to do it!"

Grandma Chen hummed again: "Some people are just stupid, maybe they can't teach them."

"Grandma Chen~~" Naixi went online.

Grandma Chen couldn't bear her like this the most, and said angrily: "Okay, I know that you only have your mother in your heart, so where should I go?"

The old man sighed again in his heart, after all, Wang Keru raised him. Even though he never kissed him, he was called his mother for many years. Besides, although Anxi always quarreled after he came back, he was much better than the one in Beicheng. How cruel!

Grandma Chen sneered as she thought about it.

Looking at Grandma Chen's gritted teeth, Wang Keru asked cautiously, "Grandma Chen, are you hiding some little secret like Anxi?"

"What's the secret?" Grandma Chen wanted to explode, "I haven't found any old man in all these years."

As he said that, he took two servants to buy vegetables majesticly. Wang Keru was so angry that he turned around and complained: "Anxi, look at Grandma Chen who dares to contradict me now."

Gu Anxi smiled: "I see that Grandma Chen really likes you."

Wang Keru yelled in a low voice: "How can there be!"

Gu Anxi coaxed a few words, then gave the group of servants a wink, and then Wang Keru was surrounded by servants, so naturally he had no time to think about other things...

After Gu Anxi finished his work, he turned around, and Bo Xichen leaned against the car, the picture was very pleasing to the eye.

Gu Anxi walked over, "Do you want to stay for dinner?"

He lowered his head: "And then?"

She groaned, "What then?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was lightly pressed on the car door by a certain professor...


(Good night duck~~Please ask for tickets~~ Babies can watch it early in the morning!!)

(End of this chapter)

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