Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 188 Professor Bo wants to cue to Gu Anxi

Chapter 188 Professor Bo wants to cue to Gu Anxi

In fact, up to now, Gu Anxi can completely run for the post of student council president. Who would not win this kind of talented player?

But the youth student union was surprisingly united, and agreed that Gu Anxi had to take the fourth-grade subjects like Qin Siyuan to count.

Chu Yan sneered: "What kind of rule is this? Are they enclosing themselves?"

After finishing speaking, he raised his eyebrows: "Wang Qin, why don't you reflect on this unreasonable phenomenon with your godfather Li Ju?"

Wang Qin whispered, "Anxi won't let me go."

Chu Yan looked at Gu Anxi: "Are you really going to take the fourth grade subject? You also need to take Qin Siyuan's department. He has taken two majors. Computer is not included, and there is another chemistry. Are you sure there is no problem?"

Gu Anxi lowered his eyes, "I will study hard day and night."

Chu Yan just looked at her, and said slowly: "Anxi, it seems that you are very motivated, hehe, you really like to study."

Gu Anxi groaned: "Because there is a reward."

Chu Yan's eyes were strange, and then she said more slowly: "This reward won't be related to Professor Bo, right?"

Gu Anxi: Chu Yan, you damn intuition!

Qingda is betting now, who will win in the end between Gu Anxi and Qin Siyuan——

Gu Anxi will have three opportunities to simulate the exam, the last one shall prevail.

What Shen Wanqing meant was to humiliate Gu Anxi round after round, to save the face she lost in Beicheng——

No one knows that her paintings sold for [-] yuan, but no one knows that Gu Anxi is Luo Lin, and Shen Wanqing certainly won't go around talking about it...

Tomorrow, Gu Anxi will take the fourth grade exam, and Shen Wanqing has already said that Gu Anxi will definitely fail.

Gu Anxi didn't care, because she was talking about rewards. The professor Bo who always gave her rewards came to the physiology class. I haven't seen her for a few days. The students in the second class of the American Department found that Professor Bo seemed more attractive, and I couldn't tell you the specifics. Come on, it's just... the feeling.

Bo Xichen didn't have handouts in class, so the students in Class Two liked to listen to them.

In fact, it doesn’t matter what you talk about. Professor Bo’s face is very good-looking. Not only the second class thinks it’s good, but students from other departments also come to the second class. There are only more than 100 seats in the big classroom, so it’s crowded More than 200 people were placed.

Gu Anxi picked a seat in the back row, and slept on his stomach like before——

Well, it's very comfortable to sleep listening to my uncle's voice.

Bo Xichen on the stage was angry and funny. Is she so sleepy? It's been two days and she hasn't had enough sleep?

While lecturing, he walked slowly towards Gu Anxi along the aisle, then stood beside her, and continued lecturing calmly.

All the students originally looked forward in unison.

At this time, the eyes of all the students were staring at their direction——

So excited, so looking forward to it.

Looking at Professor Bo's appearance, it seems that he is about to cue to Gu Anxi, Professor Bo's eyes are so gentle, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

Finally, Bo Xichen tapped Gu Anxi's head lightly: "Gu Anxi, answer the question."

Gu Anxi was in a drowsy sleep, so he held his hand casually, and lazily murmured: "Uncle~~"

The classroom is about to explode|explode!

God, it's so sweet!

But in the next second, the man called Uncle was about to blow up. He opened his eyes, looked at the pairs of interested eyes with a little creepiness, and then slowly met Bo Xichen's.

Professor Bo smiled slightly: "Student Gu, let me repeat the question again... After the advancement of medicine, there are several ways for human reproduction."

More than 200 people, quietly...

(End of this chapter)

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