Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 247 Gu Anxi, Always a Little Angel

Chapter 247 Gu Anxi, Always a Little Angel

Bo Xichen patted her: "Okay, don't rely on me, go to class."

She jumped out of the car and made a face at him.

Bo Xichen smiled and drove away.

Gu Anxi took a few steps, and a slightly hoarse voice came from behind: "Gu Anxi."

She turned her head and saw Qin Siyuan coming out of the car. He must have seen it just now.

Gu Anxi didn't take it seriously, she stood and watched him walk over.

Qin Siyuan lost a lot of weight, but his whole body became more and more calm. He walked up to her and said in a low voice, "In the future, I may seldom come to Qingda University. Gu Anxi, I heard that you are going to be an exchange student in Beicheng. Bo Xichen?"

Gu Anxi smiled lightly.She is about the same as the Qin family, and this matter has nothing to do with Qin Siyuan, she will not kill them all.

However, she didn't need to talk too much with Qin Siyuan, nodding, it was a tacit consent.

Qin Siyuan was stunned for a moment, then murmured: "It's fine, Gu Anxi, you're fine."

He stretched out his hand, as if wanting to touch her hair, but it landed in mid-air and couldn't fall down.

Finally, he withdrew his hand embarrassingly: "Take care."

He turned and left, but his back looked very bleak in the autumn.

Gu Anxi suddenly stopped him, "Qin Siyuan."

He stopped abruptly and turned around.

Gu Anxi kept it in his pocket, kicked the stones on the road, and said slowly: "I will participate in the Qingtian Motorcycle Race this Saturday. I am number [-]. There is a lot of betting in Beicheng."

Qin Siyuan still looked at her.

Gu Anxi's eyes drifted, and he coughed lightly: "Well, if you're okay, you can place a bet for fun... My skills are pretty good."

Qin Siyuan's pupils shrank suddenly, and his fingers clenched into fists.

He knew what Gu Anxi meant, if she asked him to buy her to win, she would definitely win.

Qin's finances are very difficult, and Gu Anxi knows it too!

For a moment, he didn't know what to say, so he only said thank you in a hoarse voice.

No matter how much, he is already ineligible.

Qin Siyuan went directly to the company after finishing his work at school. He opened an app, checked the betting amount, and almost bought the No. [-] Gu Mingzhu.

Going through the past records again, Gu Mingzhu has won almost all of them, No. [-] Gu Anxi also maintained a record of [-] wins, and lost to Gu Mingzhu in all [-] second places——

This kind of weird data made Qin Siyuan narrow his eyes.

The Qin family needs funds now, otherwise this cold winter will be difficult to survive.If you're desperate at this time——

He immediately asked the secretary to call the chief financial officer, "Go and check the available funds of the company, all available funds, I will use them today."

The chief financial officer was taken aback, and the company's situation only picked up a little bit. What's wrong with Mr. Qin?

Just about to speak, Qin Siyuan's voice was light: "Go right now."

The financial director didn't know why, but he went there immediately and came back to report: "There are more than 3000 million, that's all... Mr. Qin..."

"Transfer to my private account, I need it urgently." Qin Siyuan was extremely calm.

The supervisor was stunned.

Well, if there is a mistake, the whole Qin family will be finished!

Qin Siyuan looked at him: "I will bear the consequences with all my strength."

The supervisor nodded: "Okay, Mr. Qin."

When leaving, Qin Siyuan suddenly said: "You have to trust my judgment."

Half an hour later, more than 3000 million arrived in the account, and Qin Siyuan bought all of them for the No. [-] of the Qingtian competition!

After clicking confirm, he let out a long breath.

 Do everything possible, I don't know if I can get a ticket~~



(End of this chapter)

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