Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 187 1 words

Chapter 187 Marrying Everyone Is the Same1400 words

Qin Silan was furious: what is the Qin family's assets?

Feng Mian smiled again: "Besides, I can't miss the time. I took another case, so Miss Qin is sorry."

Qin Silan gritted her teeth: "May I ask what case Lawyer Feng took?"

"Business secrets! But it can be revealed that it is also a divorce case. A profiteer wants to divorce his wife and let him go out of the house. I picked up the woman." Feng Mian smiled: "Out of favor, I called for free."

Upon hearing this, Qin Silan leaned closer, with a provocative voice in her voice: "Lawyer Feng, we can make an appointment to have a good talk."

Feng Mian glanced at her, understood, and then said quite seriously: "I don't have special relationships with clients, especially married women."

He said more seriously: "I like girls under the age of 22."

Qin Silan is so angry, she is willing to make a deal with him with her status, but he is not willing?

Therefore, Qin Silan became more reserved, and smiled faintly: "Lawyer Feng is not the only well-known divorce lawyer in Beicheng. Since Lawyer Feng doesn't want to pick me up, I don't force it. Everyone has his own ambition."

After speaking, he put on his sunglasses and left.

After getting in the car, Qin Silan called Qin Han to explain the situation.

Qin Han was worried, and Qin Silan comforted him: "Dad, don't worry, there are many powerful lawyers in Beicheng, and I will pay a lot of money to invite the second-ranked lawyer to come over."

She paused: "That one is also very powerful, as long as he doesn't confront Lawyer Feng, that one can handle it."

Qin Han was relieved, and Qin Silan went back to hold a group meeting with the old and young of the Qin family, and finally decided on the lawyer candidate, and came to Beicheng to collect the situation on a certain day.

Mr. Qin asked very old-fashionedly: "How is Wang Keru?"

"The weather is calm." Qin Han said quietly.

Mr. Qin sneered: "A woman, what big moves can she make? We can rest assured that Silan will handle affairs. Silan said that the lawyer is very powerful, so he must be extremely powerful."

Shen Wanqing was also there, and she asked in a low voice, "What if Wang Keru hired Lawyer Feng?"

"Absolutely impossible!" Qin Silan said confidently: "Lawyer Feng is very busy and takes on big cases, so there is no time to deal with Wang Keru's affairs, and besides, she doesn't have the contacts to know Lawyer Feng."

Shen Wanqing fell silent.

She is now in a state where she has no status at all in the Qin family and can't get in the way.Qin Siyuan also treated her a lot colder, he didn't... get close to her, and even got up to smoke in the middle of the night.

She knew that there was a photo of Gu Anxi in his mobile phone, and she always knew that Gu Anxi was all he was thinking of, but he didn't dare to admit it.

Shen Wanqing misses the days when Gu Anxi didn't come back. At that time, Qin Siyuan treated her very well, and the Qin family treated her very well...

At night, when Shen Wanqing woke up, Qin Siyuan was not by her side as usual.

She smelled a smell of cigarettes and knew that he was up to smoke again, so she put on a coat and went to the terrace, "Siyuan, why don't you sleep?"

Qin Siyuan tilted his head: "I can't sleep."

Shen Wanyan leaned against him and asked softly, "Do you not want me anymore?"

Qin Siyuan smoked a cigarette and was silent for a while: "We will get married after graduation."

No matter what kind of psychology they are with Shen Wanqing, they have come to this point, as a man, Qin Siyuan has to be responsible, even if he knows that old master Qin and Qin Han don't care about Shen Wanqing anymore.

Shen Wanqing pursed her lips and said cautiously: "Can we get engaged first?"

This is also humble!

Thinking about how much the Qin family cared and valued her so much on her 20th birthday, it's only been a short month, and things have changed.

Qin Siyuan smiled lightly: "If you want to get engaged, then get engaged."

If you can't be with the girl you like, then it's the same to marry anyone.

When he said this, Shen Wanqing let go of half of her heart, and leaned against him gently: "Siyuan, will Uncle Qin's lawsuit be won, will you, and your position in the school will be kept... we Everything will be fine, right…”

Qin Siyuan didn't make a sound, just smoked the cigarette in his hand silently, and said softly, "Sleep."


The next day, Wednesday.

Qingda conducted a mock exam, and like last time, the teachers of Qingda couldn't wait to approve the test papers on the same day.

Qin Siyuan ranked first in the whole grade in basic courses.

Gu Anxi ranked first in the whole grade in basic courses.

The whole school is boiling.

Last time, Gu Anxi was only ranked 28th in grade, this time he was directly ranked first in grade.

Look at the score again.

In the fourth grade, the total score of the five subjects was 620 points, and Qin Siyuan scored 608 points, which is already extremely good.

In the second grade, the total score of the five subjects was 620 points, and Gu Anxi scored 620 points, making him the top student among top students.

The whole school was boiling again, everyone was guessing how much Gu Anxi could score in the fourth grade test!


(Added 400 words, good night~~)

(End of this chapter)

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