Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 184 Uncle, This Is My Reward For You

Chapter 184 Uncle, This Is My Reward For You

Bo Xichen clung to her ear with a provocative voice: "Will you follow me back tonight, huh?"

Gu Anxi's face was a little hot, and she looked away unnaturally: "I have to accompany my mother, she needs me."

"There is Grandma Chen." He murmured, his low voice becoming more alluring, "Gu Anxi, I need you too."

Gu Anxi's face was unbelievably hot, Qiqi Aiai said: "You have Fengmian!"

Certain images flashed through Dr. Bo's mind, and for an instant... He chuckled and let go of her, but he didn't force it.

Gu Anxi secretly saw that he was not angry, probably because he was too tolerant and easy to talk, she reached out and hugged him, "Uncle, this is my reward for you."

Bo Xichen lowered his head and smiled: "Gu Anxi, I want more rewards than these."

"You say." She was not defensive at all.

He only said a few words, and Gu Anxi buried his face even deeper, "You are not allowed to say it."

Bo Xichen touched her little head: "I'm teasing you! I have something to do in a while, so I will spend time with Grandma Chen and your mother at night. The three of you haven't been together for a long time. I'll pick you up to school tomorrow morning, huh?"

After Gu Anxi let out a sigh: "Will it be too hard?"

"Then I live here?" Bo Xichen smiled.

Gu Anxi thought of the scene in Lan Shi, and immediately refused, "No need, no need!"

Bo Xichen opened the car door and got in the car, and when starting the car, he lowered the window: "Come here."

She hurried over to lean on the window of the car, and Bo Xichen's head leaned quite close. She thought he was going to kiss her, but he just asked softly, "Does it still hurt?"

Gu Anxi: ...

She took a step back, her face was so hot.

At this moment, Wang Keru ran over after finishing the housework, "Xi Chen wants to leave, why don't you go back after a light meal?"

Out of respect for his elders, Bo Xichen got out of the car, his slender and handsome appearance was particularly eye-catching in the twilight, he and Wang Keru said a few more words before leaving.

Wang Keru looked at the more than 2000 million car, and pinched his arm fiercely, "I'm not dreaming, am I?"

Gu Anxi lowered her eyes and said softly, "Mom, this is just the beginning."

Wang Keru lifted his spirits, "Yes, it's just the beginning."

She took her daughter back, picked a private place, and told all the things she knew Qin Han did, hoping to help Anxi.

Gu Anxi hoped that she would be happy, just be a good Mrs. Gu, and leave everything to her.

Wang Keru looked at her youngest daughter, always feeling a little unreal, why did this child become so powerful all of a sudden?Before, she still had the idea of ​​washing dishes and picking vegetables to support Anxi, but now she is too embarrassed to say it.

When eating at night, the Qin family must be mentioned.

Grandma Chen said very old-fashionedly: "Just those few idiots, I can only grow up in Qingcheng!"

Said, put down the bowls and chopsticks, looked at Wang Keru: "I will accompany you in the future, Anxi, don't occupy me, let the young couple get along well."

Wang Keru is terribly innocent: Where is she occupying?Also, what the hell is Grandma Chen doing with her?

——Grandma Chen was hospitalized once, did Xi Chen change her guts?

As she thought carefully, Grandma Chen glanced at her old and spicy eyes, "Do you have any objections?"

Wang Keru ate an extra bowl of rice: "How dare I have a problem with you!"

The other way around, she has no place in this family.

Grandma Chen stopped talking and continued to eat...

 Put a chapter in advance, surprise in the afternoon?????????????



(End of this chapter)

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