Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 248 Update me

Chapter 248 Update me

When Gu Anxi arrived in the second class of the American Department, he heard Chu Yan tell the shocking news: "Shen Wanqing and Qin Siyuan broke up, and they got married to a second generation."

Gu Anxi didn't think it was strange, it was strange that Shen Wanqing was willing to suffer together when the Qin family fell.

Chu Yan whispered again: "I heard from Wang Qin that the second generation was just for fun, and Shen Wanqing thought everyone was as kind as Qin Siyuan."

"How does Wang Qin know?" Gu Anxi wondered.

Chu Yan smiled: "Her godfather Li Ju told her that Li Ju is very kind to Wang Qin and thinks Wang Qin is his beckoning cat."

Gu Anxi thought of that ID happy baby, and thinking about it, Wang Qin is really doing well now.

It happened that there was no important class, so she took Chu Yan and Wang Qin to the library, and she happened to be able to serialize Dahui.

Just at the door, Shen Wanqing came.

Although she was well dressed, Shen Wanqing was obviously not as energetic as before, and when she saw Gu Anxi, she silently passed by.

Gu Anxi is not one to add insult to injury, he doesn't make things difficult, but he also ignores it.

After going to the library, Chu Yan exclaimed, "Is this the legendary place?"

Gu Anxi took out the notebook and opened it: "What legendary place?"

"It's...the place where you and Professor Bo are having fun!" Chu Yan smiled, "I'm not the only one who said this, it's spread in the whole school that you and Professor Bo are here for a while." one day."

Gu Anxi was speechless: "Is there?"

Chu Yan lay on the edge of the table, looked up and down Gu Anxi: "You and Professor Bo..."

As he said that, he pulled Gu Anxi's neckline unexpectedly, and then his gaze became straight——

"Damn it!" she murmured, "Gu Anxi, this is too hot! Professor Bo looks so gentle, he can't see it at all."

Wang Qin leaned on the sofa, admiring the cartoon of 'Miss Rabbit Without Long Joans', and then blushed, "I don't know which one is better, Professor Bo or Dahui!"

Gu Anxi was drinking water, and sprayed it out after a sip.

Wang Qin's imagination is really too rich.

Was life depressing in the past?

But Wang Qin didn't notice what was wrong with her, and continued to gossip: "Do you know that there is a 'big gray little fairy' who rewarded [-] million soft sister coins at once, not man coins, big gray loyal pink!"

Chu Yan wowed: "Then I will be healthy too."

Wang Qin sent her the link, and Chu Yan was fascinated as soon as she saw it, "Wow, it's so cute that blood runs down my face, it's so healthy."

While looking at it, he shouted: "Let's give a reward of [-] coins~~ Take a good look~~嘿嘿嘿~"

Wang Qin and Chu Yan looked at each other, "When will Da Hui eat meat~"

And disgusted that Gu Anxi was not with them. Gu Anxi sat alone at the desk, painting their big grays intently, "I'm busy."

Chu Yan and Wang Qin looked at each other, decided to ignore her, and buried their heads together.

About half an hour later, Wang Qin yelled: "Updated, updated..."

Chu Yan stared at the newly released 'Big Ash', drooling with Wang Qin.

"Ah, ah, I'm going to die!"

"Oh my god, it's still like this! Chu Yan, look at Dahui's tail, doesn't it look so good?"

"I'd like to live with a big bad wolf, what do I want a man for?"


(End of this chapter)

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