Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 186 Ms. Qin, I am a lawyer, not a cabbage seller

Chapter 186 Ms. Qin, I am a lawyer, not a cabbage seller

on Tuesday.

For the Qin family, there are a lot of things to worry about recently.

Qin Han's divorce lawsuit.

Gu Anxi declared war on Qin Siyuan's position as president of the Student Union.

The acquisition of Bishui Yuntian is also on the agenda.

Qin Han was very busy, and his face was very haggard, far less energetic than before.

Qin Silan followed back to Qingcheng because she wanted to use her identity to help the Qin family, and she had to contribute to the divorce and acquisition.

Putting a cup of coffee in front of Qin Han, Qin Silan sat down: "Dad, I found out that Lawyer Feng is in a certain business building this afternoon, and I will stop him in a while. Don't worry."

Qin Han sat smoking and said after a while: "I really liked your aunt when I was young, but I didn't expect it to be like this after just over a year of marriage. Maybe it's because my small temple can't accommodate her big Buddha."

Qin Silan saw that he was a little reluctant, so she quickly gave him a booster shot: "Dad, don't be soft-hearted, have you forgotten how she humiliated you at the airport?"

"Be kind and soft?" Qin Han smiled politely, but with a bit of hostility: "Si Lan, if the surname Bo has played enough and doesn't marry Anxi, the Gu family will fall into my hands sooner or later."

Qin Silan coaxed him: "Yes, yes, at that time, Auntie let you pinch and flatten, and asked Anxi to be Siyuan's third child. Didn't Siyuan always like her? It just so happened that Wanqing was useless, and it was done." There is nothing wrong with Siyuan."

Qin Han did not object.

After a while, Qin Silan looked at his watch: "It's getting late, I'm going to see that lawyer Feng."

Qin Han nodded: "We must invite Lawyer Feng over."


Hefeng Business Building.

Feng Mian was about to leave after talking about the matter, when she saw Qin Silan greet her: "Are you Lawyer Feng?"

Feng Mian stood still, "Miss Qin, I remember I rejected your case."

Qin Silan took off her sunglasses, and stepped forward, "Do you want to reject the wealthy lawyer?"

Feng Mian was very interested: "How much does this overwhelming wealth mean...?"

Qin Silan spit out a sentence softly: "1000 million, let the other party leave the house."

Feng Mian just smiled, "It sounds's not cost-effective. Miss Qin, you are the first one who dares to make such a request with me. In the past, rich people who wanted to divorce would take their property if they wanted the other party to leave the house Come over with the list and give me a ratio."

Qin Silan said confidently: "As long as Lawyer Feng can say it, we can also mention it."

Feng Mian smiled, and took a piece of information from the folder, "For example, if this rich man in North City wants to divorce his wife, if he follows the normal procedure, his wife will probably take half of his net worth."

Qin Silan asked unconsciously: "How much is half of the net worth? More than one billion?"

Feng Mian shook her head: "More than 400 billion, this is not a big case, it's just ordinary... The commission of this case is one billion."

Hehe, just kidding, 1000 million yuan dares to tell the first lawyer in Beicheng that he is rich and rich?Didn't he see money when he was in Fengmian?

The pocket money that Bo Shao gave the children in their family was more than this amount! ! !

Thinking of this, Feng Mian gritted his teeth again, but with a gentle and polite smile on his face, he watched Qin Silan's face change instantly.

Qin Silan was really confused, and then said unnaturally: "The price is negotiable."

Feng Mian looked at her patiently, and smiled: "Miss Qin, I am a lawyer, not a cabbage seller in the vegetable market. It is impossible for me to sue the Qin family for leaving the house with such assets."

(End of this chapter)

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